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Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by chrisg57685480
CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by James Moberg
Aaron Neff Hi Ashudeep, Very nice post! Couple comments: 1) format() is, thankfully, just a member function (not BIF) 2) precisionEvaluate() is also a numeric member function (useful for converting to java.math.BigDecimal) Ex: myVar1 = 10; myVar2 = myVar1.precision
:// Thanks!, -Aaron
7003891 CF-4207741 Language : DateTime Functions Incorrect Date Calculation When Using DateDiff() Problem Description: ColdFusion improperly calculates the difference between two dates if the date is before 1970. Steps to Reproduce: writeDump( dateDiff( 'd', '6/1/1420', '12/31/1967' ) ); Actual
7004065 CF-4207740 Language : DateTime Functions Incorrect Date Calculation When Using DateDiff() Problem Description: ColdFusion improperly calculates the difference between two dates if the date is before 1970. Steps to Reproduce: writeDump( dateDiff( 'd', '6/1/1420', '12/31/1967' ) ); Actual
functions work on java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer, coldfusion.runtime.CFDouble and java.math.BigDecimal - CF date member functions work on java.lang.String and coldfusion.runtime.OleDateTime Member functions must be type-casting, not type-specific, because: 1) CF is a loosely-typed language. Developers
[, second]]]]])//CF-3374275 added support for createDateTime(year) someVar.duplicate() someVar.monthAsString([locale]) someVar.val() {code} * - Related URL (see precisionEvaluate() above):
Comment on Fix the isValid('integer') function or Provide a Version that actually does work by External U.
math. None of this should break simply by upgrading from BIFs to member functions. userInput = createDateTime(2018,1,1,2,3,4) libs = [new UDFLibraryV1(), new UDFLibraryV2(), new UDFLibraryV3()] libs.each(function(lib) { try {writeOutput(lib.len(userInput))} catch(any e) {write