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4695346 CFB-4198410 Editor Features : Code Colorization [ANeff] Bug for: Colorization does not support most operators Issue: Colorization does not support most operators Repro: if(foo eq "bar") { //bad } if(foo is "bar") { //bad } if(foo == "bar") { //good } if(foo neq
2978699 CF-4198479 Mingo H. To add to this (it's sort of implied by Brad, I think) but this works: foo = { bar = {} }; isNull( foo[ "bar" ] ); And this Errors: foo = { bar = {} }; isNull( foo[ "baz" ] );
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by Immanuel N.
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by External U.
4353965 CF-4202535 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, Another repro: cfthread(name="myThread1"){variables.foo1 = duplicate(local)} thread name="myThread2" {variables.foo2 = duplicate(local)} cfthread(action="join", name="myThread1,myThread2") writeDump([foo1,foo2]) writeDump({foo1=foo1,foo2=foo2
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by External U.
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by External U.
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by Immanuel N.
4356429 CF-4202542 Language [ANeff] Bug for: final ignored Issue: final ignored Steps to Reproduce: 1) Run: ----------- final = "final honored" = "final ignored" writeOutput(foo)//if `foo` is changed to ``, then coldfusion
2609970 CF-3740276 Core Runtime Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: implicit struct|array overrides short-circuiting implicit struct|array overrides short-circuiting Steps to reproduce:   {code} function bar(){ writeDump(ARGUMENTS); abort; } if(structKeyExists(variables, "foo") and bar({
2672607 CF-4184965 External U. A more concise repro case is: foo={}; = ?: {}; This is a pretty nasty bug. Is there an ETA on when it will be fixed?
4096926 CF-4201549 Language : Functions Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: QueryNew() columnList from rowData shortcut This ER is for allowing QueryNew(rowData) shortcut, when rowData is array-of-struct. CF can generate the columnList from rowData's distinct list of key names. Example: {code:java} queryNew("foo
2609971 CF-3740241 Core Runtime Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: invoke() overrides short-circuiting Duplicate ID: CF-3740276 invoke() overrides short-circuiting Steps to reproduce: function bar() {return true;} //Example 1: returns no error (good!) if(structKeyExists(variables, "foo
Comment on CFCHART should accept absolute paths as the 'style' argument, not only retaliative ('../../foo.json') by External U.
2609682 CF-3808648 External U. +1 - and should work identically within for(row in q)
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by Bradley W.
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by External U.
completely flat: foo = { x = function() {} , y = function() { return 'y'; } }; writedump(foo.x()); // undefined writedump(foo.y()); // y writedump(foo.x() ?: foo.y()); // undefined writedump(foo.y() ?: foo.y()); // undefined writedump(foo.x() ?: server.coldfusion.productversion) // prints productversion
2609731 CF-3790842 External U. Here is another test case that is still broken. function testArrayBug(){ if( true){ var foo = "test"; testArrayBugSecond(test =["one" & foo]); } } versus here it working function testArrayBug(){ var foo = "test"; if( true){ test
2611698 CF-3600334 External U. The arguments scope and local scope are two separate scopes. There's no reason why a developer shouldn't be able to have and Why would that be a "silly mistake" any more than having a and variable??
4322443 CF-4202429 Immanuel N. The only scenario that has not been fixed as part of CF-4201487, is,  foo = new Null()//coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedVariableException writeDump(foo) In fact, the following snippet works as expected, foo = createObject("component", "Null"); writeOutput(foo
isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't
App" THIS.applicationTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,0,0,10) THIS.sessionManagement = true THIS.sessionTimeout = createTimeSpan(0,0,0,10) THIS.enableNULLSupport=true } ----------- 3) Create MyCFC.cfc having: ----------- component {function f() { = null}} ----------- 4) Run index.cfm containing
2609737 CF-3788414 External U. Hi Adobe, Copying my comment from Slack: -------------------------------------------- There are definitely inconsistencies. foo = writeOutput("foo");//displays "foo" foo = writeDump("foo");//displays "coldfusion.compiler.MethodNotFoundException: Method write
2598392 CF-3041385 Language : Tags Raymond Camden Bug 82768:I found two bugs with implicit struct notation Problem: I found two bugs with implicit struct notation. Consider this:calling foo with #artid# = #foo({id=art.artid[currentrow]})#This fails, with or w/o currentrow as the index (it should
4261416 CF-4202194 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, This ticket cannot be 'fixed' due to CF-4202341. Since: 1) `function f(){foo="bar"}` must create variable named "foo" into variables scope 2) `function f(){var"bar"}` must create struct named "variables" into local scope (Lucee gets this right
library 2. Put the following code in onRequestStart of Application.cfc: var document = { "foo" : "bar", "bar" : { "foo" : true } }; var jLoader = wirebox.getInstance( "loader@cbjavaloader" ); writeDump( createObject( "java", "" ).init().toJson( document ) ); document
" will NOT trigger the error. Method: foo = { bar = { interface = 1 } };foo = {}; = {};foo["bar"].interface = 1;foo = {}; = {}; = 1;writeoutput(foo["bar"].interface); Result: looking for the text "interface" ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2673346 CF-4126713 External U. expandPath("foo") also fails. expandPath("/foo") works. As far as I can tell from my testing, any path that does not begin with "/" throws an index out of range exception.
