displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue expandPath("/mymapping") resolving improperly
.mappings["/mymapping"] = "C:\";
fileWrite("c:\foobar.txt", "");
writeOutput(expandPath("/myMapping/foobar.txt") & ’’);
writeOutput(expandPath("/myMapping/foobar.txt") & ’’);
Tracker Comment Comment on [regression] "Variable ___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR2 is undefined." by External U.
2672607 CF-4184965 External U. A more concise repro case is:
foo.bar = foo.bar ?: {};
This is a pretty nasty bug. Is there an ETA on when it will be fixed?
Tracker Comment Comment on Query Caching with cachedwithin = 0 by Aaron N.
3007007 CF-4198513 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
This ticket's "Failure Type" should be "Data Corruption".
Also, here's another repro case:
q1 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"]]);
q2 = queryExecute("SELECT foobar FROM q1", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,1,0)});//returns cached
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc ER for: document query["column"] syntax
2672404 CF-4196853 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc ER for: document query["column"] syntax This ER is to document query["column"] syntax. This works:
q = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]);
a.append(q["foobar"], true);
writeDump(a);//returns same result as q.valueArray("foobar
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn coersion broken for function argument by Aaron N.
4166478 CF-4201825 Aaron N. Hi Vijay,
Regarding: q["id"] returns the currentRow's "id" column value
Yes and no. It depends:
q["id"] is the ValueArray(q, "id") shorthand since CF10 and earlier:
q = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]);
a = [];
arrayAppend(a, q["foobar"], true
2610029 CF-3737409 Aaron N. I tried to vote, but it says "Already voted". (ahh.. Adobe can u unhide the vote names pls?)
This should be valid:
r = "foo,bar".listFindNoCase(foobar);
Old way:
r = listFindNoCase("foo,bar", foobar);
Tracker Issue ?: has stopped working in CF11 update 3
2609215 CF-3910529 Language Adam Cameron ?: has stopped working in CF11 update 3 Repro:
#javaCast("null", "") ?: foo.bar#
On update 3, this outputs:
On update 2, it works fine:
Needs a HOTFIX I think?
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Comment Comment on Re-querying a cached query doesn't return the initial cached query after result variable is modified by Aaron N.
AS test, myColumn FROM ticket_4198980", [], {cachedwithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,3)});
writeOutput(q.ColumnList & '');//returns "MYCOLUMN,TEST" (good)
writeOutput(q.test & q.myColumn & '');//CF2016 Update 1 and 3 return "2016some value" (bad). CF11 returns "10" (good).
q1 = queryNew("foobar
Tracker Comment Comment on For-in Doesn't Loop Over Cached Query by External U.
2673605 CF-4123732 External U. Just noting that the issue does not affect queryEach():
q4 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]);
q5 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q4", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,30)});
q5.each(function() {
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cachedWithin=0 returns cached query
2672781 CF-4170628 Database Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cachedWithin=0 returns cached query In CF11, cachedWithin=0 returns non-cached query (good). In CF2016, cachedWithin=0 returns cached query (bad).
Issue affects QoQ and non-QoQ.
QoQ Repro:
q1 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"]]);
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: implicit struct/array breaks <cfelseif>
This simplest Application.cfc example is: (Throws "Could not process Application.cfc successfully for template C:/path/to/index.cfm.")
However, here are some more realistic repro cases:
1) Does not display "foobar" (bug) and logs "Accessing value from uninitialized register
2827197 CF-4198314 Aaron N. Hi all,
I've confirmed that the following works in CF2016 Update 1 (build 2016.0.01.298513) and Update 3 (build 2016.0.03.300466) and CF11 Update 7 (build 11,0,07,296330):
myArray[2] = "foobar";
writeDump(myArray);//returns [undefined array element, "foobar"]
4233527 CF-4202076 Language : CFSCRIPT [ANeff] Bug for: slicing typed array does not preserve type Issue: slicing typed array does not preserve type
Repro using array[:] (credit to John Whish):
a1 = ["numeric"][1,2];
a2 = a1[:]
a2[3] = "foobar"
Actual Result
2978699 CF-4198479 Evagoras C. I am not sure if this is part of a different ticket, but here's another weird scenario:
foo = { bar = javacast("null",0) };
isNull( foo[ "bar" ] ); // exception is thrown
isNull( foo.bar ); // works
2609121 CF-3926812 External U. Hi Roberto and Hari,
I'm also unable to reproduce this. I tried w/ a non-Exchange server.
