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Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion
Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in a query object in ColdFusion
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
2609897 CF-3748332 Adobe D. Added support for arrayEach() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() functions in CFCLIENT Supported member functions are: each, map, reduce arrayFilter and arraySort member function will not be supported as it conflicts with Javascript filter function (Comment
daniel fredericks More Modern CFML features More Modern features in ColdFuison, what are these features? Here are some and examples for each: CFScript QueryExecute Member Functions Elvis Operator Colusures Map Reduce Filter Each First Class Functions Safe Navigator CFScript: Seems like first
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Add Support for Map/Reduce/Filter/Each Functions for Query Objects by External U.
Comment on Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion by WolfShade
2610279 CF-3713323 Rupesh K. we have already added the support for each and filter for query. We are keeping this bug open for map and reduce functions for query.
2609884 CF-3752316 External U. Just noting that the list member functions not prefixed w/ 'list' are: changeDelims(), each(), filter(), map(), reduce(), sort(), valueCount() and valueCountNoCase(). Additionally, myList.filter() hasn't been implemented yet. (#CF-3755346)
2608475 CF-4085682 External U. At World Singles we've switched away from query results completely to arrays of structs and it's not only faster, it's much more convenient since you can then leverage all the normal map / filter / reduce stuff along with regular array and struct functions
2610058 CF-3735413 External U. Just noting that these list member functions were not prefixed w/ 'list': changeDelims(), each(), filter(), map(), reduce(), sort(), valueCount() and valueCountNoCase(). Please see #CF-3752316 for further discussion. Additionally, myList.filter() hasn't been
2609274 CF-3863003 Language : Functions On behalf of Adam cameron Map|reduce|sort methods on query objects Problem:Map|reduce|sort methods on query objects Method: Added support for each(), filter() (Bug: 3713323). Evaluate and add support for map(), reduce() methods on query objects as well
2609897 CF-3748332 Language Adam Cameron CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() SSIA. Needless to say it should also support the member-function version of these too. -- Adam ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2609460 CF-3845963 External U. Repro code (just uncomment each block and compare CF11.0 vs CF11HF3: function myFunction(){writeDump(ARGUMENTS); abort;}//abort triggers exception in member functions myList.listEach|listMap|listReduce|listFilter (but works fine in the built-in functions
, "|", true);*/ /*myList = "b||a||c"; myList.listEach(myFunction, "|", true);*/ /*myList = "b||a||c"; writeOutput(listMap(myList, myFunction, "|", true));*/ /*myList = "b||a||c"; writeOutput(myList.listMap(myFunction, "|", true));*/ /*myList = "b||a||c"; writeOutput(listReduce(myList, myFunction
2609884 CF-3752316 External U. I've verified all list member functions have been prefixed w/ 'list' in CF11 Update 3. myList.changeDelims() => myList.listChangeDelims() myList.each() => myList.listEach() => myList.listMap() myList.reduce() => myList.listReduce() myList.sort() => my
2609884 CF-3752316 External U. Wait, didn't you guys just make str[i] work? So strings look like arrays? Just like so many other languages that treat strings as arrays which are collections and therefore perfect candidates for each(), map(), filter(), and reduce(). Or maybe it was Railo that very
2609884 CF-3752316 Suchika S. map() changed to listMap() and reduce to listReduce(). tested and it works fine.
, reduce, filter methods need to be prefixed with "list", I need to be convinced. Please explain.
character arrays. ColdFusion should do this, and it should also add iteration functions which also treat a string like an array of characters, at least .each(), and probably .map(), but there's perhaps a use case for .sort(), .filter(), .reduce(), .some(), .every() too? Perhaps it should be on the basis
: ---------------------------------------------------------- listEach/myList.listEach(): {1=item,2=index,3=list} (bug b/c missing: delimiter and includeEmptyElements) listMap/myList.listMap(): {1=item,2=index,3=list,4=delimiter,5=includeEmptyElements} listReduce/myList.listReduce(): {1=initialValue,2=item,3=index,4=list,5=delimiter,6=includeEmptyElements} listFilter/myList.listFilter
2608510 CF-4073770 Vamseekrishna N. We will be adding map and reduce member functions on query object as part of #CF-3713323
2609884 CF-3752316 Suchika S. tested listfilter(),map(),reduce(). logged a bug for listfilter():CF-3817316
2609884 CF-3752316 Vamseekrishna N. Will make the change to map, reduce and each to have them prefixed with list
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by Adobe D.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
. Well, not as a method. It would be good to have an OO way of creating a query though, without falling back to queryNew(). Query.prepend(): adds rows (/another query) to the front of a query. Query.reduce(): should already have been implemented. Query.set(): possibly use .filter() and .insert
(isArray(queryRows) && queryRows.len() && isStruct(queryRows[1])) { //Begin determining query column names var queryColumns = queryRows.reduce(function(queryColumns, queryRow) { if(isStruct(queryRow)) { var possibleColumns = ARGUMENTS.queryRow.keyArray(); var newColumns = possibleColumns.filter(function
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by Adobe D.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by Adobe D.
