displaying top 100 results
4695346 CFB-4198410 Editor Features : Code Colorization [ANeff] Bug for: Colorization does not support most operators Issue: Colorization does not support most operators
if(foo eq "bar") {
if(foo is "bar") {
if(foo == "bar") {
if(foo neq
2978699 CF-4198479 Mingo H. To add to this (it's sort of implied by Brad, I think) but this works:
foo = { bar = {} };
isNull( foo[ "bar" ] );
And this Errors:
foo = { bar = {} };
isNull( foo[ "baz" ] );
4096926 CF-4201549 Language : Functions Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: QueryNew() columnList from rowData shortcut This ER is for allowing QueryNew(rowData) shortcut, when rowData is array-of-struct. CF can generate the columnList from rowData's distinct list of key names.
Tracker Comment Comment on [regression] "Variable ___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR2 is undefined." by External U.
2672607 CF-4184965 External U. A more concise repro case is:
foo.bar = foo.bar ?: {};
This is a pretty nasty bug. Is there an ETA on when it will be fixed?
2978699 CF-4198479 Evagoras C. I am not sure if this is part of a different ticket, but here's another weird scenario:
foo = { bar = javacast("null",0) };
isNull( foo[ "bar" ] ); // exception is thrown
isNull( foo.bar ); // works
2609471 CF-3844976 Nikhil S. Multiple consecutive appends should work perfectly now, as the return type is updated from boolean to the respective datatypes:
hence these cases should work perfectly:
writeDump( structNew().append( { foo:'bar' } ).append( { bum:'baz' } ) );
x = {};
2608426 CF-4097008 Installation/Config : Connector Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: CGI.HTTP_URL returns [empty string] on IIS when default doc omitted CGI.HTTP_URL returns [empty string] on IIS when default doc omitted
1) Dump #CGI.HTTP_URL# at URL http://localhost/index.cfm?foo=bar
2) Dump
Tracker Issue Bug 85367:(Watson Migration Closure)System throw error when CFSCRIPT + STRUCTURE + KEY="interface"
" will NOT trigger the error.
foo = { bar = { interface = 1 } };foo = {};foo.bar = {};foo["bar"].interface = 1;foo = {};foo.bar = {};foo.bar.interface = 1;writeoutput(foo["bar"].interface);
looking for the text "interface"
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
4261416 CF-4202194 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
This ticket cannot be 'fixed' due to CF-4202341.
1) `function f(){foo="bar"}` must create variable named "foo" into variables scope
2) `function f(){var variables.foo="bar"}` must create struct named "variables" into local scope (Lucee gets this right
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: some list member functions return incorrectly inside headless functions by Aaron N.
2672611 CF-4184641 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
Just following-up on this ticket nearly a year later.
Here are some more repro cases. All cases should return "1".
myList = "foo|bar";
writeOutput(listLen(myList.listFirst("|")));//returns 1 (good)
2. Put the following code in onRequestStart of Application.cfc:
var document = {
"foo" : "bar",
"bar" : {
"foo" : true
var jLoader = wirebox.getInstance( "loader@cbjavaloader" );
writeDump( createObject( "java", "com.google.gson.Gson" ).init().toJson( document ) );
2609270 CF-3863477 CFForm Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfform vs form wrt default action at SES URL self-posts correctly, even at an SES URL
self-posts incorrectly at an SES URL
1) go to www.domain.com/index.cfm/foo/bar?foo=bar
2) click 1st submit button
3) see
of behavior from CF 11 and seems to defeat the purpose of sameFormFieldsAsArray.
Steps to Reproduce:
POST stuff=foo&staff=bar,baz
Actual Result:
stuff = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
Expected Result:
stuff = ["foo", "bar,baz"]
Any Workarounds:
2609471 CF-3844976 External U. Oh, and which version was this fixed in? I'm running 11,0,05,293506 and this code:
st = {};
Results in "YES", when it should result in {foo="bar"}
I'd say... no, it's not fixed.
