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Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by Saurav Ghosh
CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions
Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by James Mohler
Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by Aaron Neff
Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on CFFiddle for Flow control tags and a few more functions by Aaron Neff
[code profiler] some CF built-in function are not being captured in tag/function and code flow tab
2613492 CF-3306430 Document Management : PDF generation ext-user ICE Browser is not rendering certain cases where data flows out of table column Problem:Some strings are flowing out from table columns in cfdocument tag. A string having spaces sometimes crosses the column width and prints on another
-executable files to be uploaded, and if placed into web-accessible folders, they were then executable by outsiders and allowed to run with the full permissions of the running CF instance. The protection (to block the known risky file extensions) was enabled at the Admin, application, and tag level (cffile action
Comment on Memory Leak- Persisted closures hold onto tag instances every time they execute by Bradley W.
5961389 CF-4204857 Peter F. One way to address it, aside from adding another setting would be to add a special keyword, eg: no-extension, or null-extension in the extension list, then it could be supported in the Application.cfc, tag level, and Administrator level. I think there is little chance
extensions to block. I can see some finding such a value to be more challenging than just a checkbox. But then consider that this blocked extension list can also be overridden at the app and tag level, so handling null extensions differently than others would require not only a new admin checkbox, but a
allow blocking of certain tags in modules invoked with CFModule and CFInclude
Bug 76107:(Watson Migration Closure)My enhancement suggestion is to create a tag because the level of control and reliability is finally maximized
variable instance, it is a flow/locking control construct. The CFML named lock never directly touchese the variables scope. The tag instance is something very deep inside of the CF engine and behind the scenes that is created for each closure invocation and stored inside the java object used to implement
Comment on CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .fullscreencontrol attribute is not supported in CF 10. by Kiran S.
6204225 CF-4205207 Language : Tags continue in cfscript behaves differently from cfcontinue when cfloop through a file Problem Description: Different results from CFTAG and cfscript when loop through a file with cfcontinue/continue in the flow. Steps to Reproduce: line_no = 0; cfloop (index
.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.InvokeTag.doEndTag( at
2617008 CF-2894559 AJAX : UI Components ext-user CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .fullscreencontrol attribute is not supported in CF 10. Problem: CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .fullscreencontrol attribute does not work when : 1) fullscreencontrol=false and video is flash (i.e. control should not be visible but it is ) 2
2596809 CF-3690526 Performance Anthony Galano Memory leak when calling CFC directly with no method argument When a cfc is called directly with no method argument the server begins to chew up memory. Calling a cfc directly like will run
2602407 CF-3036885 AJAX : UI Components Ed Lamp Bug 73857:Tag: CFFileupload Problem: Tag: CFFileupload Please add the functionality to manually control the start of the uplaod process. changes TAG: add paramater to disable or remove the upload button JS: add method to start uploads Scenario: user
Comment on cfldap tag will not connect to Windows Server 2019 domain controllers by Dave I.
Tracker Issue 4195407 BUG NOT FIXED
in Google Chrome for Mac or Windoes (2) View source and locate input tag Actual Result: Expected Result: Any Workarounds: None
2603208 CF-3035879 External U. +1 from me. Spent many years having to (regretably) relax security on particular folders because cfhttp and other tags do not support NTLM/Negotiate. I don't use sharepoint but I can undestand how this would be a pain in an environment that you may not have control of.
ecfm2040634015.runPage(/var/www/pukka/shared-prod/ModelGlue/gesture/ModelGlue.cfm:83) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag( at
. I like the idea of the tabbed UI. One for tag and one for script. Whenever possible I write services and controllers in script, as do many other people.
Comment on cfldap tag will not connect to Windows Server 2019 domain controllers by Kailash B.
.cfm ... added an index.cfm dummy file ... no difference. =========================================================== Invalid usage of AJAX tag. Use cfajaximport tag to specify SCRIPTSRC or make sure all ajax controls are inside a single cfform tag that has SCRIPTSRC. The error occurred in C
2609797 CF-3767680 AJAX Jack Poe CFFILEUPLOAD breaks CSS Problem Description: Using the same code from CF10, I noticed that the flash control for CFFILEUPLOAD breaks CSS on my page. Steps to Reproduce: Surround the tag with CSS and you should see it Actual Result: floated DIV tags don't seem
in this bug will only manifest if the cfform does not specify the action attribute, Fixing this would be at the cost of changing this default behavior in case the cfform tag is used inside layout control. But that can interfere with cases where this is behavior is desired. Example: Form submitted!! logic
3059556 CF-4198589 John P. Like others I have been experiencing this problem with cfajaxproxy in CF 2016 ("Use cfajaximport tag to specify SCRIPTSRC or make sure all ajax controls are inside a single cfform tag that has SCRIPTSRC.") I found the link to this tracker item through the posting on https
-to-prevent-coldfusion-from-injecting-cfform-js-into-the-head-section), rather than after the CSS declarations. See for an explaination of why this is a poor practice and how it causes performance issues. Steps to Reproduce: Any page with a tag. Actual Result: Expected Result: Some control over where
(as well as other issues noted in parentheses): - Array functions - Cache functions - Date and time functions - Dynamic evaluation functions (for consistency, alphabetical order should go vertical before horizontal - it is currently the reverse of this) - Flow control functions - Full-text search
\cfusion\wwwroot\core\customtags\jlb\queryRow2Struct.cfm" "read") at at at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.resolveCompileTemplate(IncludeTag
