displaying top 100 results
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 3, ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 10, and ColdFusion 11 Update 18 released by julien m
julien m Hello,
The checksum is not correct via https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/kb/coldfusion-11-updates.html
It's not the same as in
Tracker Issue Tracking bug for cfgrid issues reported by Japanese team
be kept even it is not default format. Note that this is fixed by the patch for 4113472.
2. the input format should be also y/m/d. On current version, input format should be English format like 'September, 2 2005 00:00:00' and it cannot be other format '2005/9/2'.
3. The data format sent to CF
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion 11, Update 12 breaks Flex remoting in some cases (not fixed in Update 13) by Laurence M.
3551265 CF-4199848 Laurence M. It'd be nice if Adobe fixed this bug, but see my comment for a possible work-around.
Tracker Comment Comment on getPageContext().getResponse().getContentType() throws UnsupportedOperationException by James M.
3540794 CF-4199825 James M. I'd like to see ColdFusion 2016 build 312568 released so that this bug can be resolved.
Comment on dateTimeFormat doesn't support the "m" format by Adobe D.
2613311 CF-3333862 External U. I see this is marked BugVerified/ToFix!!
I'm pumped!! =D =D
Tracker Issue Autosuggest with delimiter is broken.
, if I type "C" I get an auto complete for C. Not Camden, Raymond, just C.
If you view source, it is easy to seew why:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
2610707 CF-3684150 External U. Blimey... please do not do that. Humans think in numbers, not "special Adobe notation". Just leave it as numbers.
That and we've already got createTimespan() to convert from D,H,M,S values to the number this function would expect.
You might want to think about a
Tracker Issue Date Column not getting sorted in ColdFusion cfgrid 10
2845235 CF-4198334 Language : CF Component Girish Kattil Date Column not getting sorted in ColdFusion cfgrid 10 Problem Description: Hi, We have a cfgrid populated from a database with date columns which is having the property mask="M/d/y" and type="date" .When we sort these colums they are getting
Tracker Issue CF too liberal in what it will cast to a date
Bottom line: strings of format "n,m" where n and m are numeric and fall within the range of month numbers or date-of-month numbers (including 0 in this case) are cast to dates, which is inappropriate. In no situation is "d,m" or "m,d" considered a date
Tracker Comment Comment on sameformfieldsasarray appears to be on by default when using Application.cfm on Linux / x64 by Adobe D.
2613584 CF-3214734 Adobe D. I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you mail the source files to sagarg@adobe.com
(Comment added from ex-user id:sagarg)
Comment on dateTimeFormat doesn't support the "m" format by Adobe D.
Tracker Comment Comment on Struct Literal and semicolons by Adobe D.
2596993 CF-3201059 Adobe D. I'm able to reproduce this on CF 9.01, but not on CF 10. Can you please try this on CF 10 and see if it works for you.
(Comment added from ex-user id:sagarg)
2613629 CF-3198173 Adobe D. I'm not able to reproduce this. Here's the same code:
Can you check this again?
(Comment added from ex-user id:sagarg)
in cfschedule's exclude attribute. Suggested formats:
1) m, d, h, m, s)#"
6259329 CF-4205250 Dave D. Is the fix only good for update 12? I'm still waiting for them to send it to me. I'm on update 12 and getting the same error as you.
with strings (and not ints or dates), regardless of the data types of the cells of the spreadsheet being read. The strings that are put in the query are the formatted values of the cells (i.e. as they would appear to the user in Excel). E.g. if a date is formatted as "Y: yyyy M: mm D:dd" in Excel
Tracker Comment Comment on CFCHART output messed up by Dattanand M.
3088014 CF-4198657 Dattanand M. @Robin the 3D effect in CF11 and CF2016 are different form CF10 as we have moved our charting engine from webcharts to ZingCharts. That is how ZingCharts are displaying the 3D charts.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76175:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: upgrade CF's regex engine by External U.
2601404 CF-3037998 External U. I'd call you a genius, except I'm in the room. I'm the Doctor, I can save the world with a kettle and some string!
4081253 CF-4201527 Language : DateTime Functions Jack Drysdale Jr Can't add 2 hours to a date object created with CreatDate() Problem Description: I cannot add two hours to a date object created with CreateDate(y,m,d). I can add one hour, I can add three hours, I can add four hours, but two hours
Tracker Comment Comment on The Hotfix Installer should offer the option to "Restart ColdFusion after install?" - Yes/No by John D.
