displaying top 100 results
Comment on Tomcat install of cfusion.war with security manager turned on by john t.
Comment on Tomcat install of cfusion.war with security manager turned on by john t.
Comment on Tomcat install of cfusion.war with security manager turned on by john t.
Comment on Tomcat install of cfusion.war with security manager turned on by john t.
Tracker Comment Comment on Hangs when indenting by John T.
Comment on Hangs when indenting by John T.
5361900 CF-4204021 John S. @T.O. thanks, restoring that file from a backup now.
Comment on CFDBINFO doesn't return COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE by John O.
Tracker Comment Comment on cflogin doesn't work in a cluster with Redis session management by John W.
Comment on cflogin doesn't work in a cluster with Redis session management by John W.
Tracker Comment Comment on cflogin doesn't work in a cluster with Redis session management by John W.
Comment on cflogin doesn't work in a cluster with Redis session management by John W.
Comment on ReReplace - Can't escape special chars in backreference by John W.
Tracker Comment Comment on Unscoped vars in Query.cfc by John W.
2672575 CF-4186779 John W. This should be removed completely. If it's broken and won't be fixed, then do not ship it. At the very least it should be documented as unsupported and deprecated, but shipping broken functionality doesn't seem like a great idea.
2556976 CF-4197194 John W. Hi Nimit,
Thanks for the update. It doesn't show as "ToFix" on the public facing tracker, but good to know that internally that is the status.
Comment on Remove Query.cfc functions as it's broken and won't be fixed by John W.
2672406 CF-4196851 John W. Ref: https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4186779
If something is broken and won't be fixed it should be removed, not just deprecated. At the very least it should be documented.
Tracker Comment Comment on Very slow startup time CF2018 update 6 and above - compiler issue? by John W.
6790746 CF-4207069 John W. Adding my vote. I created the test suite as we wanted to be able to prove it wasn't environmental.
Tracker Comment Comment on QueryFilter does not remove rows as expected when consecutive target rows exist by John W.
2946679 CF-4198421 John W. +1 with this bug it means that queryFilter should not and can not be used in any code as it doesn't.
Tracker Comment Comment on Ternary operator doesn't short-circuit with implicit array/struct expressions by John W.
Comment on Ternary operator doesn't short-circuit with implicit array/struct expressions by John W.
Comment on Silent install doesn't support installing builtin server by John C.
5361900 CF-4204021 T. O. @ John S. - If you do have a valid backup file (check the contents of the neo-cron.cml file): 1) Uninstall the update, 2) Stop de CF service, 3) put the backup file in place, 4) restart the CF service, 5) login as admin and your scheduled tasks are there again.
Tracker Comment Comment on ReplaceNoCase doesn't properly handle 2-byte characters (emojis) by John W.
Comment on ReplaceNoCase doesn't properly handle 2-byte characters (emojis) by John W.
Tracker Comment Comment on Very slow startup time CF2018 update 6 and above - compiler issue? by John W.
6790746 CF-4207069 John W. @Piyush - you said:
> I'm attaching the test code I used, for your reference.
I can't see your attachment - can you make it visible please.
BTW the version of ColdFusion that you are running will be shown in the Testbox HTML runner.
2608594 CF-4053567 External U. This issue doesn't appear to have been fixed as of 11,0,08,298512. When will this fix be released? Is there a way to get early access to this fix?
Tracker Comment Comment on datasource attribute on <cfinsert> should no longer be required by John W.
2609656 CF-3814079 John W. `cfupdate` should like `cfquery` and `cfinsert` and `cfdbinfo` NOT require the datasource attribute - it should be consistent for *all* db tags, so when you updated `cfinsert` then it should have made sense to also check that `cfupdate` didn't also have this issue.
2556976 CF-4197194 John W. :(
Tested on ACF2018 update 5. No change in behaviour. Still broken. C'mon Adobe - I raised this in 2016. At least acknowledge it is a bug and change the status to "Bug Verified", just ignoring it doesn't make it go away.
2672644 CF-4181591 John W. This is not related to CF11. It is the API manager mapping in /WEB-INF/web.xml which hi-jacks the URL. This should only be applied, if when installing, the API manager is also installed so it doesn't break lots of existing applications.