Send email:
Retrieve email and attachments:
The attachmentpath directory then contained only a single foo.msg file having text "foobar".
2609471 CF-3844976 Nikhil S. Multiple consecutive appends should work perfectly now, as the return type is updated from boolean to the respective datatypes:
hence these cases should work perfectly:
writeDump( structNew().append( { foo:'bar' } ).append( { bum:'baz' } ) );
x = {};
2609471 CF-3844976 External U. Oh, and which version was this fixed in? I'm running 11,0,05,293506 and this code:
st = {};
Results in "YES", when it should result in {foo="bar"}
I'd say... no, it's not fixed.
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: RestSetResponse() ignored if returntype non-void (CF-3546046 regression)
Void(string foobar restargsource="path") httpmethod="GET" restpath="void/{foobar}" produces="application/json" {
var response = {status=404, content=serializeJSON({message="Not Found"}), headers={myHeader=ARGUMENTS.foobar}};
if(ARGUMENTS.foobar is "foo") {
response.status = 200;
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent
2673203 CF-4146119 Net Protocols Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent
Example: If heirarchy foo/bar exists (parent foo containing bar), along w/ Inbox
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: some list member functions return incorrectly inside headless functions by Aaron N.
2672611 CF-4184641 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
Just following-up on this ticket nearly a year later.
Here are some more repro cases. All cases should return "1".
myList = "foo|bar";
writeOutput(listLen(myList.listFirst("|")));//returns 1 (good)
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: managing complex objects
New("b,c,d,e", "object,object,object,integer", [[q1, ["foobar"], {foo="bar"}, 1]]);
q3 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q2 WHERE e = 1", [], {dbtype="query"});
Actual and expected result: No error thrown (good). Confirmed in CF11 Update 7 and CF2016.
Thus, that entire "Managing complex objects
Tracker Issue Bug 85367:(Watson Migration Closure)System throw error when CFSCRIPT + STRUCTURE + KEY="interface"
" will NOT trigger the error.
foo = { bar = { interface = 1 } };foo = {};foo.bar = {};foo["bar"].interface = 1;foo = {};foo.bar = {};foo.bar.interface = 1;writeoutput(foo["bar"].interface);
looking for the text "interface"
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
to Reproduce:
var appSettings = getApplicationMetadata();
appSettings.mappings[ '/foobar' ] = 'C:\windows\';
writeDump( expandPath( '/foobar' ) );
If you run the above code, the expandPath() will not correctly expand to C:/windows, but instead to the web root as though
) a simple value.
See below:
function ex1() {
var foo.bar = 'baz';
var str = { 'test' = 1 };
return str.map( function() {
return isNull( foo.bar );
} );
function ex2() {
var foo = 'baz';
var str = { 'test' = 1 };
return str.map( function() {
return isNull( foo
Tracker Comment Comment on For-in Doesn't Loop Over Cached Query by External U.
2673605 CF-4123732 External U. Hi Immanuel,
I've also reproduced w/ this:
q = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]);
q2 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,30)});
for(row in q2) {
Portal Topic Usable search
‘advanced’ search. Is that possible or planned? Thanks!, -Aaron
The post Usable search appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,Search,123,bar,ColdFusion,Community Portal,foo,foo bar,foobar,language,search,testing
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: ordered struct disallows quoted keys
2673578 CF-4126386 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: ordered struct disallows quoted keys ordered struct disallows quoted keys
s = ["foo"="bar"];
Actual result: exception: "ColdFusion was looking at the following text: ="
Expected results: ordered struct created
.cfm, contents: "foobar-global"create a folder "b" with foo.cfm, contents: "foobar-local"create a global mapping "foo" in CF Admin that points to the folder "a"create an application with a per-app mapping to the "b" folderin your application, do: you will see the message "foobar-global", instead of the expected
2612581 CF-3495357 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
There should be a cleaner way to reference the owner function. How about a formal "owner" scope?