6798777 CF-4207163 John D. I should have clarified that I'm running the hotfix update jar at the command line with CF services stopped.
to a file.
SpreadsheetGetCellValue always returns a formatted string, and on a cell that has a regional date format it also applies the short US date format of "m/d/yy". Hence such a cell may appear to have only 2-digits of year, but internally in a spreadsheet object it is still stored as a numeric
wrote a d0467dd914909f00bf" rel="nofollow">UDF that allows formatting to be defined for each column.)3. Export as CSV (using quoted “m/d/yyyy” and “m/d/yyyy h:mm tt” syntax) then convert using command line w/
wrote a d0467dd914909f00bf" rel="nofollow">UDF that allows formatting to be defined for each column.)
Export as CSV (using quoted "m/d/yyyy" and "m/d/yyyy h:mm tt" syntax) then convert using command line w/
>(I wrote a d0467dd914909f00bf" rel="nofollow">UDF that allows formatting to be defined for each column.)
Export as CSV (using quoted "m/d/yyyy" and "m/d/yyyy h:mm tt" syntax) then convert using command line w/
Tracker Comment Comment on some onmisfire values have underscores by External U.
2613916 CF-3148691 External U. If this is deferred, can the underscores still be removed later?
So fire_now and firenow would both be valid later?
I'm fine w/ that. Just thought I'd ask.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: scheduler to create _instances_ of handler by External U.
2609370 CF-3852672 External U. I'm running into the same/similar issues as Aaron has noted... I'd definitely appreciate some more documentation, as well! :D
Tracker Comment Comment on ArrayFindAllNoCase by Adobe D.
2613560 CF-3228672 Adobe D. I'm not able to reproduce this. Here's the code:
array = ["orange","banana","apple","orange","orange"];
indices = arrayFindAll(array,function(ele) { if(ele == "orange") return true; return false;});
Can you let me know the specific case
Tracker Comment Comment on File include via CFSCRIPT "include" or CFINCLUDE generates an error if path includes extra "/" marks. by Adobe D.
2614214 CF-3125367 Adobe D. I'm not able to reproduce this. Can you ensure that the template is present in the specified directory. Here are cases I tried:
include "/cfsuite//testinclude.cfm";
include "/cfsuite///testinclude.cfm";
include "/cfsuite////testinclude.cfm";
If you are able to reproduce
Tracker Comment Comment on File include via CFSCRIPT "include" or CFINCLUDE generates an error if path includes extra "/" marks. by Adobe D.
2614214 CF-3125367 Adobe D. I'm still not able to reproduce this. Can you place the themes directory under the webroot and then try. Please send the directory containing the test files.
(Comment added from ex-user id:sagarg)
6277325 CF-4205342 Jack D. Just curious as to the timeline on fixing this. I'm trying to write a process that will check the status of a collection, and if it's being indexed, will not index; otherwise it will.
3089446 CF-4198662 Dattanand M. We have updated our doc --> [https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-c-d/DateDiff.html]
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by Aaron Neff
Aaron Neff Hi Rakshith,
w00t!! I'm very glad to see another Public Beta =D
2598147 CF-3041688 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting m d Bug 83411:if you use application scope variables inside the getters and setters of a value object the blazeds gateway throws an error application$someKey$ in undefined se example value object if you make a sim Problem:
if you use application scope
Tracker Issue Bug 82014:'ve built a Flex application which is calling coldfusion CFC through remote objects in order to retrieve data
2598818 CF-3040907 Flex/Flash : Flex remoting m d Bug 82014:'ve built a Flex application which is calling coldfusion CFC through remote objects in order to retrieve data Problem:
've built a Flex application which is calling coldfusion CFC through remote objects in order to retrieve data. 2 days
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 74193:I'd love to see access to the hibernate interceptor by External U.
2602280 CF-3037031 External U. I'm using interceptors with Hibernate today to manage created / modified timestamps on objects so I'd love to see this exposed to a CFC with onXyz() handler methods!
Tracker Comment Comment on sameformfieldsasarray appears to be on by default when using Application.cfm on Linux / x64 by Adobe D.
2613584 CF-3214734 Adobe D. I'm not able to reproduce this on Ubuntu or Redhat Linux (both 64 bit). I'm using the same code as mentioned in the bug i.e.
Do you have Application.cfc file in the same directory which has the setting same
Tracker Comment Comment on modulus in QoQ by Jack D.