Tracker Issue Bug 78316:(Watson Migration Closure)If you create components in cfscript you can't set the encoding using:
2600391 CF-3039073 Language : CFSCRIPT John Whish Bug 78316:(Watson Migration Closure)If you create components in cfscript you can't set the encoding using: Problem:
If you create components in cfscript you can't set the encoding using:
processingdirective pageencoding="utf-8";
it throws a
6233230 CF-4205227 John D. I agree that LTS annotations for LTS releases (Java 8 and 11) need to be consistent, either showing LTS for all updates or none of them. I don't follow Java updates closely and find the explicit LTS designations helpful. However, LTS on all version 11 updates except 11
to Reproduce: #FN# #LN# #email#
Actual Result: The email doesn't send at all. Add type="html" and the resulting email reads: JohnSmithJSmith@abc.com which in turn causes incorrect email links in the msg.
Expected Result:The email should read: John Smith JSmith@abc.com
Any Workarounds: add type
Charlie Arehart John, you’re asserting that the throttle of failed login requests would tie up resources, because you would do a sleep. Don’t do that. You don’t need to “tie up the thread”, nor sleep it. You just need logic that makes them wait the stated ms or secs before you would allow another
2608110 CF-4190748 Language : Datastructure John Whish ColdFusion doesn't always respect the characters used to create keys Problem Description:
ColdFusion does not respect the characters used to create keys.
Steps to Reproduce:
foo = {};
foo["stressed"] = "stressed";
foo["streßed"] = "streßed
Tracker Comment Comment on New Installation of Coldfusion 11 on Windows Server 2012 / IIS 8.5 gives 404 page errors on every install by Immanuel N.
2608842 CF-3978879 Immanuel N. John,
Just to understand this correctly, are you using the Web Server Configuration Tool to configure CF with IIS?
If you are, you shouldn't be seeing issues with the missing Jakarta mapping at all.
Tracker Comment Comment on Using SpreadSheetFormatCellRange and other SpreadSheetFormat functions may create corrupted Excel spreadsheets by External U.
2611110 CF-3640428 External U. I see this bug is now closed with a status of "fixed", but I don't see anything in the notes that provides information about the fix. What was the fix, and in what release was this bug fixed?
Tracker Issue Bug 77370:cfquery will use "this
2600797 CF-3038644 Database : CFDBINFO John Whish Bug 77370:cfquery will use "this Problem:
cfquery will use "this.datasource" set in the Application.cfc, so shouldn’t cfdbinfo also be able to use it?
In Application.cfc add:
2704917 CF-4198196 Database : CFQuery John Whish Remove Query.cfc functions as it's broken and won't be fixed Problem Description:
As raised in this ticket : https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4186779
Response was :
Its a valid bug but there is no active development on these CFCs and we
Tracker Comment Comment on Ternary operator doesn't short-circuit with implicit array/struct expressions by John W.
Comment on Ternary operator doesn't short-circuit with implicit array/struct expressions by John W.
Tracker Issue CFDBINFO doesn't return COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE
3415550 CF-4199509 Database : CFDBINFO John O'Connell CFDBINFO doesn't return COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE Problem Description:
CFDBINFO always returns "empty string" when querying column info on DB for COLUMN_DEFAULT_VALUE along with REMARKS
Steps to Reproduce:
Created Table with 3 columns, one having a
Tracker Issue Can't install CF 11 using Apache
2608491 CF-4077685 Installation/Config : Connector John Barrett Can't install CF 11 using Apache While trying to install ColdFusion 11, and using the connector to attach apache (port 80) this option does not at all. Also, when you try to use the apache connector after installing with build in web
when calling this web service from CF10, it works just fine. However, when calling from CF11, i only get this:
no ? for some reason, CF11 ignores/hides the topmost XML level. this doesn't happen on previous versions. why? the server that hosts the web service
Portal Topic Managing multiple server instances under CF2018
John_Allred Managing multiple server instances under CF2018 Trying to get a few local server instances set up under CF 2018, and I’m having inconsistent results. Sometimes a new instance will start and run. Sometimes it won’t. Sometimes a modified instance (e.g., change port #) will run. Sometimes
Tracker Issue Bug 73803:CFMAP takes a key attribute to specify an API key, using the code example in the alpha2reference guide;
that is specified is not used - when you view the source of the page in the browser it shows;
this means you can't use cfmap without a prompt about it being an invalid key.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3036836
Tracker Comment Comment on query parameter for float or decimal errors out once scale is added by John W.