2610029 CF-3737409 Aaron N. I tried to vote, but it says "Already voted". (ahh.. Adobe can u unhide the vote names pls?)
This should be valid:
r = "foo,bar".listFindNoCase(foobar);
Old way:
r = listFindNoCase("foo,bar", foobar);
2608923 CF-3963346 External U. Oh, and to clarify, the generated query should be something like this:
Bars bars0_
bars0_.FooID=? and bars0_.YearID=?
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfhttp concatenates query strings w/ ?
2608455 CF-4090508 Net Protocols Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfhttp concatenates query strings w/ ? cfhttp doesn't check if url attribute contains "?" before appending type="url" cfhttpparams
Steps to reproduce:
1) Run this:
cfhttp(method="post", url="http://#CGI.HTTP_HOST##getDirectoryFromPath(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME)#/mypage.cfm?foo=bar
Tracker Comment Comment on CFTRACE and trace() behave differently by External U.
2609669 CF-3811003 External U. Hi Himavanth and Rupesh,
Can you please confirm if writeDump(foo) returns "bar" for you, using the example below, on CF11 Update 3 (11,0,03,292245(PreRelease))?
trace(text="trace text"){foo="bar";};
writeDump(foo);//outputs bar
So what will be the "correction
2556976 CF-4197194 John W. Javascript example for reference:
function doit() {
var a = ["a", "b", "c"];
var b = ["x", "y", "z"];
var counter = 0;
a.forEach(function(foo) {
counter = 0;
b.forEach(function(bar) {
// in dump
2609970 CF-3740276 Core Runtime Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: implicit struct|array overrides short-circuiting implicit struct|array overrides short-circuiting
Steps to reproduce:
function bar(){
if(structKeyExists(variables, "foo") and bar({something=variables.foo
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent
2673203 CF-4146119 Net Protocols Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent
Example: If heirarchy foo/bar exists (parent foo containing bar), along w/ Inbox
for object literal argument notation:
in addition to the current
As Sean Corfield noted, CF already allows : in named arguments...
function func( foo, bar ) {
return foo & bar;
x = func( foo : 42, bar : "answer" );
x = func( argumentCollection : { foo = 42, bar
var request={};
var form={};
var url={};
var variables={};*/
//End CF workaround
var application.foo = "bar";
var session.foo = "bar";
var request.foo = "bar";
var form.foo = "bar";
var url.foo = "bar";
var variables.foo = "bar";
return local;
4216891 CFB-4198321 Editor Features : Code Formatting [ANeff] ER for: ability to specify child brace indentation This ER is for: ability to specify child brace indentation
Steps to Reproduce:
1) In the following, place cursor at "|"
if(condition) {
foo = "bar";|
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: canonicalizeURL(inputString, restrictMultiple, restrictMixed[, throwOnError=false]) by External U.
2609133 CF-3924625 External U. Note: urlDecode() cannot be deprecated until this ticket is fixed b/c the ESAPI functions do not offer a fully-compatible replacement for urlDecode().
queryString = "foo=bar×tamp=2016%2d04%2d07T18%3a18%3a41Z";
Tracker Issue ?: has stopped working in CF11 update 3
2609215 CF-3910529 Language Adam Cameron ?: has stopped working in CF11 update 3 Repro:
#javaCast("null", "") ?: foo.bar#
On update 3, this outputs:
On update 2, it works fine:
Needs a HOTFIX I think?
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2608818 CF-3987369 External U. In CF11 Update 7 (build 11,0,07,296330), I see the following in IIS 10:
For: http://localhost/index.cfm/foo'bar?fo'o=ba'r
CGI.HTTP_URL result: /index.cfm/foo'bar?fo%27o=ba%27r
For: http://localhost/?fo'o=ba'r
CGI.HTTP_URL result: [empty string]
Filed CF
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar"> You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar"> You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar"> You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar"> You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar"> You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar"> You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: final ignored by Aaron N.
