displaying top 100 results
2613929 CF-3144695 Language Dominic Watson Create native functional style functions that make use of closures It would be great to see native functions for functional programming, such as Map and Reduce. I.e. native:
Ben Nadel has a good post
Portal Topic Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion
CFsup Map, Reduce, and Filter functions in ColdFusion Functional programming has gained popularity in the recent past. Using functional programming techniques, you can write code that is relatively bug-free, easier to debug and test, and easier to refactor. One of the reasons why functional
Tracker Comment Comment on Built-in functions as "first class" glitch in function return values by External U.
2609895 CF-3749301 External U. If we're going to get into functional programming (and to be clear: allowing functions as arguments means we are),then ALL functions need to be fair game.
Portal Comment Comment on memoize functions in CFML by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart Cool Jim. I see it adds a memoize function, which may be what you were focused on for this comment.
Otherwise, we should note that that library (adding lots of functional programming features to CFML) is from the CF10 timeframe, before CF added more and more such functional
functional programming to take the fore-front we are still missing several features. Having a way to filter a collection for only 1 element with a break is non-existent.
I propose either a new function called **first( closure )** that can give me the first element that passes the closure syntax
Tracker Issue Implement Spread Operator
The return from a spread operation would be a new array or struct containing the items that were spread out. Would allow for much cleaner functional programming style where avoiding mutating data is key.
Merging objects is another benefit:
var obj1 = { foo: 'bar', x: 42 };
var obj2 = { foo: 'baz', y: 13
Tracker Comment Comment on replace() causes java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to java.lang.String by External U.
2673558 CF-4126411 External U. The replace() function is used a lot in my company and this bug broke my programs.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfhtmltopdf does nothing by External U.
2609788 CF-3772481 External U. I turned off my antivirus program, and restarted the ColdFusion 11 Add-on service, and turned the antivirus back on. The cfhtmltopdf tag and cfhtmltopdf() function worked as expected.
Portal Topic Top 3 Key Factors When Choosing a Programming Language (Why CFML is Always the Best Option)
Top 3 Key Factors When Choosing a Programming Language (Why CFML is Always the Best Option)
Portal Comment Comment on Alternatives to Query of Query by Charlie Arehart
(functional programming) approach, sure.
To that point, though, I'll add that while you refer to things like querysort, queryfilter, and querymap, then you never use them. Instead, you use the implicit "higher order" functions, appended to the objects. For readers who may want to understand more on that, see
Comment on Asynchronous Programming In ColdFusion (2018) by robbm91839661
" data type, it's just a set of list-prefixed functions that do special stuff to strings (and leads to horribly inefficient code in many CFML programs!).
Tracker Comment Comment on Memory Leak- Persisted closures hold onto tag instances every time they execute by A. B.
of memory leaks.
>> How so? This is just normal CF Code. Perhaps you're not used to seeing functional programming, but there's nothing invalid about it.
Your comment about Functional Programming is, in my opinion, a bit presumptuous. In any case, it is besides the point, as Functional Programming has
Tracker Comment Comment on FindNoCase with a 0 (zero) start position acts unpredictably by External U.
2596952 CF-3318681 External U. Please close this bug report ... the problem is actually rooted in the fact that the "Find" functions in ColdFusion have parameters in the reverse order of many common programming languages (i.e., the first argument is typically the variable search in, the second
Tracker Comment Comment on Arrow functions by Siddiq M.
Comment on Arrow functions by Siddiq M.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion will not support look ahead or look behind regular expressions by Adobe D.
2597061 CF-3134978 Adobe D. Can you tell me the exact scenario where you are using this regular expression i.e. the function in which you are using this regular expression.
Also, can you send the program in Java or any other language in which you're able to run the same example.
(Comment added
This technique is common in functional style programming and makes composing, specializing functions, lazy evaluation and currying much more concise and easy to read and write.