5705869 CF-4204298 John W. Seems to be as the query is compiled. You can get the error by simply running even you you don't have a datasource setup:
result = queryExecute(
"SELECT * FROM noDatabaseAtAll WHERE foo > :value",
{value:{cfsqltype:"decimal",value:2.5, scale:2}}
Tracker Issue nested arrayEach parent execution context scoping issue
: counter,
foo: foo,
bar: bar
Actual Result:
Counter is always output as having a value of 0
Expected Result:
Counter should increment per inner iteration
Any Workarounds:
Don't use arrayEach - use for each loop
5361900 CF-4204021 John S. Just a few more details to provide in regards to Charlie's comments. Our server is CF 2016 Standard, we previously upgraded from CF 10 Standard, but I don't remember for sure if I manually recreated our tasks when we went to CF 2016 or if we imported them from our
on all current versions of browsers, so my code should work. My double click handler is not even being called in Safari 2.0. I put an alert in the first line of the code and it doesn't get triggered.Is there a workaround for Safari 2.0 or other old browser?
Go to www
Charlie Arehart Hey, John (aka apy), thanks for the inclusion of my blog post for more on the cf admin feature related to this. But for those who don't read it, something I note there (as a clarification of what you say) is that cf11 in fact added a feature to ALLOW multiple concurrent logins
want to be part of something that is happening, not something that isn't dead. No one doubts that Elon Musk is alive. Many times people thought he was going to fail, yet he keeps on achieving even as he fails. He has a story!
There is a path forward, but Adobe has chosen a path that they feel
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by John Egbert
by 2021 (and we can assume much, much higher 5 years from now). Aka AWS Lambda, etc...so panel-like Admin UI aside, what is Adobe doing to future proof the CF language? Obviously having NULL support is important, but if we can't run any CFML in a modern environment because of licensing issues or what
Portal Topic Server 2016 and CF 2016
johns93578008 Server 2016 and CF 2016 I am finally getting around to replacing the old CF11 on Server 2008R2 environment we have. I downloaded the installer for CF2016 a while ago, and apparently there is an update to allow it to run on Server 2016. But, for the life of me, I can’t find a place
Portal Comment Comment on CF18 install for iis by Jack_Allred2
Jack_Allred2 What Aaron described is exactly what I experienced. Over the past 20 or so years, I've managed to wrestle CF and IIS to work together with precious little understanding of servers. As I recall, I always got an option at the end to "configure all web servers," and I don't get
Tracker Issue the browse sever does not save the location
The only way around this is to manually input the location manual.
see video here - http://www.screencast.com/t/GvSjo62I
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3118149
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by Bradley Wood
. I'm not sure if a JVM lang is really the best choice for Lambda tho where you literally pay per the ms. Even a CLI start time of 2 to 5 seconds (which CommandBox has) wouldn't work well $$-wise for running thousands of tasks that only take a few milliseconds to complete. That said, I'm always
configurations had changed when compared to file backups.
I completely support separating task DEFINITIONS from EXECUTION states into separate stores. No matter how much pre-checking CF does to expect that a file update should work, there is no way to be certain that it won’t fail and result in a corrupted
Tracker Issue ColdFusion 10 doesn't gzip responses. This worked fine with the same configuration in ColdFusion 9.
ColdFusion 10 doesn't gzip responses. This worked fine with the same configuration in ColdFusion 9.
Expected Result:
I would expect it to work the same for all 3 functions. Either it's a date value that can be parsed or not. It shouldn't only error on LSDateFormat.
Any Workarounds:
use parseDateTime("{ts '2015-06-30 16:16:31'}")
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue IsImageFile not working on cf9 like it did on cf8
code below). It worked perfectly until I moved to cf9. It seems like cf9 doesn't recognize URLEncodedFormat files inside IsImageFile. Please advise how I can make cf9 check images with both conventional and non-conventional names.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result: cfif conditional
Tracker Comment Comment on Authenticated users bypass NTFS ACL permission authorization getting access to restricted CF content without error by John D.