, etc, etc. Can you just check the code base please, or CF's documentation? Any tag that, by default, creates a variable, needs to throw coldfusion.compiler.FinalVariableMutationException if that variable was previously made final.
Also, this:
final function foo() {}
final variables.foo = "bar
Tracker Issue Convert URL and FORM fields like "id[]" to an array
2943351 CF-4198416 Language Bradley Wood Convert URL and FORM fields like "id[]" to an array Lucee Server (and other popular languages like PHP) support a feature where form or URL variables that end with "[]" will be converted into an array.
Form Ex:
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: invoke() overrides short-circuiting
2609971 CF-3740241 Core Runtime Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: invoke() overrides short-circuiting Duplicate ID: CF-3740276
invoke() overrides short-circuiting
Steps to reproduce:
function bar() {return true;}
//Example 1: returns no error (good!)
if(structKeyExists(variables, "foo
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: final ignored by Vijay M.
4356429 CF-4202542 Vijay M. All the cases have been fixed except the below two cases (explanation inline)-
6) Run:
final variables.foo = "bar"
function foo() {}//this line is completely ignored
Actual Result: bar
Expected Result: coldfusion
4427755 CF-4202736 Aaron N. I wish I could edit the description. I had a typo. The 2nd snippet (w/ the switch/case) should've been:
function f() {
var someValue = "a"
switch(someValue) {
case "b": {
var foo = "bar"
return local.keyExists("foo
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfloop's groupCaseSensitive and startRow attributes are undocumented
6120746 CF-4205053 Documentation [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfloop's groupCaseSensitive and startRow attributes are undocumented Issue: cfloop's groupCaseSensitive and startRow attributes are undocumented
myQuery = queryNew("myColumn1,myColumn2", "varchar,varchar", [["foo","bar"],["Foo","Bar"],["FOO","BAR
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: cfdump() _is_ supported
However, should be removed from that list b/c it is supported in CF11 Final (11,0,0,289822). Repro:
Dumps {foo=["bar"]}
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3863521
External Customer
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: coldfusion.sql.QueryColumn coersion broken for function argument by Aaron N.
4166478 CF-4201825 Aaron N. Hi Vijay,
Regarding: q["id"] returns the currentRow's "id" column value
Yes and no. It depends:
q["id"] is the ValueArray(q, "id") shorthand since CF10 and earlier:
q = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]);
a = [];
arrayAppend(a, q["foobar"], true
Tracker Comment Comment on Ternary Operators Act Counter-intuitively by Vijay M.
snippet for elvis, you will see the same undefined error-
myStruct =
{ foo = 'bar' };
values = myStruct.value ?: [myval];
writedump (values);
snippet2: without elvis and ternary operator usage, here also you will get the same error.
myStruct = \{ foo = 'bar' }
values = "";
Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar"> You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput
Portal Topic Usable search
‘advanced’ search. Is that possible or planned? Thanks!, -Aaron
The post Usable search appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Language,Search,123,bar,ColdFusion,Community Portal,foo,foo bar,foobar,language,search,testing
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: final ignored
: coldfusion.compiler.FinalVariableMutationException on line 4
5) Run:
final variables.foo = "final honored"
foo = function(){variables.bar="final ignored"}
writeOutput(isClosure(foo) & ' ' & bar)
Actual Result: YES final ignored
Expected Result: coldfusion
2673576 CF-4126388 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: ordered struct exception in query.map() callback ordered struct throws exception in query.map() callback
q1 = queryNew("foo", "integer", [["bar1"]]);
q2 = q1.map(function(row,index,query){return [foo="bar3"];}, queryNew("foo
2673374 CF-4126681 Kama S. Please see the ECMAScript optional chaining operator to see how this operator should really work.
foo = { "bar
Tracker Comment Comment on sameFormFieldsAsArray incorrectly deserializes form values containing commas by Bob G.