You have to use the full function body expression syntax, which really defeats the purpose.
say = (message
Tracker Issue Bug 78903:Documention Errors for Array Functions:1
)Summary PagesI. CFML Reference / ColdFusion Functions / Function ListII. CFML Reference / ColdFusion Functions / Functions by category (Array Functions)III. Developing Applications with ColdFusion 9 / The CFML Programming Language / Using Arrays and Structures 2. Under "Basic array techniques
Tracker Comment Comment on Ordered structs omitted from docs by External U.
2673657 CF-4119454 External U. No mention here either:
And the code examples are rubbish.
No mention of struct iteration functions here either
20th my autocomplete function stopped working however the pages with no charts still worked fine
Steps to Reproduce:
program a text box which uses an autocomplete that communicates to a CFC
Actual Result:
autocomplete longer recognized as a function. looks like CFIDE is calling its own version
Portal Topic OOP and ColdFusion – Part 2
modern programming languages. Covariant Method Return Type Most modern programming languages support ‘subtyping’. Let me explain subtyping by an example. If the return type of my class function is ‘Animal’ while overriding the function in a subclass, you can specify the […]
The post OOP and Cold
2609203 CF-3912078 External U. No it bloody should not!
Stop messing with the values ppl are validating. Just test that the data *as provided* is valid or not.
The function is isDdx(), not isDdxIfItWasTrimmed().
Not a bug. And I don't think Suchika should be raising bugs if this is their way
Tracker Comment Comment on cftextarea showing different behavior in Internet Explorer 10 by External U.
2611772 CF-3593569 External U. Our issue is similar. This function does not work in IE11 and now we are stuck. Do you know how many of our clients require the use of the IE browser? MOST OF THEM! We have customers who do not allow any other browser but IE. GET with the program Adobe. Please fix.
Tracker Comment Comment on sort higher order functions should return the sorted object, not simply "YES" by Carl V.
Comment on sort higher order functions should return the sorted object, not simply "YES" by Carl V.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: [regression] ColdFusion.Layout functions fail from ajaxOnLoad() by Piyush K.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: [regression] ColdFusion.Layout functions fail from ajaxOnLoad() by Piyush K.
Tracker Issue Async does not work on Japanese ver.
4642263 CF-4203179 Language : Asynchronous Programming,Localization Async does not work on Japanese ver. Problem Description:
On ColdFusion2018 for Japanese version, an error occurs when executing async program mentioned on the following site.
Tracker Comment Comment on EQ fails on strange values by Krishna R.
2612823 CF-3401939 External U. Verified this is fixed in CF11 Update 5 (build 11,0,05,293506). The example in the description also returns 5 in CF11 Update 4 (build 11,0,04,293328).
FYI, there is a doc bug on the regex syntax page: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/using-regular-expressions-in-functions
Tracker Issue Bug 75526:Dear Concern,
this i needed to implement to functions.
I feel, it was not fair. In some programming languages like C++, Java and .Net we can achieve this using Function Overriding.
I was really happy to see that CF can support polymorphism.
----------------------------- Additional Watson
Implicit array creation within a function throws null pointer exception
Portal Topic Taffy for REST – Part 7: Login
://stackoverflow.com/questions/53404670/passing-data-to-a-member-functions-that-uses-a-function/53405539 https://github.com/jmohler1970/Taffy_withUI
The post Taffy for REST – Part 7: Login appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion,Training,blog,closures,Code,programming,rest,training
4709544 CF-4203272 Documentation [ANeff] Doc Bug for: "Using closures" doc unrequired arguments Issue: "Using closures" doc has many code examples that use optional arguments w/o checking for their existence
Suggestion: Make those arguments required
Example Before:
function hello
2673394 CF-4126650 CFwatson U. Added By:pnayak Note Added: Neil,
After uninstalling "Adobe ColdFusion .NET Integration Services" and "ColdFusion Add-On Services" for Raijin Alpha, though the corresponding services for CF11 do not appear in the add and remove program window in the control panel
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: RunAsync() throws invalid exception
4221743 CF-4202035 Language : Asynchronous Programming [ANeff] Bug for: RunAsync() throws invalid exception Issue: RunAsync() throws invalid exception
writeDump(runAsync(function(){return 1}, 1000, [1,2,3]).get())
Actual Result: "coldfusion
Tracker Comment Comment on CFSCRIPT: UDF - Use of "Default" in first argument results in error. by Aaron N.