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by Immanuel N.
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by Aaron N.
2611698 CF-3600334 External U. The arguments scope and local scope are two separate scopes. There's no reason why a developer shouldn't be able to have and
Application.cfc or any component extended by Application.CFC. Test case: / /foo foo.cfc /config config.xml /wwwroot /cf11_mapping_bug Application.cfc test.cfm Create a Mapping in the ColdFusion administrator for /foo, pointing to the /foo directory you just created. Here are the files you'll need
Comment on CFCHART should accept absolute paths as the 'style' argument, not only retaliative ('../../foo.json') by External U.
2609627 CF-3818770 External U. Actually, there is a regression in CF11 Update 3. //foo = "A"; writeOutput(foo ?: "B"); 11,0,0,289822: Returns "A" when foo exists, otherwise returns "B" 11,0,03,292024(PreRelease): Returns "A" when foo exists, otherwise returns lowercase "b" In possibly
2609681 CF-3808734 External U. Actually, what was the fix? B/c it looks like dbvarname was already supported by default in CF Final (11,0,0,289822), as the following runs fine (inserts rows w/o error) w/ MSSQL: CREATE TABLE ticket_CF-3808734 ( id int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, foo varchar(50
4354238 CF-4202536 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, Issue also occurs in threads: index.cfm ----------- cfthread(name="myThread1"){variables.foo1 = duplicate(local)} thread name="myThread2" {variables.foo2 = duplicate(local)} cfthread(action="join", name="myThread1,myThread2") writeOutput(foo1.key
2978699 CF-4198479 Evagoras C. I am not sure if this is part of a different ticket, but here's another weird scenario: foo = { bar = javacast("null",0) }; isNull( foo[ "bar" ] ); // exception is thrown isNull( ); // works
2556976 CF-4197194 John W. Javascript example for reference: function doit() { var a = ["a", "b", "c"]; var b = ["x", "y", "z"]; var counter = 0; a.forEach(function(foo) { counter = 0; b.forEach(function(bar) { counter++; // in dump
2609471 CF-3844976 Nikhil S. Multiple consecutive appends should work perfectly now, as the return type is updated from boolean to the respective datatypes: hence these cases should work perfectly: writeDump( structNew().append( { foo:'bar' } ).append( { bum:'baz' } ) ); x = {}; x.append({foo
2608426 CF-4097008 Installation/Config : Connector Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: CGI.HTTP_URL returns [empty string] on IIS when default doc omitted CGI.HTTP_URL returns [empty string] on IIS when default doc omitted Repro: 1) Dump #CGI.HTTP_URL# at URL http://localhost/index.cfm?foo=bar 2) Dump
result is that the generated/implicit accessor is invoked. This was not a bug in CF10 (did not test in CF11) Steps to Reproduce: == a.cfc == component accessors="true" { property name="foo" type="string"; public function init() { setFoo("foo"); return this; } public string function
2609785 CF-3773095 Language Chris Phillips Please allow use of "var " keyword outside of functions Almost all of our work in CF is in script components. In the rare case I am in a display template and I need a new variable, I inevitably type "var foo =" and get a compiler error. This is lame
range, the index value is actually a number. And since CF is* type-casting, min(foo, 1) works even when foo is a date. And dateAdd(foo, "d", 1) works even when foo is a number. And, side-note, isValid("string", now()) has always returned true, and a string argument has always allowed a date. * Issue
2608332 CF-4121934 Database Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting and casing Related Bugs: CF-4138764 - Similar to Two issues: 1) CAST(myBitColumn AS VARCHAR) returns YES/NO instead of 1/0 2) a) LOWER(CAST(myVarcharColumn AS VARCHAR)) returns Foo instead of foo; b) UPPER
2608110 CF-4190748 Language : Datastructure John Whish ColdFusion doesn't always respect the characters used to create keys Problem Description: ColdFusion does not respect the characters used to create keys. Steps to Reproduce: foo = {}; foo["stressed"] = "stressed"; foo["streßed"] = "streßed