6477734 CF-4205918 Bob G. I entered a typo under "Steps to Reproduce:"
POST stuff=foo&stuff=bar,baz
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: null support ignores conditionals
4427755 CF-4202736 Language : Null Support [ANeff] Bug for: null support ignores conditionals Issue: null support ignores conditionals
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Enable NULL support
2) Run this:
writeOutput(variables.keyExists("foo"))//returns YES (bad)
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: literal syntax for unsynchronized array
2673072 CF-4153055 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: literal syntax for unsynchronized array This ER is for a literal syntax for unsynchronized array.
Syntax suggestion: ["element",..](configStruct)
Example: ["foo","bar"]({sync=false})
Thoughts? Other suggestions
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: implicit struct/array breaks <cfelseif>
index.cfm example
index.cfm example
Application.cfc example
Application.cfc example
Bug 86723:(Watson Migration Closure)With the cachePut() method, and id that contains a forward slash (/) can be provided, as in the following example:cachePut('foo/bar')The works fine, and the cached item can be retrieved with this id
2609471 CF-3844976 External U. Looks like I missed the comments back on November. Nikhil, can clarify if {}.append({foo:'bar'}); doesn't work because it's not possible, or if you're waiting to implement that as part of bug # CF-3844972? That syntax is supported in Railo/Lucee and I'd like to see
would work, now it throws an error.
Steps to Reproduce:
function foo( bar ) {
bar = "test";
writeDump( arguments.bar );
Actual Result:
Element BAR is undefined in ARGUMENTS.
The error occurred in {path-to}/index.cfm: line 4
2 : function foo( bar ) {
3 : bar = "test";
"foo" => $foo,
"bar" => $bar
- ArrayFindAllNoCase() must *only* string-search a haystack for all matching case-insensitive strings
Important: The word "All" doesn't mean it searches for more -types-. It means that it searches for more _positions_.
haystack = [{foo="Bar"},function(){return true
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: var ignored in cfcatch
2608812 CF-3988540 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: var ignored in cfcatch var is honored in catch (good):
function f1() {
try {a;}
catch(any e) {var foo = "bar";}
writeDump(structKeyExists(variables, "foo"));//returns NO (good)
var is ignored in cfcatch (bug
Tracker Comment Comment on Error when using ternary conditional operator inside of <cfdocumentsection> by Aaron N.
5305175 CF-4203996 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
The issue is much bigger. Here is a repro:
foo = true;
bar = foo ? 1.2 : 2;//HTTP Error 500.0 - (class: cfmypage2ecfm1301256636, method: runPage signature: ()Ljava/lang/Object;) Unable to pop operand off an empty stack
for APPLICATION.foo that points to foo.cfc (containing a bar() method) in the root, and ctrl+clicking "APPLICATION.foo.bar() doesn’t do anything. Looks like a handy feature if it worked - never tried/used it before :)
) a simple value.
See below:
function ex1() {
var foo.bar = 'baz';
var str = { 'test' = 1 };
return str.map( function() {
return isNull( foo.bar );
} );
function ex2() {
var foo = 'baz';
var str = { 'test' = 1 };
return str.map( function() {
return isNull( foo
Tracker Issue Null coalescing operator
2611807 CF-3589888 Language Adam Cameron Null coalescing operator See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null_coalescing_operator#C.23
Best summarised as:
possiblyNullValue ?? valueIfNull
variables.foo = "bah";
// uses an existing value
variables.foo = variables.foo ?? "bar"; // => variables.foo
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: Array Case functions cannot find XML
cfxml(variable="xml2") {writeOutput("");};
haystacksAndNeedles = [
{haystack=[["foo"]], needle=["foo"]},
{haystack=[{foo="bar"}], needle={foo="bar"}},
{haystack=[[foo="bar"]], needle=[foo="bar"]},
{haystack=[o1], needle=o2},
{haystack=[q1], needle=q2},
Tracker Issue path_info breaks Flash forms
Flash form now loads (b/c the *.mxml.cfswf was previously created)
8) Visit http://mysite.com/mypage.cfm/foo?bar
9) Observe Flash form doesn’t load again (b/c "?bar" requires a new *.mxml.cfswf file, but path_info "/foo" blocks the *.mxml.cfswf file creation)
10) Visit http://mysite.com/mypage.cfm?bar
Tracker Issue Bug 82998:[ANeff] Bug for: Apostrophe, in cfmapitem's name attribute, prevents display of map
Changing "foo ' bar" to "foo \' bar", for cfmapitem's name attribute, allows map to display. The other attributes for cfmap & cfmapitem do not require "\", so cfmapitem's name attribute shouldn't either.