function f(index) {
var myArray = ["foo","bar"];
var becauseBug = ARGUMENTS.index;
return myArray.map(function(element, index, array) {
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: THIS.searchImplicitScopes=false breaks web service argumentCollection
.name = "SearchImplicitScopesDisabledBreaksWebServiceArgumentCollection";
THIS.searchImplicitScopes = false;
component {remote function myFunction(myArg) {return ARGUMENTS;}}
myArgs = {myArg="foobar
for simple values, if conversion fails (new behavior introduced).
Example 1: If myQuery.myColumn's type is numeric, then myQuery.myColumn[1]=true sets 1 into cell (existing behavior remains).
Example 2: If myQuery.myColumn's type is numeric, then myQuery.myColumn[1]="foobar" throws conversion exception (new
Portal Topic final == immutable? (or not?)
the data structure pointed by it will not be mutable? Example: `final myVar = {foo=”bar”}; myVar.foo = “baz”` Who would prefer that to not throw an exception (current behavior) or to throw an exception? Thanks!, -Aaron
The post final == immutable? (or not?) appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Final,Language,ColdFusion,final,language,publicbetaaether
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: QuerySort() exception says ArraySort()
2673158 CF-4148803 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: QuerySort() exception says ArraySort() QuerySort() exception says ArraySort()
q = queryNew("myCol", "", [["b"],["a"],["c"]]);
comparator = function(value1, value2) {
return "foobar";
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfdump() _is_ supported
However, should be removed from that list b/c it is supported in CF11 Final (11,0,0,289822). Repro:
Dumps {foo=["bar"]}
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3863521
External Customer
2609472 CF-3844972 Language Bradley Wood Member functions can't be chained to struct/array literals The following two code examples run as expected on Railo, but produce errors on 11.2
writeDump( { foo:'bar' }.append( { bum:'baz' } ) );
writeDump( [ 'a', 'b' ].append( [ 'c', 'd
Tracker Issue cfdocument/cfpdf scale="100" shrinks content
2613311 CF-3333862 Document Management : PDF generation Aaron Neff cfdocument/cfpdf scale="100" shrinks content Consider this pseudo-code (please see attached code):
Just run the attached script and see:
1) Resultant image dimensions are 800x200 (good)
2) Blue 800x200 div does not fill
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfml comment breaks optional semicolon
4356502 CF-4202541 Language : CFSCRIPT [ANeff] Bug for: cfml comment breaks optional semicolon Issue: cfml comment breaks optional semicolon
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Run:
f = function(){var foo="bar"}
a = "b"
Actual Result: Random exception
] = "foobar";
return myArray;
When I run this code on CF 11 Update 11, I get the error described above in the bug. However, if I run this same code on CF 11 Update 10, I see the array dump as expected (no error).
Tracker Comment Comment on BindOnLoad not working by Aaron N.
GridData(gridPage, gridPageSize, gridSortColumn, gridSortDirection) {
SERVER.ticket_4102251 = now();
var q = queryNew("myColumn", "varchar", [["foobar"]]);
return queryConvertForGrid(q, ARGUMENTS.gridPage, ARGUMENTS.gridPageSize);
remote function setGridData(gridAction, gridRow, grid
10 b/c middle key "2" is missing):
function f() {return arguments;}
args = {"1"="foo", "3"="bar"};
But this works in CF10:
function f() {return arguments;}
args = {"1"="foo", "3"="bar", "2"="foobar"};
; filed as CF-4202341)
Then: `function f(){final foo="bar"}` must create final variable named "foo" into variables scope
Otherwise: There would be no way to create a variables-scoped final variable from within a UDF, b/c `function f(){final variables.foo="bar"}` must create struct named "variables
(good). In CF2016, cachedQuery.getResult() returns NULL if queryAddRow|Column() was used on the cached query (bad).