Output(myIndex); }); writeOutput("");, myIndex, myArray) { writeOutput(myIndex); }); writeOutput(""); myArray.filter(function(myElement, myIndex, myArray) { writeOutput(myIndex); return true; }); writeOutput(""); myArray.reduce(function(myResult, myElement, myIndex, my
cfclient code assist for the following functions need to be updated: arrayEach, arraySort, arrayMap, arrayReduce and Member functions : each, sort, map, reduce.
Comment on Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on Map|reduce|sort methods on query objects by External U.
Output(myIndex); return true; }); writeOutput(""); myArray.reduce(function(myResult, myElement, myIndex, myArray) { writeOutput(myIndex); }); writeOutput(""); Actual Result: Inconsistent looping of sparse array. Expected Result: Consistent looping of sparse array. Suggestion: Match Lucee's behavior (i
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
2610279 CF-3713323 Awdhesh K. Added support for each and filter. Will evaluate and add support for map,reduce. A tracking bug:CF-3863003 logged for the same.
2610279 CF-3713323 Immanuel N. The scope of this bug is limited to inclusion of each() and filter() methods for query objects. Support for map, reduce and sort will be addressed in bug CF-3863003.
2610279 CF-3713323 Immanuel N. This fix addresses support for query.each() and query.filter(). map() and reduce() will be addressed as part of fix for bug #CF-3863003.
Comment on Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce by External U.
Comment on Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce by External U.
2610287 CF-3713043 External U. This needs to be reopened. map() is fixed (and presume reduce() is), but you've not been very meticulous here... you've not fixed each(). Repro: list = "|2|4|"; list.each(function(){ writeDump(arguments); }, "|", true); Compare the output of that to what it should
2609884 CF-3752316 External U. listMap(), listEach(), listFilter() etc also have not been fixed. I'm not gonna bother reporting other ones missing, but pls make sure to do a thorough job this time round ;-) -- Adam
2609884 CF-3752316 Rupesh K. delimiter is meaningful only for list and therefore there is no ambiguity on this. That is the reason the list methods dont need any separate qualification. list.changeDelims() is better than list.listChangeDelims() Same is the case for map, each and filter methods
Comment on Map|reduce|sort methods on query objects by External U.
Comment on Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce by External U.
Comment on Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce by Suchika S.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Bug 77253:(Watson Migration Closure)I have a CFC with the following function defined:
Please add more built-in closure functions: Array/Struct/List/QueryMap, Array/Struct/List/QueryReduce
2609123 CF-3926479 External U. Thanks Julia, I can confirm that commenting out the MobileDeviceDomInspectionFilter filter and filter-mappings in C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\web.xml then restarting the CF service solves the problem here. Given that we're not using any mobile
.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilter
2612368 CF-3517457 Paul N. The Application filter were not running when invoking the webservice method. It was used when we were creating the instance of the service class. So the mappings while executing ting the function. And if the functions threw error, the onError was not called. Moved
2613929 CF-3144695 Language Dominic Watson Create native functional style functions that make use of closures It would be great to see native functions for functional programming, such as Map and Reduce. I.e. native: ArrayFold() ArrayMap() StructFold() StructMap() Ben Nadel has a good post
853940087$funcONREQUEST.runFunction(D:\src\Projects\test.local\application.cfc:40) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(
2610279 CF-3713323 Language Adam Cameron Iterator methods on query objects have not been implemented There should be each(), filter(), map(), reduce() methods on query objects as well (as per arrays, structs, lists) -- Adam ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
.where() instead? Is there further scope for, Query.join(), Query.groupBy(), Query.orderBy() too? Query.reduceRight(): all collections should have this method. Same as .reduce(), but starts from the last element, not the first. Query.some(Function): returns true if a row in the query fulfills
4090354 CF-4201538 Language Bradley Wood expandPath in event gateways throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException Problem Description: The following code is erroring when being run from inside an event gateway. expandPath( appMapping ) The value of the appMapping variable is "cbroot". When I debug
2612467 CF-3506757 Paul N. The Application filter were not running when invoking the webservice method. It was used when we were creating the instance of the service class. So the mappings while executing ting the function. And if the functions threw error, the onError was not called. Moved
2598050 CF-3041800 ORM Support garry watkins Bug 83646:CF is not generating the correct hibernate xml file for orm components Problem: CF is not generating the correct hibernate xml file for orm components. Specifically, in many to one mappings where a column is specified. CF is using the PK
2610287 CF-3713043 Language Adam Cameron listMap() doesn't pass correct args to callback See: {quote} listMap() takes some other arguments I'm not using here: the list delimiter and a flag as to whether to respect empty list
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
Comment on CFClient does not support arrayEach() / arrayFilter() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() by External U.