that 'hint' seems to work in your example, is b/c CF supports user-defined metadata attributes: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/defining-components-and-functions-in-cfscript.html (search for 'custom
2608405 CF-4101200 Language Henry Ho support Base64Url encoding for BinaryEncode & BinaryDecode? Base64Url https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64#URL_applications is gaining popularity for web programming. Although it is relatively easy to write one with the help of base64 encoding, it would be nice
Tracker Issue java.lang.ClassCastException when looping over query and returning a structure in a try block
= [],
TagContext = [],
Type = "java.lang.ClassCastException"
Expected Result:
continued program execution
Any Workarounds:
Do not use a try block
do not pass a structure the the function in the cfreturn tag
use cfoutput instead of cfquery
----------------------------- Additional Watson
Tracker Comment Comment on Memory Leak- Persisted closures hold onto tag instances every time they execute by Bradley W.
-code you've used seems to me to be ambiguous as CFML syntax.
How so? This is just normal CF Code. Perhaps you're not used to seeing functional programming, but there's nothing invalid about it.
> In fact, I wonder whether ColdFusion might be behaving as expected, that is, correctly.
No, CF is behaving
Tracker Issue Arguments default value using JavaDoc notation
Format "json"
* @since 2017-06-07
* @version 1.0
remote query function test(
numeric limitFrom,
numeric limitBy
) {
return queryNew("");
Actual Result:
The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming
Tracker Issue Modernize documentation user interface design
accessed, which is very most likely to be the docs for tags and functions. All the navigational steps to find the documentation for a particular tag or function are not necessary anymore in a modern web interface and are cumbersome to click though again and again during programming. So what I am requesting
Tracker Issue Destructuring
Luis Obispo", "CA"])
Would set address to:
street: "123 Main st.",
city: "Pismo Beach",
state: "CA"
This, as well as the Spread operator would make writing immutable functional style programs much more possible and would simplify the syntax and remove boilerplate for any style
Portal Topic Extracting text/html out Word (.docx) files
://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-tags/tags-u-z/cfzip.html https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-t-z/xmlparse.html
The post Extracting text/html out Word (.docx) files appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Learning,blog,cfscript,cfzip,learning,programming
: public
Output: false
DisplayName: overridden displayname
Hint: overridden hint
Description: overridden description
Related URL: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/defining-components-and-functions
Tracker Issue Implicitly declare array fails when var scoped
2827197 CF-4198314 Language : Functions Jake Munson Implicitly declare array fails when var scoped Problem Description: CF Update 11 for ColdFusion 11 has a bug with implicit array declaration inside cffunction. If you var scope a variable that is implicitly declared, CF throws an error.
Tracker Issue GetMetaData(cfc) returns null
6714057 CF-4206904 Language : Functions GetMetaData(cfc) returns null # Problem Description:
We are using GetMetaData(cfc) for "reflection" style programming. In particular, I have a package that loads components (accessors=true) with deeply nested data. This works by using Get
Tracker Issue Cannot use annotation to set argument default
2609680 CF-3808960 Language Adam Cameron Cannot use annotation to set argument default This errors:
* @x.type numeric
* @x.default 0
function f(x){
he system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by amar lungare
. Introduced closures in tags
c. Introduced Asynchronous programming using Future
d. Enhanced Object-Oriented Programming with the following:
i. Abstract components and methods
ii. Final component, method, and variable
iii. Default functions in interfaces
iv. Covariance
e. Semi-colons are now optional in a
4254393 CF-4202172 Language : Asynchronous Programming [ANeff] Bug for: RunAsync() timeout logs some empty messages Issue: coldfusion.runtime.asynch.TaskTimeoutException logs some empty messages
runAsync(function(){sleep(2000)}, 1000).get()
Tracker Comment Comment on Elvis Operator incorrectly treating false values as undefined by Bryan H.