2608455 CF-4090508 Net Protocols Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfhttp concatenates query strings w/ ? cfhttp doesn't check if url attribute contains "?" before appending type="url" cfhttpparams Steps to reproduce: 1) Run this: index.cfm ----------- cfhttp(method="post", url="http://#CGI.HTTP_HOST##getDirectoryFromPath(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME)#/mypage.cfm?foo
fine with different cases (case-insensitive). Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create an interface FooAble 2. Create a class Foo that implements FooAble 3. Instantiate Foo as foo and output isInstanceOf(foo , "fooable") Actual Result: source deployment shows Yes sourceless deployment shows No Expected Result
4454539 CF-4202846 Language : Null Support [ANeff] Bug for: NullPointer thrown for UndefinedVariable Issue: NullPointer thrown for UndefinedVariable Repro 1: function f(foo) {return foo+1} f() Actual and Expected Result with NULL support disabled: coldfusion
4356429 CF-4202542 Vijay M. All the cases have been fixed except the below two cases (explanation inline)-   6) Run: ----------- final = "bar" function foo() {}//this line is completely ignored writeDump(foo) ----------- Actual Result: bar Expected Result: coldfusion
, etc, etc. Can you just check the code base please, or CF's documentation? Any tag that, by default, creates a variable, needs to throw coldfusion.compiler.FinalVariableMutationException if that variable was previously made final. Also, this: final function foo() {} final = "bar
2673203 CF-4146119 Net Protocols Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent cfimap listallfolders shows child folders duplicated into every other parent Example: If heirarchy foo/bar exists (parent foo containing bar), along w/ Inbox
2609914 CF-3744503 Document Management : PDF Generation (CFHTML2PDF) Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfhtmlitem doesn't support additional attributes This works (cfdocumentitem): This fails (cfhtmltopdfitem): Expected result: Additional attributes should
4373541 CF-4202592 Language : Closures Chained function calls silently do the wrong thing Problem Description: If a function returns a closure, and it is immediately called, that call silently doesn't happen. Steps to Reproduce: {code:java} function foo( n ) { return function( m ) { return
of behavior from CF 11 and seems to defeat the purpose of sameFormFieldsAsArray. Steps to Reproduce: POST stuff=foo&staff=bar,baz Actual Result: stuff = ["foo", "bar", "baz"] Expected Result: stuff = ["foo", "bar,baz"] Any Workarounds:
2609669 CF-3811003 External U. Hi Himavanth and Rupesh, Can you please confirm if writeDump(foo) returns "bar" for you, using the example below, on CF11 Update 3 (11,0,03,292245(PreRelease))? trace(text="trace text"){foo="bar";}; writeDump(foo);//outputs bar So what will be the "correction
courtesy of @adam_cameron and @ryanguill - uncomment a, b, or c, but the snippet as-is will produce the buggy result) //a = "eh?"; //b = "be!"; //c = "see?"; //foo = (a ?: b) ?: c; foo = a ?: (b ?: (c ?: "failsafe")); writeDump(foo); Actual Result: Variable FOO is UNDEFINED Expected Result
.name = "ticket_mapping"; THIS.mappings['/mymapping'] = "c:\foo"; writeOutput(expandPath('/mymapping')); void function onRequest() { writeOutput(expandPath('/mymapping')); } } actual output: C:\path\to\site\mymappingC:\foo expected output: C:\fooC:\foo ----------------------------- Additional Watson
2611807 CF-3589888 Language Adam Cameron Null coalescing operator See Best summarised as: possiblyNullValue ?? valueIfNull eg: = "bah"; // uses an existing value = ?? "bar"; // =>
2612948 CF-3363366 REST Services Bob Gray Application mappings failing with a REST call Problem Description: Application mappings intermittently fail to find a cfc when called within a REST service. Steps to Reproduce: Call CreateObject("") from within a REST service call where root
2601314 CF-3038095 Installation/Config : Config Neil Middleton Bug 76384:Simple test: Problem: Simple test: myFoo = new Foo(); system.dump(var=myFoo); fails with a NPE. BUT, if I remove system.dump and stick a tag CFDUMP just after the new Foo() it works as expected. After investigation
