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2836713 CF-4198321 Document Management : PDF manipulation gavy randhawa CFPDF watermark fails when provided encryption to cfdocument Problem Description:
CFPDF watermrk fails when in cfdocument encryption is provided. the cfdocument code is writte witth format as pdf and encryption setup to 128
Tracker Issue Coldfusion Does not Upper Extension of .Cfm
2613486 CF-3307421 Web Container (Tomcat) gavy randhawa Coldfusion Does not Upper Extension of .Cfm Duplicate ID: CF-3199283
Related Bugs:
CF-3199283 - Similar to
Problem Description: The Problem with Coldfusion 10 is it does like the extension .Cfm or .CFM, I have only tested with Coldfusion 10
3142114 CF-4198802 Language gavy randhawa sameformfieldsasarray not working when using Application.cfm Problem Description:
When i use Application.cfm file and set the Value of the sameformfieldsasarray = true, it still shows the values as List, Instead of Array
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a