3211778 CF-4198933 Bryan H. WOW! OK... This is great... you guys have really confused the issue here... The functionality of the Elvis operator, as defined for ColdFusion (and still stated in your docs) at https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming
if the user omits the attribute). This should be true for cfcomponent, cffunction and cfargument.
Furthermore, array elements in the metadata should always be present and be empty (zero elements). Right now, metadata-driven programs have to test structKeyExists(metadata,"functions") instead of just simply
Portal Comment Comment on memoize functions in CFML by Charlie Arehart
Comment on memoize functions in CFML by Charlie Arehart
Tracker Comment Comment on Nested Grouped Query Outputs incorrectly group data resulting in Array index out of range error by CFwatson U.
2673331 CF-4126729 CFwatson U. Added By:nimsharm Note Added: This issue is fixed now and it will be available as part of next code drop of pre-release program. Date Added :2015-09-28 07:04:29.0
Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Perhaps this is related to CF-3820049 and
Tracker Issue Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException
Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException
over to CF and in a short amount of time they could be up and programming CFML. IF you want a straight up CFML developer, that is different...i think the biggest issue with that is companies unwillingness to have the developer remote. On slack channel looking at the job postings, or a few other sites
Tracker Comment Comment on Closure instances are not thread safe to execute in separate threads by A. B.
6502588 CF-4206045 A. B. Hi Bradley,
On re-reading this, I would admit that my own remark contains some ambiguity. I seem to implicitly suggest that the code
application.udf = function() {}
is erroneous.
If so, my bad. The code is, of course, correct.
What stumps me is the design. Let me
a preconfigured mailsource (programmed from control panels through the api)6) allow for mail source pooling, so that current failover functionality is moved to the mailsourceExtended ideas:1) allow for integration with mailservices like mailchimp (in the same spirit of what Railo did with Amazon)2
Comment on init() function cannot have required arguments by External U.
Bug 78990:(Watson Migration Closure)The new CFC-Bean functionality breaks all version of Mach-II when used with the extremely common XML command in Mach-II because no init() available
Tracker Issue Error in .NET component beginning with CF 2016
more to make any successful call with abcPDF component. As soon we call abcPDF, we get the following error on the very first operation.
java.lang.VerifyError: (class: WebSupergoo/ABCpdf11/Doc, method: Get_Units signature: ()Ljava/lang/String;) Wrong return type in function
In other words: we can call
key and the add() method requires both a key and an object. It should be possible, using metadata that CF knows about, to allow these methods to function with an object being passed in rather than the key. This will also allow developers to program to an interface rather than an implementation
Tracker Comment Comment on Closure instances are not thread safe to execute in separate threads by Jonathan C.
6502588 CF-4206045 Jonathan C. "So the question arises why you would want to use such a design. "
I don't believe your analysis of the code sample is looking at real-world programming examples. CFML Developers have been scoping static methods (UDFs) in to the application scope, for re-use in all
2608435 CF-4094858 External U. I have been able to reproduce the issue in the current ColdFusion version, and have reported it to the ColdFusion prerelease program (Bug ID CF-4096292), attributing it to Christian Polintan.