: [ Integer | BigInt | Double | Decimal | VarChar | Binary | Bit | Time | Date | Timestamp | Object]"
Perhaps the "Object" type is there b/c I suggested that the default column type have a name. Example:
q1 = queryNew("myColumn", "", [[{foo="bar"}]]);//I suggested "" and "any" should be the same
q2 = query
error logged in exception.log
component {
THIS.name = "ticket_3041747";
THIS.sessionManagement = true;
THIS.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,0,0,10);
THIS.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,0,0,10);
function onApplicationEnd() {
foo = bar
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: NULL is not final by Piyush K.
BAR: asdf
FOO: asdf
NULL: asdf
function null() {
var bar = null
return bar
null = "asdf"
foo = variables
Tracker Comment Comment on For-in Doesn't Loop Over Cached Query by Immanuel N.
2673605 CF-4123732 Immanuel N. Issue exists with CF 2016 only. Works as expected on CF 11.
Copying the test below,
//create dummy query
q = QueryNew("id,foo");
QuerySetCell(q, "id", "1");
QuerySetCell(q, "foo", "bar");
//cache it
CacheRegionNew("queries", {}, false);
Jeff Coughlin This functionality is already built into CF (CF10+):
writeDump(queryNew("i,label,foo,bar", "integer,varchar,varchar,varchar", data));
For more info, see the rowData attribute in queryNew() here:
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: ordered struct disallows quoted keys
2673578 CF-4126386 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: ordered struct disallows quoted keys ordered struct disallows quoted keys
s = ["foo"="bar"];
Actual result: exception: "ColdFusion was looking at the following text: ="
Expected results: ordered struct created
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfhtmltopdfitem disallows marginbottom
2609842 CF-3759389 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfhtmltopdfitem disallows marginbottom cfhtmltopdfitem disallows marginbottom (it allows margintop, marginleft and marginright)
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result: "Attribute validation error for tag CFHTMLTOPDFITEM. It does
Tracker Comment Comment on For-in Doesn't Loop Over Cached Query by External U.
2673605 CF-4123732 External U. Just noting that the issue does not affect queryEach():
q4 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]);
q5 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q4", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,30)});
q5.each(function() {
2609852 CF-3757544 External U. Hi Ray and Uday,
This runs fine for me (I was able to paginate thru the slides fine) on CF10 and CF11 (tested in Chrome on Windows - if that matters):
1) The First|Prev|Next|Last links are at bottom of page in CF10 and at top of page in CF11
2612581 CF-3495357 Aaron N. Hi Adobe,
There should be a cleaner way to reference the owner function. How about a formal "owner" scope?
function f(index) {
var myArray = ["foo","bar"];
var becauseBug = ARGUMENTS.index;
return myArray.map(function(element, index, array) {
Tracker Issue 'serverSideFormValidation = false' stops validation errors, but does not stop omission of fieldnames
.serverSideFormValidation = false;
2) Submit a form with a fieldname of 'foo_bar_required'.
Actual Result:
'foo_bar_required' is omitted from the 'fieldnames' variable.
Expected Result:
'foo_bar_required' is included in the fieldnames variable.
Any Workarounds:
This only causes problems when underscores and reserved words
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: StoreAddMetadata() (no valid/future-proof workaround for its non-existence)
://mybucket/file.txt", {foo="bar"})
2) see exception: "Variable STOREADDMETADATA is undefined."