THEIR CREDENTIALS, despite removing the fix. ASP and ASPX test the same as HTM.
1. With fix: CFM request with rights gets 403 (Should be 200)
2. With fix: CFM request with no rights gets 403 (Correct, but user isn't asked for credentials)
3. With fix: HTM request with rights gets 401 (Should be 200)
Tracker Issue CF11 Hotfix 5 Causing 503 Errors
for IIS. This is happening on both our Windows 2008 and Windows 2012 servers.
Steps to Reproduce: Unable to reproduce on demand. This has been happening for several weeks since the install and I believe it to be traffic related since our lower traffic sites haven't had a problem.
Actual Result: IIS
of cfc’s with functions that don’t really do anything.
We suspect this is a compiler issue related to the introduction of fat arrow syntax in update 6
Actual Result:
If I run this on my setup I see cf2018 u6 takes around 80,000ms on its first run
Expected Result:
On cf2018 u4 it takes 40,000ms
Tracker Issue Bug 82894:No exception messages, just 500 errors
servers desired with connector tool.Run new code and make a simple mistake.Look at the 500 error page with no hint that shows in IIS 6.STOP SCREAMING... it won't fix it.
The new connector for IIS 7 does not disply robust error messages if the error message is 500 error. You just get the 500
Tracker Issue Bug 83748:It seems that the ORM event handler now fires the preUpdate method twice when updating a persistent entity
Update 1 [CFTRACE 22:09:44.421] [31 ms] [C:\htdocs\Aliaspooryorik\samples\preUpdate\Author.cfc @ line: 17] - fired preUpdate 2 Running this on a ColdFusion 9.00 install, the preUpdate only fires once (as I would expect).
preUpdate orm event handler fires twice when saving an entity. Didn't happen
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM: has<property>() doesn't take the property's where attribute into account by John W.
Comment on ORM: has() doesn't take the property's where attribute into account by John W.
Flex remoting to CF9. Getting a lot of these with the latest release candidate of CF9. It's apparently also been reported on the BlazeDS JIRA as a bug - http://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/BLZ-443. This is actually making even simple remoting calls to CF9 nearly impossible at this time. Don't know what
both the CFID and CFToken are both changing on every hit to the server. It could be something in my code but it doesn't make sense why it works in some browsers and not others. We do check for devices but not browsers in any way that should cause this type of issue. At first we thought it was a device
Tracker Issue Bug 82771:When CF handles a form post that contains N form fields of the same name, it combines them into a list
argue - why not just use different form names? Sometimes we don't have control over the form post. It may be a remote post for example. We can use Java to get around it, but if CF is already doing the work ("Hey, I see another form.name, I'll just listAppend it!") then it seems like it should be trivial
Tracker Comment Comment on Can't install CF 11 using Apache by Piyush K.
Comment on Can't install CF 11 using Apache by Piyush K.
2612637 CF-3486968 External U. Hello,
Thank you for calling.
Here are my notes from our phone conversation on 2/20/2014 at about 11:15 AM E.S.T.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
1) Adobe management has indicated to you that there are no plans to support DB2 10 in ColdFusion10. Therefore
Tracker Issue Object Literal Syntax for Ordered/Sorted Structs
. However, I don't think that the feature should ship without it as it makes it very cumbersome to use the feature and is a step backwards in language modernization.
Consider the following possible options (and please propose your own)
Maybe optional types (which would have other benefits)
Add optional
Tracker Comment Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by External U.
be aware that you will need to document and manually migrate the 9.0/9.0.1 admin settings into 9.0.2 if you make that upgrade--and don't do it if you use Verity.
That's the main reason 9.0.2 was created, as a new installer of CF9 that did not include it (but did include all the hotfixes for 9
Tracker Comment Comment on Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header by Rupesh K.
. Those on Standard have no such option, so be aware that you will need to document and manually migrate the 9.0/9.0.1 admin settings into 9.0.2 if you make that upgrade--and don't do it if you use Verity.
That's the main reason 9.0.2 was created, as a new installer of CF9 that did not include it (but