The details follow:
Problem Description: I created a web service CFC which
Tracker Issue Bug 81941:Setting variables in the preInsert or preUpdate functions of event handling often requires JavaCast
Bug 81941:Setting variables in the preInsert or preUpdate functions of event handling often requires JavaCast
2599584 CF-3039938 Language : Functions Pat Wenke Bug 79823:For database CRUD operations, we use generated DAOs Problem:
For database CRUD operations, we use generated DAOs. They all extend a base DAO that houses common methods. One of those methods is named isNull().After installing the GMC
[ANeff] Bug for: Inconsistencies in Array Case/NoCase Functions
Resize it. You can do other array functions like arrayLen/isArray.
isArray? #isArray(mirrorUniverseSource)#len? #arrayLen(mirrorUniverseSource)#
Error casting an object of type java.util.Vector cannot be cast to coldfusion.runtime.Array to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a
Tracker Issue Base.cfc's invokeTag() method emits whitespace
2596936 CF-3340507 Language : Script CFC Adam Cameron Base.cfc's invokeTag() method emits whitespace Problem Description:
The invokeTag() method in com.adobe.coldfusion.base.cfc has its output set to TRUE, so it emits all the indentation in the function as whitespace. This can break white
Tracker Issue File include via CFSCRIPT "include" or CFINCLUDE generates an error if path includes extra "/" marks.
An error message "Could not find the included template". This kind of path is often created when a developer programs a dynamic path... such as...
... or something similar.
In this case, if the Application variable ends in "/" or if the URL variable begins with "/", CF10 will cause and error where CF9
.lang.String to an incompatible type. This usually indicates a programming error in Java, although it could also mean you have tried to use a foreign object in a different way than it was designed.
java.lang.Boolean cannot be cast to java.lang.String"
3) Change !structKeyExists(URL, "_cf_ajaxproxytoken") to to
HTTP post to a test REST service to demonstrate error.
Actual Result:
When you run the posting template, it will send gzip compressed data to the REST service, which will receive it and will throw an error when it attempts to run the DeserializeJSON() function on the data that was converted from
Tracker Issue Webservice compilation error in WAR install
Cannot run program "jikes": error=2, No such file or directory
StackTrace java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "jikes": error=2, No such file or directory at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:1048) at java.lang.Runtime.exec(Runtime.java:620) at java
consumer page using something like:
var myWebservice = CreateObject("webservice", "myWebservice"); // mwWebservice is configured in the admin, pointing to http://localhost/myConponent.cfc?wsdl
var myResultQry = myWebservice.myFunction();
from my
Tracker Issue Separate parameters from SQL in <cfquery>
coloursViaQueryExecute = queryExecute("
SELECT en AS english, mi AS maori
FROM colours
WHERE id BETWEEN :low AND :high
{low=URL.low, high=URL.high},
One function call. three arguments. Not bad.
So we can just close the chapter of Cold
that the business rules matter-most. Business requirements change at a rapid pace in any life cycle. It's best the business of the code is at the surface. Press all the technical stuff down.
Continuing on this track:
Perhaps impress upong them the value of wrapper functions; classes (Components), pattern
2673366 CF-4126690 Language Travis Walters Overall Performance Gains - Passing By Reference Optional? Greetings,
I was thinking about my early programming days back when I used C/C++/Java a lot and how I could pass variables by reference and use pointers. It sort of got me curious as to whether
Fusion Adminstrator programming, maintenance, extensibility and flexibility.
At the moment in ColdFusion Administrator we manage an array of settings and configuration of internal and external resources - These include database connection settings, mail server connection settings, verity collections etc. New
. This is awesome but here comes the idea..
Can you make it so we can create comments of different colors that has this same functionality in that it would co-exist current comment coloring. We could call these different types of comments names like 'Comment Section' and 'Comment Subsection'. It would have
>java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "jikes": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(Unknown Source)
at java.base/java.lang.Runtime.exec(Unknown Source)
at java
Tracker Issue CFPDF doesn't add headers/footers to PDF files
attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code.
Null Pointers are another name for undefined values.
Platform, Locale, and Platform Name must not be null
Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.17 (KHTML, like