4251011 CF-4202131 Language : Expressions [ANeff] Bug for: function expression cannot be assigned to final variable Issue: function expression cannot be assigned to final variable Repro: {code:java} final foo = function(){writeOutput("from foo")} foo() suffix = "r" final "ba
4427755 CF-4202736 Language : Null Support [ANeff] Bug for: null support ignores conditionals Issue: null support ignores conditionals Steps to Reproduce: 1) Enable NULL support 2) Run this: if(false) {foo="bar"} writeOutput(variables.keyExists("foo"))//returns YES (bad) writeOutput(isNull("
2672611 CF-4184641 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, Just following-up on this ticket nearly a year later. Here are some more repro cases. All cases should return "1". myList = "foo|bar"; writeOutput(listLen(myList.listFirst("|")));//returns 1 (good) write
's another bug - QuerySetCell is not checking for type agreement A similar case also fails - hopefully this is also resolved in the upcoming patch: foo = ArrayNew(1); ArrayAppend(foo,{name='first'}); ArrayAppend(foo,{name='second'}); qry = QueryNew(""); QueryAddColumn(qry,"test1",foo); // crash - Invalid
2673605 CF-4123732 Immanuel N. Issue exists with CF 2016 only. Works as expected on CF 11. Copying the test below, //create dummy query q = QueryNew("id,foo"); QueryAddRow(q); QuerySetCell(q, "id", "1"); QuerySetCell(q, "foo", "bar"); //cache it CacheRegionNew("queries", {}, false); results
2608751 CF-4010514 Kama S. I agree with the syntax proposed by Adrian Moreno: foo = new;
Comment on CFCHART should accept absolute paths as the 'style' argument, not only retaliative ('../../foo.json') by External U.
, for example, generates an error if is undefined: if(false and myFunction({})) {} Example for Array page ( Array notation overrides short-circuiting. The following line, for example, generates
2611109 CF-3640436 External U. I tried passing scales="foo", scales="#a struct#" and it didn't work for me. Can you share an example?
2612885 CF-3374275 External U. Hi Adam, It looks like this is fixed in CF2016 final? Here's what I ran: foo=[]; foo.append(createDateTime(2012)); foo.append(createDateTime(2012, 11)); foo.append(createDateTime(2012, 11, 29)); foo.append(createDateTime(2012, 11, 29, 15)); foo
Empty(), .keyList(), .keyArray(), .append(), .update() Once this ER is implemented, the following should return the expected results notated in the comments: foo1 foo2 bar1 foobar //xml.toString() writeOutput(toString(myXMLVar) & '');//foo1 foo2 bar1 foobar write
InitApplication("/mymapping", "RestTest"); return true; } } All 4 Restservice CFC's contain the following (same restpath "foo" in each - which, of course, is invalid): -------------------------------- When running the app, the following exception is thrown: ----------- Application RestTest could
2943351 CF-4198416 Language Bradley Wood Convert URL and FORM fields like "id[]" to an array Lucee Server (and other popular languages like PHP) support a feature where form or URL variables that end with "[]" will be converted into an array. URL Ex: file.cfm?id[]=foo&id[]=bar Form Ex: Those
CFCHART should accept absolute paths as the 'style' argument, not only retaliative ('../../foo.json')
3559055 CF-4199905 Language Raymond Camden cfargument doesn't validate an array of components properly Given your cfargument uses a type of foo[], which means, an array of foo components, CF will only validate the very first item in the array, not the entire array. Documented in 2007: https
Tracker Issue Elvis Operator Bug
3746249 CF-4200233 Language Fred Leefarr Elvis Operator Bug Problem Description: The elvis operator does not work when using a variable as a struct key. Steps to Reproduce: {code:java} ? function test() { var foo = { test_123456 = "result" }; var key = "test_123456"; var result = foo
4300133 CF-4202341 Language : Scopes [ANeff] Bug for: var is sometimes ignored (Lucee correct) Issue: var is sometimes ignored (Lucee correct) Repro: application.delete("foo"); session.delete("foo"); function f() { //Begin CF workaround /*var application={}; var session