q1 = queryNew("foo", "", [["foobar"]]);
q2 = queryExecute("SELECT foo FROM q1", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,1,0)});
2672882 CF-4159299 Document Management : Office Integration Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: spreadsheet.formatCellRange() documented but not implemented spreadsheet.formatCellRange() documented but not implemented
Steps to reproduce:
1) Run this:
q = queryNew("foo,bar,foobar", "", [[1
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: allow CAPSLOCK-friendly /REST/
function onApplicationStart() {
restInitApplication(expandPath("./"), "foo", {useHOST=true});
index.cfm is empty file
component restpath="{b:[bB][aA][rR]}" {remote string function abc() httpmethod="GET" {return "foobar";}}
1) In uriworkermap.properties, add: /REST/* = cfusion
foobar(fname, lname){
//alert(fname + ", " + lname);
t1 = new temp();
t1.testAjax(fname, lname);
Copy and paste the below code in a cfc and name it as test.cfc
Tracker Issue Sending request with application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Type causes Jersey error
.g., "application/json", "text/plain", even "foo/bar") and they all work fine. It is specifically with a Content-Type of "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" that this error happens.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Status of "500 Internal Server Error"
Body of {"Message":"Entity input stream has
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: arrayFindNoCase callback does not work
2672603 CF-4185107 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: arrayFindNoCase callback does not work arrayFindNoCase callback does not work
a = ["FooBar"];
//arrayFind()/.arrayFind() works
r1 = a.find(function(e) {return true;});//returns 1
r2 = arrayFind(a, function(e) {return true
2673576 CF-4126388 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: ordered struct exception in query.map() callback ordered struct throws exception in query.map() callback
q1 = queryNew("foo", "integer", [["bar1"]]);
q2 = q1.map(function(row,index,query){return [foo="bar3"];}, query
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfmap requires /CFIDE
1) Per lockdown guide, remove /CFIDE
2) In CF Admin, set "Default ScriptSrc Directory" to /foobar/
3) Run this code (and allow browser to access your location):
4) See map does not zoom-to-show-user (bad) (it shows Newton, Massachusetts but does not show your location).
5) View browser
Tracker Comment Comment on Exceptions in REST Services doesn't trigger Application.cfc's onError or Site-wide Error Handler by HariKrishna K.
() httpmethod="GET" produces="text/html" {
return "b";
So, Site-wide error handler, should have worked when "Accept" header is specified with cfhttp, which is currently not happening.
Currently it works
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: Aether missed correcting some member functions by Aaron N.
4223283 CF-4202044 Aaron N. Repro code (see comments for expected result):
s = {foo="bar"}
writeDump(s.clear())//returns YES (should return empty object like arrayObj.Clear())
q = queryNew("myColumn1")
writeDump(q.addColumn("myColumn2", "varchar", []))//returns 2 (should return
Empty(), .keyList(), .keyArray(), .append(), .update()
Once this ER is implemented, the following should return the expected results notated in the comments:
writeOutput(toString(myXMLVar) & '');//foo1 foo2 bar1 foobar
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: StoreAddMetadata() (no valid/future-proof workaround for its non-existence)
://mybucket/file.txt", {foo="bar"})
2) see exception: "Variable STOREADDMETADATA is undefined."