3) run the following:
metadata = storeGetMetadata("s3://mybucket/file.txt");
metadata.foo = "bar";
storeSetMetadata("s3://mybucket/file.txt", metadata);
4) see exception:
Error in Store operation
10 b/c middle key "2" is missing):
function f() {return arguments;}
args = {"1"="foo", "3"="bar"};
But this works in CF10:
function f() {return arguments;}
args = {"1"="foo", "3"="bar", "2"="foobar"};
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables (Part 2)
Observation 1:
.clear() would seemingly be ambiguous, since ArrayClear() and StructClear() can both be used on an XML object. However, ArrayClear(xml) actually *deletes* nodes and its functionality is already covered by StructDelete() and ArrayDeleteAt(). ArrayClear(xmlFoo.xmlBar) deletes all nodes named 'xmlBar
Portal Topic final == immutable? (or not?)
the data structure pointed by it will not be mutable? Example: `final myVar = {foo=”bar”}; myVar.foo = “baz”` Who would prefer that to not throw an exception (current behavior) or to throw an exception? Thanks!, -Aaron
The post final == immutable? (or not?) appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Final,Language,ColdFusion,final,language,publicbetaaether
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables by Aaron N.
- ArrayLen(fooNode.barNode) counts how many nodes named 'barNode' are under node named 'fooNode'
- ArrayIsEmpty(fooNode.barNode) returns YES if there are no nodes named 'barNode' under node named 'fooNode', otherwise returns YES
- StructCount(fooNode.barNode) counts how many nodes are under node named
is instantiated with the 'new' operator, and fails with CreateObject('component')
Steps to Reproduce:
// foo.cfc
component accessors="true" {
property name="bar" default="1";
function isBarDefined() {
return structKeyExists(variables, 'bar');
// testFoo.cfm
f1 = new Foo();
#suffix#" = function(){writeOutput("from bar")}
Actual Result: coldfusion.compiler.ParseException
Expected Result: "from foo" and "from bar"
Related Ticket: [https://tracker.adobe.com/#/view/CF-4199998]
Related Thread: [https://forums.adobeprerelease.com/coldfusionpr/discussion/182/cf2016-bug-cannot-assign-function-expression-to-dynamic-variable]
Tracker Issue ORM Collection Mapping Multiple Foreign Keys
YearID (PK)
BarID (PK)
FooID (FK)
YearID (FK)
/** foo.cfc **/
component persistent=true table='Foos' {
property name='id' column='FooID' fieldType='id' type='numeric' setter=false;
property name='year' column='YearID' fieldType='id' type='numeric' setter
Tracker Issue nested arrayEach parent execution context scoping issue
function doit() {
var a = ["a", "b", "c"];
var b = ["x", "y", "z"];
var counter = 0;
arrayEach(a, function(foo) {
counter = 0;
arrayEach(b, function(bar) {
// in dump counter is always 0
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: queryNew() not respecting column type
2608346 CF-4117243 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: queryNew() not respecting column type Duplicate ID: CF-4137970
queryNew() does not respect column type
q = queryNew("foo", "integer", [["bar"]]);
Actual result: "bar" is set into integer column
Expected result
2608346 CF-4117243 External U. Good code would expect queryNew("foo", "integer", [["bar"]]) to throw an exception.
Therefore, I think backward-compat shouldn't be maintained.
When column type is explicitly specified, user -expects- an error to be thrown.
Tracker Comment Comment on QueryExecute named params cannot start with a previous param's name by External U.
2608734 CF-4014578 External U. I should have used 'foo' and 'bar' in my example code instead of my actual parameter names. I have confirmed that this issue is NOT a conflict with the 'url' scope or reserved keyword.