3612573 CF-4200041 Jack D. I know it's only been five months since I submitted this bug, but I'm curious if this is even going to be considered and addressed for CF10+ in the form of an update.
Tracker Comment Comment on cacheRemove and IDs with commas by External U.
2613483 CF-3308176 External U. I got an email that this was updated but I'm not sure what changed. if it was closed, I'd like to know why. This is still broken.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: undocumented DateFormat() masks
4176792 CF-4201870 Documentation [ANeff] Bug for: undocumented DateFormat() masks Issue: some DateFormat() masks are undocumented
myDateTime = createDateTime(2016,1,3,12,34,56);
commonMasks = ["d", "dd", "m", "mm", "mmm", "mmmm", "w", "W", "yy", "yyyy", "YYYY", "short", "medium
Tracker Comment Comment on isvalid("variableName") incorrectly validates strings with leading/trailing spaces or ending period by James M.
2611312 CF-3631104 James M. There are other issues with isValid() when it comes to trailing spaces in the value being evaluated. I'm not sure if this needs to be a new bug as it's the same "trim" isValid() issue affecting other evaluation types.
IsBoolean() returning true for "123D ", but false
2608343 CF-4118297 External U. Hi Adam,
But the System Info page says "Version: 2016.0.0.297996". I'm not seeing 12 anywhere..
Interestingly, CFB's Product Details says "Version: 3.1.0".
So.. I'm confused now. I thought they said they'd changed the name AND version to 2016 for both products
2609142 CF-3923052 External U. +1!!!!!!!!!!! I'm always creating and deploying .car files. If I could script all that, that'd be awesome!
Comment on "WebCharts3D Invalid License" randomly appears by Dattanand M.
Diderot, Esquire robbm91839661 - I much prefer the scripting syntax as well but I couldn't care less what they do regarding the tag syntax. I'd also like to point out that I'm certain there are people that still use the tag based
2610896 CF-3671438 Web Services m d Pressing Clear template cache in the coldfusion administrator breaks webservice call Problem Description: Pressing Clear template cache in the coldfusion administrator breaks webservice call
Steps to Reproduce: use soap ui to call a webservice method which
Tracker Issue webservice gives java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in coldfusion/xml/rpc/SkeletonClassLoade after a period of inactivity
2610903 CF-3671365 Web Services : General m d webservice gives java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in coldfusion/xml/rpc/SkeletonClassLoade after a period of inactivity Problem Description: webservice gives java.lang.ClassNotFoundException in coldfusion/xml/rpc/SkeletonClassLoade after a period
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: millisecond() and createDateTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond)
myVar = dateAdd("l", 6, myVar);//ER: createDateTime(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,millisecond)
writeOutput(dateTimeFormat(myVar, "yyyy-m-d H:n:s:l") & '');//milliseconds supported here, good
writeOutput(year(myVar) & '-' & month(myVar) & '-' & day(myVar) & ' ' & hour
Tracker Issue Installer text unclear text
say no, it kind of looks like I’m saying no to the API M as well. I’d rewrite it as:
"Do you want to install ColdFusion as well?"
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4126633
External Customer Info:
External Company: Broadchoice
2962266 CF-4198446 David S. Do we know if the issue still exists in CF 2016? If I can fix the issue by upgrading from CF 11 to CF 2016, I'm willing to do that, but I'd like to be certain it works before making that investment.
Tracker Comment Comment on CF Builder : Remote servers added are not retained on the restart of CFBuilder by extuser
2682673 CFB-3768717 extuser I had reported this one. I use a virtual development machine so this "remote" server being saved is very important to me.
I'm still doing this everyday guys. I'd even accept a script workaround! I import from RDS and that helps but I still have to input
3185843 CF-4198855 Chris D. Is this issue actually fixed in HF5? I'm encountering a similar issue with CF2016 HF5 while using MySQL and Oracle datasources, see post at: https://forums.adobe.com/message/10044289#10044289
2609116 CF-3928030 External U. Hi Ray,
I just saw your blog post. I agree startdate & starttime should be optional. I see, from your blog post, that you'd prefer startdate to default to tomorrow. I'd prefer it to default to today, but really I'm fine either way.
Tracker Issue CFCLIENT: dateFormat : format does not work when used without any delimited in between
: gg, h, m, s, y
When we use some delimiter like comma, space, colon etc it works fine e.g.