3) run the following:
metadata = storeGetMetadata("s3://mybucket/file.txt");
metadata.foo = "bar";
storeSetMetadata("s3://mybucket/file.txt", metadata);
4) see exception:
Error in Store operation
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: REST exception without produces not triggering site wide error handler
() httpmethod="GET" {foo=bar; return "b";}}
GET /rest/foo/bar HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: ColdFusion
Accept: text/html
Accept-Encoding: deflate;q=0
Connection: close
TE: deflate;q=0
Host: www
Tracker Issue append member functions don't return a useful value
2609471 CF-3844976 Language Bradley Wood append member functions don't return a useful value The following code sample works as expected on Railo, but throws an error on Adobe ColdFusion ("The append method was not found")
writeDump( structNew().append( { foo:'bar' } ).append( { bum
Tracker Issue isValid has incorrect documentation
Valid("maxlength", "foobar")
Actual Result:
Valid type arguments are: any, array, Boolean, date, numeric, query, string, struct, UUID, GUID, binary, integer, float, eurodate, time, creditcard, email, ssn, telephone, zipcode, url, regex, range , component, and variableName.
Expected Result:
??? Presumably a boolean value
that created it.
xmlDoc = xmlParse("foo");
xmlElem = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "bar");
structAppend(xmlDoc.myXML, xmlElem);
writeDump(xmlDoc);//does not show the "bar" node
xmlDoc = xmlParse("foobar");
xmlFragDoc = duplicate(xmlDoc.myXML.xmlNodes[2]);
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: null support ignores conditionals
4427755 CF-4202736 Language : Null Support [ANeff] Bug for: null support ignores conditionals Issue: null support ignores conditionals
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Enable NULL support
2) Run this:
writeOutput(variables.keyExists("foo"))//returns YES (bad)
4468915 CF-4202901 Language : Functions [ANeff] Bug for: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack Issue: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack
haystack = [true,1,createDate(2018,1,1),"foobar",{foo="Bar"},function(){return true
declared booleans are serialized as nested objects
Expected Result:
{"bar":{"foo":true },"foo":"bar"} {"bar":{"foo":true,"baz":{"foo":true}},"foo":"bar"}
All booleans should be serialized as booleans
Any Workarounds:
Explicit javacasting of every declared or running the object through deserialize
theDSN = "";//specify a DSN
cflogin() {cfloginuser(name="foo", password="bar", roles="foobar");}//cfloginuser still breaks some Admin API access
new CFIDE.adminapi.administrator().login(thePassword, theUsername);
obj = new CFIDE.adminapi.servermonitoring();
r = obj
Tracker Comment Comment on Exceptions in REST Services doesn't trigger Application.cfc's onError or Site-wide Error Handler by External U.
.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,0,0,30);
function onApplicationStart() {
restInitApplication(expandPath("./"), "foo", {useHOST=true});
component restpath="{a}" {remote string function abc() httpmethod="GET" {foo=bar; return "b";}}
": "baz" };
writeOutput("1 `" & foo?.bar & "`"); // Correct
writeOutput("2 `" & food?.bar & "`"); // Correct
writeOutput("3 `" & foo?.baz & "`"); // Not sure. I would expect that only foo would be checked but perhaps it makes sense that the entire chain would treat undefined
directoryDelete(expandPath(myDir & '/bar'));
cfftp(action="existsfile", remoteFile=myDir, result="r", server=myServer, username=myUsername, password=myPassword);
writeOutput(r.returnValue);//returns False (good - b/c myDir isn't a file)
fileWrite(expandPath(myDir & '/foo.txt'), "foobar
Tracker Issue CF10 Updater 1 changes ICE Browser behavior
2613310 CF-3333879 Document Management Aaron Neff CF10 Updater 1 changes ICE Browser behavior The following returns a different result in CF10 Final vs CF10+Updater1:
myVar.width = 750;
myVar.height = 250;
myVar.textToWrite = "foobar";
myVar.stormBase = create
2599108 CF-3040577 Language : CF Component Henry Ho Bug 81114:Cannot specify fully qualified argument type directly in script style Problem:
Cannot specify fully qualified argument type directly in script style. Workaround:import com.xyz.*;component { void function foo(bar bar) { }}However
brookd Actually, sorry, the connector issue was on a different (win2012) server - which is now also foobarred after the updater 8. I manually re-installed the connectors, but that did not help. The logs are filled with... somehow related to FusionReactor it looks like. I am going to uninstall