Tracker Issue Struct key uppercase/lowercase inconsistency
where we've encountered this:
1. Add the following line to Application.cfc:
2. Create a Coldbox handler file with the following function:
public void function testFunction() {
var test_structs = [
foo: "foovalue",
bar: {
baz: "bazvalue"
foo2: "foovalue2",
Tracker Issue 2018 Beta: `var` in `final var myvar` is unnecessary
below worked as the bar one does.
function foo(){
final a = "One"
return a
function bar(){
final var b = "Two"
return b
x = foo()
y = bar()
writeOutput("IsNull(a): #isNull(a)#") // NO
writeOutput("IsNull(b): #isNull(b)#") // YES
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: CF11 vs CF2016 wrt queryAddColumn()
, queryAddColumn()'s default column type is "varchar" if query has rows (bad)
q = queryNew("col1");
queryAddColumn(q, "col2", []);//add column when query has 0 rows
querySetCell(q, "col1", {foo="foo"}, 1);
querySetCell(q, "col2", {bar="bar
Tracker Comment Comment on Nested cfloops with less records than outer loop cause “array index out of range” error by External U.
2609618 CF-3820049 External U. This also throws the error:
outer = queryNew("foo", "", [["a"]]);
inner = queryNew("bar", "", [["one"]]);
Leave a space between .
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: NULL is not final
4356580 CF-4202543 Language : Null Support [ANeff] Bug for: NULL is not final Issue: NULL is not final
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Run:
null = "asdf"
foo = variables.null
bar = null
Actual Result:
BAR: asdf
FOO: asdf
Tracker Issue For ... in loop on single element list fails with coldfusion.runtime.ScopeCastException
then a cast exception is thrown. Note in the below example that if you replace variables.foo = variables.q['Bar']; with variables.foo = 3; then the loop works as expected.
Steps to Reproduce:
variables.q = QueryNew("Bar", "Integer", [{Bar = 3}]);
variables.foo = variables.q['Bar'];
Tracker Comment Comment on ExpandPath Returns Incorrect Path When Used with Mappings in Application.cfc by External U.
2609756 CF-3783403 External U. While CF Admin mappings and per-Application mappings are honored in the CFC constuctor area in CF11 Update 3, there is still a problem best illustrated by a repro case:
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create directories c:\foo and c:\bar
2) In CF Admin, create the /mymapping="c:\foo
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc ER for: document query["column"] syntax
2672404 CF-4196853 Documentation Aaron Neff [ANeff] Doc ER for: document query["column"] syntax This ER is to document query["column"] syntax. This works:
q = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]);
a.append(q["foobar"], true);
writeDump(a);//returns same result as q
Tracker Issue Allow cfproperty default to be a CFML expression
property name='myString' default='[1,2,3]' type='string';
// This will actually be an array
property name='myArray' default='#[1,2,3]#' type='array';
* This will actually be a struct
* @default #{ foo : 'bar' }#
property name='myStruct' type
2609472 CF-3844972 Language Bradley Wood Member functions can't be chained to struct/array literals The following two code examples run as expected on Railo, but produce errors on 11.2
writeDump( { foo:'bar' }.append( { bum:'baz' } ) );
writeDump( [ 'a', 'b' ].append( [ 'c', 'd
Tracker Issue Allow negative offsets for right() and left()
it into an "all but this many chars" functionality as opposed to "only this many chars". It's great for stripping something of known length off the start of a string like so:
myString='// { "foo" : "bar" }'
dump( myString.right( -2 ) )
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfml comment breaks optional semicolon
4356502 CF-4202541 Language : CFSCRIPT [ANeff] Bug for: cfml comment breaks optional semicolon Issue: cfml comment breaks optional semicolon
Steps to Reproduce:
1) Run:
f = function(){var foo="bar"}
a = "b"
Actual Result: Random exception
Tracker Issue Error handling implicit array in combination with ternary operator in <cfloop array="...">
Steps to Reproduce:
str = "teststr";
arr = ["testarr1","testarr2"];
cond = "foo"; // crash
// cond = "bar"; // no crash, but output is missing
Actual Result:
Crash, if cond = "foo":
Variable ___IMPLICITARRYSTRUCTVAR1 is undefined.
in the first