.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke( coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke( coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain( coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( coldfusion
6125504 CF-4205059 Language : Member Functions [ANeff] Bug for: CF-3863003 hidden Issue: CF-3863003 hidden CF-3863003 was fixed in CF2016 Final but is hidden in the tracker. CF2016's description is: "Support map|reduce|sort methods on query objects" That should be visible in the tracker
(/Users/lmajano/Sites/cboxdev/coldbox-core-modules/cbox-cborm/models/BaseORMService.cfc:1002) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(
that the method exists, use the javacast function to reduce ambiguity. The error occurred in index.cfm: line 283Called from index.cfm: line 268Called from index.cfm: line 267-1 : Unable to display error's location in a CFML template.Resources: * Check the ColdFusion documentation to verify that you are using
4104790 CF-4201589 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, This needs fixed in Aether GM. As shown below, ListFilter()'s and ListMap()'s last 2 parameters are "delimiter,includeEmptyFields". So, ListSort()'s syntax must match and needs fixed. list1 = "b|a||c" list2 = list1.listFilter(function
coldfusion.runtime.RuntimeServiceImpl.mapVirtualToReal( coldfusion.runtime.RuntimeServiceImpl.getRealPath( coldfusion.filter.FusionContext.getRealPath( coldfusion
-e-g/getmetadata.html) states that the struct returned from getMetaData() contains, at the "functions" key, an "Array of metadata structures for the component’s functions.". When you dump it, it's shown as an array and labeled as such. But if you try to call member functions on the "array" (like .map() or .reduce
.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag( at cfusers2ecfc680444605$funcVALIDATEUSER.runFunction(C:\inetpub\wwwroot\THD\users.cfc:34) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke(
(C:\tools\coldbox\myapp\coldbox\system\core\util\Util.cfc:290) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.SilentFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(
2610289 CF-3713038 Language Adam Cameron listMap() doesn't work See: {quote} This function doesn't work, I'm afraid (or I'm doing something wrong which I cannot identify). We're not off to a good start here. Here's some
and remembered the setting in remoting-config.xml. At the very least create a new error message that takes note of the fact that this is a function of the remoting gateway and that it needs to be fixed thru the remoting-config.xml file. The error message that it can't find a CFC is just plain wrong from every
2673659 CF-4119107 Documentation Adam Cameron Docs for query iteration methods missing sections EG: (and same applies to map, each, sort, reduce) These pages are missing the category, history
$funcCREATEEVENTGATEWAYS.runFunction(c:\users\brian\documents\web\motorsportreg\Server.cfc:65) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.SilentFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter
2610290 CF-3713035 Language Adam Cameron arrayEach() (and listEach()) slightly broken in CF11 See In CF10 one did not NEED to specify the arguments in the callback definition for arrayEach(), this would be fine: {code
) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ReturnTypeFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(
.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator$DescendantEnumeration.advance( at net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator$ at net.sf.saxon.tree.util.Navigator$ at at net.sf.saxon.expr.FilterIterator.getNextMatchingItem(Filter
.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag( at cfreturn_process2ecfm248875279$func_CFFUNCCFTHREAD_CFRETURN_PROCESS2ECFM2488752795.runFunction(A:\inetpub\wwwroot\Clients\UNO4\wwwNew\backend\return\return_process.cfm:1129) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter
. We re-use the html view and in the case of PDF and wrap a around the output or in the case of excel simply prepend Excel specific MS styles and use to mime-type XLS. * This is aligned with the Adobe AIR strategy of extending web development skills to the desktop * You drastically reduce
tags to dynamically load their own dependences. This has the advantages of - Dramatically improving AJAX performance and user experience by reducing page load footprints - Decoupling client pages from ajax service pages - Removing a developer pain point (remembering to use cfajaximport) The proposed