#dateFormat(d, "20 d")#
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3739355
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name
Tracker Comment Comment on Built-in functions as "first class" glitch in function return values by Aaron N.
2609895 CF-3749301 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
The "+1 ......................" is my vote, which I'm unable to edit for whatever reason. I'd like to elaborate:
This needs fixed for *ALL* built-in functions. CF-4202219 needs re-opened/fixed.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: undocumented DateTimeFormat() masks
4177044 CF-4201871 Documentation [ANeff] Bug for: undocumented DateTimeFormat() masks Issue: some DateTimeFormat() masks are undocumented
myDateTime = createDateTime(2016,1,3,12,34,56);
commonMasks = ["d", "dd", "m", "mm", "mmm", "mmmm", "w", "W", "yy", "yyyy", "YYYY", "short
Tracker Comment Comment on CLI by External U.
2611068 CF-3646258 External U. I'm for this, but unlike CF5, do not make it print out the headers. Just the raw output is fine. If my CFM output the time of day for example, that's all I'd expect to see in STDOUT.
Comment on Bug 80187:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: add support for controlling chart animationWebCharts3d has a setting "morph" which one an use to turn off the stupid "columns growing" thing does by default by Dattanand M.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: array dump header should display (unsynchronized) and ({dataType}) by Aaron N.
4261839 CF-4202198 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
Why can't 'type' & 'dataType' info be shown in array dump? Why only 'dataType'?
It's just -debugging- info. If I'm dumping out an array, and it's unsynchronized, then I'd like know that when looking at the dump.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfcompile sourceless deployment: typename of isInstanceOf must be case sensitive by External U.
2609340 CF-3857705 External U. see UPDATE_intrfc_test.zip.
I'm on CF 10 update 14.
C:\ColdFusion10\labs\bin>cfcompile -deploy D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test_bin
successful 4
total 4
elapsed 1.869 sec
Then I copy content of \intrfc
Tracker Issue Bug 83421:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: Lack of uniformity in support for date parts
to the second (default)
n : Precise to the minute
h : Precise to the hour
d : Precise to the day
m : Precise to the month
yyyy : Precise to the year
yyyy: Years
q: Quarters
m: Months
y: Days of year (same as d)
d: Days
w: Weekdays (same as ww
Tracker Comment Comment on CreateDateTime() has an aversion to using '11' for the day part by Jack D.
4081263 CF-4201528 Jack D. This can be deleted. I know, now, that the issue is because of DST. The date/time that I'm trying to acquire doesn't exist (2am 11 MAR 2018 is when the clocks jump ahead one hour, so 2am doesn't exist - it becomes 3am.)
4081253 CF-4201527 Jack D. This can be deleted. I know, now, that the issue is because of DST. The date/time that I'm trying to acquire doesn't exist (2am 11 MAR 2018 is when the clocks jump ahead one hour, so 2am doesn't exist - it becomes 3am.)
2612864 CF-3377581 External U. Akhila, I have no reason to doubt you, but could you please point me to the spec wherein it says empty namespaces are illegal? I'm guessing you have it there in front of you, and it'd just save me time trying to find it to verify what you say.
Tracker Comment Comment on Sporadic StackOverflowError involving coldfusion.security.BasicPolicy since CF2016HF12 by Chris D.
6439313 CF-4205821 Chris D. Just an update. Priyank sent me a new hotfix (hf201600-4205821.jar) a couple weeks ago and after applying it, I'm no longer seeing stack overflow issues with any of my servers. :)
Tracker Comment Comment on cftextarea showing different behavior in Internet Explorer 10 by Adobe D.
2611772 CF-3593569 Adobe D. Able to repro the issue in IE 11. Attached the screenshot of IE 11 result.
Working with Firefox (v28) and Chrome (Version 34.0.1847.116 m). These versions are the latest till date.
(Comment added from ex-user id:vijaiswa)
Portal Comment Comment on CFFiddle- Code, test, and share your ColdFusion code on the go! by James Moberg
James Moberg I'd like to be able to use CFFiddle to share code samples. (I'm currently using TryCF.com)
When will non-social media account logins be available? I would highly prefer to never use Facebook or Twitter or any other third-party when logging in. ETA?
Tracker Issue Probable bug: sorted struct callback arguments
2673322 CF-4126739 Language Adam Cameron Probable bug: sorted struct callback arguments I’m just after clarification of this code:
sorted = structNew("sorted", function(key1,key2){
sorted.first = 2;
Note I’m aborting in the callback loop. I’d expect key1
Tracker Comment Comment on CFDump Loss of Formatting by Paul M.