4322443 CF-4202429 Language : Null Support Null cannot be used as a component name Problem Description: Null cannot be used as a component name Steps to Reproduce: foo = new Null()//coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedVariableException writeDump(foo) Actual Result: Variable undefined exception
2608425 CF-4097633 External U. Just noting that rereplace('/files/foo.txt', '^/files', reEscape('d:\user\1\files')) returns d:\user\1\\files/foo.txt (which also doesn't match the expected result in the description) Thanks!, -Aaron
2608751 CF-4010514 Adrian M. +1 Might I suggest a prefix to the class path if you're using java to address the extremely valid concern raised on 07/03/2015. Component foo = new; Java foo = new,my.lib();
2609167 CF-3916906 External U. So are you telling me, given this code in Application.cfc: this.mappings = {"/foo", "c:\foo}; this.datasources = {/*stuff here*/}; Then: this.mappings gets loaded every request this.datasources does not?
2609471 CF-3844976 External U. Oh, and which version was this fixed in? I'm running 11,0,05,293506 and this code: st = {}; writeDump(st.append({foo="bar"})); Results in "YES", when it should result in {foo="bar"} I'd say... no, it's not fixed.
Comment on isNull( works but isNull(URL["foo"]) doesn't by External U.
2610029 CF-3737409 Aaron N. I tried to vote, but it says "Already voted". (ahh.. Adobe can u unhide the vote names pls?) This should be valid: r = "foo,bar".listFindNoCase(foobar); Old way: r = listFindNoCase("foo,bar", foobar); Thanks!, -Aaron
2612070 CF-3560964 External U. Please fix this. This bug makes this feature near useless. If you have 3 sets of form fields you can't reliably say that[2] was the 2nd foo element since it may have been the third.
2612070 CF-3560964 External U. See my note. This bug makes this feature - to me - 100% broken. If you have 3 sets of fields, you can't rely on[2] being the second foo element. It may have been the third but the user left the second blank.
2612557 CF-3499033 External U. Hi all, I also like the idea of q["col"] returning an array, but it looks like it might break existing code? #foo# #foo# Both currently return "a" but would throw an exception? Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar">You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar">You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar">You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar">You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar">You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
Comment on Bug 79374:(Watson Migration Closure)Can you please make so that a for in loop works for arrays?You have the functionality with foo#" index="bar">You should also be able to do:for(arrayFoo in bar){ writeoutput by External U.
2608121 CF-4187503 Aaron N. Hi Adobe and Brian, This ticket is not fixed in CF2018 Public Beta (build 2018.0.0.308164). The following still throws an exception: foo = now() writeOutput(foo.trim()) Could you please outline exactly what was fixed? I do not understand your last response
4322443 CF-4202429 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, Original ticket in PR: CF-4201487 function f(null=true) {//coldfusion.compiler.ParseException writeDump(null); } f(); foo = new Null()//coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedVariableException writeDump(foo) Re-open/fix/communicate. Thanks!, -Aaron
4401694 CF-4202642 Aaron N. Also, cfindex(action="foo", collection="MyCollection") throws "The value of the ACTION attribute, which is currently foo, must be one of the values: OPTIMIZE,ABORT,MERGE,COMMIT,REFRESH,UPDATE,DELTAIMPORT,PURGE,DELETE,FULLIMPORT,STATUS." Issue: "OPTIMIZE" should also
4427755 CF-4202736 Aaron N. I wish I could edit the description. I had a typo. The 2nd snippet (w/ the switch/case) should've been: function f() { var someValue = "a" switch(someValue) { case "b": { var foo = "bar" break } } return local.keyExists("foo
2673374 CF-4126681 Kama S. Please see the ECMAScript optional chaining operator to see how this operator should really work. foo = { "bar