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2615421 CF-3043393 Document Management : Office Integration jj blodgett Bug 86400:When a spreadsheet is read using cfspreadsheet, it will error when the first characters of a field is a pound sign (#) and then field has formatting of at least "Custom" or "Date" Problem:
When a spreadsheet is read
Tracker Issue Bug 86224:Calling StoreSetMetadata resets the ACL configuration on an Amazon S3 bucket object
2597603 CF-3043305 File Management : VFS-S3 jj blodgett Bug 86224:Calling StoreSetMetadata resets the ACL configuration on an Amazon S3 bucket object Duplicate ID: CF-3043124
Calling StoreSetMetadata resets the ACL configuration on an Amazon S3 bucket object. You can do this within
Tracker Issue CFC Returning a string with an E and surrounded by numbers as a JSON numeric value (without quotes)
3422692 CF-4199525 Language : CF Component JJ BLODGETT CFC Returning a string with an E and surrounded by numbers as a JSON numeric value (without quotes) Problem Description:
CFC returns a structure as JSON to browser. If any individual keys have a value that is all numeric with a single "e
Tracker Issue StoreGetMetadata - Amazon S3 Metadata Caching Problem / Requires Restart (CF 9.0.1 and CF10)
2596979 CF-3226380 File Management : VFS-S3 JJ BLODGETT StoreGetMetadata - Amazon S3 Metadata Caching Problem / Requires Restart (CF 9.0.1 and CF10) Problem Description:
It appears that ColdFusion is caching Amazon S3 Metadata on the Server / Instance. Once you retrieve an object's Metadata on a