Comment on CFDump Loss of Formatting by Paul M.
Tracker Comment Comment on DateConvert Function seems corrupt. by Dattanand M.
4486139 CF-4202965 Dattanand M. Hi Michael,
We tried with the code you had shared in the forum, only difference is I have assigned date1 =CreateODBCDateTime(CreateDateTime(DatePart("yyyy",thisDate),DatePart("m",thisDate),DatePart("d",thisDate),15,12,0) just to repro with the exact time you had
Tracker Comment Comment on The ability to define a subscope (structure) for instance variables created via cfproperty by External U.
2613236 CF-3337574 External U. +1, I'd previously filed #CF-3130900 w/ input from Adam. It was for a m liking the Application.cfc-level THIS.accessorScope &
Tracker Comment Comment on It would be nice if a CFMail inside a Transaction wouldn't send until the transaction is complete by External U.
of arbitrary code, I'd be all for it.
I'd also be all for "success" handlers on a (which would solve this sort of issue).
But I'm not behind the feature request as described here at all.
Tracker Issue dateTimeFormat doesn't support the "m" format
dateTimeFormat doesn't support the "m" format
2609471 CF-3844976 External U. Oh, and which version was this fixed in? I'm running 11,0,05,293506 and this code:
st = {};
Results in "YES", when it should result in {foo="bar"}
I'd say... no, it's not fixed.
Tracker Comment Comment on HTML security header "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" breaks various '.gif' icons in CF admin w/ IE11 by Chris D.
3809137 CF-4200425 Chris D. Hi Preethi,
Coldfusion 2016 Update 5. Also see it in our CF 11 Update 13 we're migrating away from.
Yes, I'm using the connector for IIS in a dedicated site for CF Admin (had issues with Error Handler mappings not working with builtin webserver) but locked down
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: undocumented TimeFormat() masks
4177046 CF-4201872 Documentation [ANeff] Bug for: undocumented TimeFormat() masks Issue: some TimeFormat() masks are undocumented
myDateTime = createDateTime(2016,1,3,12,34,56);
commonMasks = ["d", "dd", "m", "mm", "mmm", "mmmm", "w", "W", "yy", "yyyy", "YYYY", "short", "medium
in which I'd completely customized the look-n-feel of the CFUI stuff. So I'm not sure if this issue still exists - but I, personally, am okay w/ this ticket being closed.
And no worries Suchika. Thanks for the comment when closing the ticket.
Thanks again!,
Tracker Comment Comment on Updating structkey presevation doesn't work unless you edit the CFM by External U.
2609626 CF-3818776 External U. Hi Rupesh,
Thanks very much for confirming all of that! Very cool about #1 and especially #3 =) And I think this is the 1st time I've received an email notification of an engineer adding a comment, so -maybe- that notification issue has been fixed. And I'm also w
Tracker Comment Comment on queryExecute() can't parse SQL statements containing xquery by External U.
2609031 CF-3944215 External U. Aaron, I'm not sure if they're going to re-open this bug. I'd say create a new one -- since this issue is SLIGHTLY different (same idea, but possibly different cause), it might be worth its own bug. Also, they're probably more likely to pay a bit more attention to a
Tracker Comment Comment on String member functions don't cast by External U.
to understand how OO works, if I'm to be brutally honest.
This is a negative vote for this, it'd be a mistake in language design to take this one fwd.
Me:OK, so I’m missing something.
I would have thought this: would have displayed my dates in d/m/yy format (in CF parlance). it still displays them in mm/dd/yyyy format.Could you provide some code demonstrating this "working"?
Adobe: Please file a bug and we will look into this issue.
.cfc in particular, so I'm glad to see that one offered. Again, thanks.
I will just caution that he wrote it in the CF10 timeframe (2012), and it's possible that some of what he wrote may not run the same way in 11, 2016, or 2018. If anyone may get to test/confirm it, I'd love to hear that here (and then they could
Tracker Issue Bug 73863:I'm seeing an odd issue with ormExecuteQuery
Bug 73863:I'm seeing an odd issue with ormExecuteQuery
Tracker Comment Comment on Missing cftimer image in debug output by Richard D.
3117314 CF-4198740 Richard D. So apparently the problem was the IIS website did not have a CFIDE virtual directory. After configuring the virtual directory the image now appears as expected. I wasn't the one who installed CF on the server so I'm not sure if the installer didn't properly configure
2556976 CF-4197194 Adam C. Suchika: you don't understand what you're talking about, I'm afraid.
All the references to `counter` are *the same variable*. That's how closure works.
Check other languages as a reference.
Here's the equiv in PHP:
Comment on expandPath incorrectly expands absolute paths by Vijay M.
Tracker Issue Bug 83726:(Watson Migration Closure)Error message when using tag wrapper functions in expressions is confusing
2598015 CF-3041842 Language : CFSCRIPT Elliott Sprehn Bug 83726:(Watson Migration Closure)Error message when using tag wrapper functions in expressions is confusing Problem:
Error message when using tag wrapper functions in expressions is confusing. While I'm not sure why you'd write code like
Tracker Issue cflogin authentication issue
After sometime of use users receive an error message
Actual Result:
"Error","ajp-nio-8018-exec-3","12/06/18","06:03:54","","'' Can not decode string ""BF93D94292E2FF6D_J7FlVInggrvvrHEUI5F1mXHbzVsPZnFE3xChv7mXJZg===="". The input string is not base64-encoded."
Tracker Comment Comment on logging and try / catch has a flaw by External U.
2609882 CF-3752424 External U. Sorry Andrew; I'm with Sean on this one.
(and, to be very clear, just like Sean and Ray, I completely understand what you're saying. I just don't agree with what you're suggesting).
There is nothing to fix here, and if it was positioned as an enhancement request, I'd
2612836 CF-3389023 External U. Hi, Adam,
You'd think so. But, no, the people who make decisions aren't that involved that they remember or even documented what is supposed to be indexed. And the developer who originally worked on this is no longer here, and cannot be contacted. So, unless
Bug 83444:I'd like to push for a cluster scope or another simple, and staight-forward way to setup a shared variable/cache space within a cluster
Tracker Comment Comment on structcopy doens't return a copy by External U.
demonstrate some effort in understanding the issue, rather than fall back to us doing your work for you?
(that said, let me dish out the code... in the mean time, pls post how you'd been trying to repro it, I'm fascinated to see how you *couldn't* repro this).
Tracker Comment Comment on ExpandPath Returns Incorrect Path When Used with Mappings in Application.cfc by External U.
, I'm not sure how I saw what I saw in my last comment - but it was probably user error on my part. (it'd be nice if per-App mappings worked in Application.cfc's constructor tho)
I do see this ticket is fixed: mappings defined in _CF Admin_ are honored in the Application.cfc constructor area (and
Portal Comment Comment on The Delicate Balancing Act between the number of ColdFusion Jobs and the number of ColdFusion Developers by Bradley Wood
-- if you want to grow the CF world, those people must come from somewhere. That means, companies have to be hiring and training devs on CF. CF devs won't magically appear.
As far as the attendance at CFSummit, I'm with you that I'd really like to see it grow, but my personal opinion there is Adobe puts
Tracker Comment Comment on CFDump Loss of Formatting by Paul M.
Comment on CFDump Loss of Formatting by Paul M.
Tracker Issue canonicalize throwOnError
of an ESAPI exception.
I’m basically asking for the option to canonicalize garbage input to an empty string, instead of having to deal w/ an exception and a try/catch. If I’m looping over input (to remove garbage), I’d like the option for it to just give me an empty string back (instead of throw
to d:\web\expo\expologic.com\com\CF mapping (this is the stupid part): /eli mapped to the webrootcfcs that i'm using for orm are in d:\web\expo\expologic.com\com\expologic\champ\model\*.cfcI reference all of them as com.expologic.champ.model.* - yet, Hibernate sometimes likes to "find" them as eli
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: RestInitApplication("/mymapping", "servicename") breaks CF Admin upon CF restart by External U.
sense, this is perhaps overkill. Maybe some config files are crucial and the admin *should* abort, but I'd argue that something like this shouldn't bring down the rest of the admin. (Again, if I'm reading right.)
Tracker Comment Comment on cflogin authentication issue by Paul M.
","http-nio-8500-exec-11","06/22/19","17:12:45","","Incompatible login information was specified."
"Error","http-nio-8500-exec-11","06/22/19","17:12:45","","'' Can not decode string ""A5C34C0D8AFC55C2_rnKK4II/OqdT3mzoqko7EKUCkM27TVgMlF6F02y3opY===="". The input string is not base64-encoded."