. A script statement beginning with { on line 13, column 17. A script statement beginning with for on line 12, column 17. A cfscript tag beginning on line 5, column 10. A cfscript tag beginning on line 5, column 10. The error occurred in F:\wwwroot\testing\index.cfm: line 15 13 : { 14
. If you prefer using the cfspreadsheet tag, you can pass a spreadsheet object to the tag instead of passing the query. Let me know if this works for you. Changing the behavior for the cfspreadsheet tag with respect to the issue you've reported, may upset the behavior of a lot of existing application
.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.loadBODYSTRUCTURE( at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.getLineCount( at coldfusion.mail.EmailTable.populate( at coldfusion.mail.IMapImpl.getMails( at$ at
tag pulling on ssl pages.   I've seen this many times at other organizations that I've worked for and have updated the cacerts on those servers not always with the desired outcome.   It's one thing to just install a new cert but how do we test the cert or the jvm to simply find out what we have
icons in the grid control and toolbars including the paging toolbar? There is a tag library called coldExt which will do a lot of this but it is not well documented. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3037163
2609029 CF-3944298 Piyush K. Henry, Just for the sake of isolating the issue, can you assign recursive "Full control" permission to account "everyone" to the folder where you are trying to create the collection, and retry creating the collection. Besides using cfcollection tag in a cfm page, you
to cover in-place features too. Currently you just have a new randomly managed setting (neo-runtime.xml, CFAdmin, Application.cfc, attribute on the tag or argument on the function) when you do stuff like this. I'm suggesting taking a coherent uniform approach. http
.Version.getVersionString( at Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.BodyTag at$ Source) at$ Source) at
.document.DocumentProcessor.processContent( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.processContent( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.access$200( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag$ at Method) at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag._processContent(DocumentTag
2609123 CF-3926479 External U. Hi Peter, Regarding IIS, which version? The following is what Wireshark shows me without the above cfheader tag and then with the above cfheader tag, in CF11 Update 3: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Transfer-Encoding: chunked Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8 Content
2611035 CF-3648781 External U. From my perspective, I am used to passing arguments into a method call the same way in script as I would to a method call in tags. Therefore, I would expect for closures to be consistent with that precedent. To give a real-world example, we've been embracing at at$ at Method) at at
their apps). 6) That said, and finally, there is a note after that saying this: "Note: Using CFCookie and CFHeader tags to manipulate ColdFusion cookie and authorization cookie can be controlled in application or server level configuration. Add the following in application.cfc or application
) at coldfusion.mail.IMapImpl.getMails( at$ at Method) at at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag
.security.SecurityManager.parseAuthInfo( at at at cflogin2ecfm1969475137.runPage(C:\inetpub\\login.cfm:91) at coldfusion
.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(Unknown Source) at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkRead(Unknown Source) at Source) at coldfusion.xml.XmlProcessor.getSourceURL( at coldfusion.xml.XmlProcessor.parse( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.XmlTag.doEndTag( at cftest
2598791 CF-3040940 Language : Tags Adam Cameron Bug 82096:Summary: dateformatting masks do not work in HTML grids (e: ) Duplicate ID: CF-3040935 Problem: Summary: dateformatting masks do not work in HTML grids (e: ) Summary off offline conversation: Me:How does one control the display of date
2598311 CF-3041475 Language : Tags Matt Fredin Bug 82934:I've found that when you use either the mouse wheel or double click to zoom on the cfmap, the cfmapitems are not redrawn Problem: I've found that when you use either the mouse wheel or double click to zoom on the cfmap, the cfmapitems
2609742 CF-3787621 Piyush K. This was fixed in CF16. One can use "throwonError" attribute with cfindex tag to control if an error is throw while indexing documents. index status struct returns an additional element "ERRORS" that is a struct of key-value pairs containing the filepath
\lib\jetty.xml). One can use any of various tools, such as netstat, to confirm that. And clearly, it did NOT have anything to do with the PDFG/addon service/HTMLtoPDF tag, as Pete and I and others tried to clarify (which still has its own cfusion/jetty/etc/jetty.xml, for use with that add-on service, for those who
Base.cfc's invokeTag() method emits whitespace
accept any valid MIME type. Current workarounds are to create a facade, for the CFC, that returns the correct MIME type; enable output within the cffunction tag and use cfcontent within the cffunction tag to return the correct MIME type. However, setting a MIME type with cfcontent, in a cffunction tag
Name _emptyTcfTag NativeMethod NO 3.) The third is my function that has the CFLDAP query. Steps to Reproduce: Loop over thousands of AD object using CFLDAP attributes: SamAccountName,userPrincipalName,distinguishedname,mail,sn filter: (&(objectCategory=person)(objectclass=user)(!(UserAccountControl:1
.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.handlePageInvoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at at at sun
for and tags. This would allow you more control over what is rendered. Add CFCOLHEADER, with the passthrough attribute and other CFCOL attributes, as previously stated in option 1. Add CFROW, with the passthrough attribute, align, width, height, and altpassthrough. Method: Result
(/CFIDE/administrator/reports/_report.cfm:72) at cf_report2ecfm1733649864.runPage(/CFIDE/administrator/reports/_report.cfm:1) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.handlePageInvoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(IncludeTag
.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.loadBODYSTRUCTURE( at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPMessage.getLineCount( at coldfusion.mail.EmailTable.populate( at coldfusion.mail.IMapImpl.getMails( at$ at
.filter.FusionContext.getRealPath( at coldfusion.runtime.RuntimeServiceImpl.resolveTemplatePath( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag$ at Method) at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.setTemplate(IncludeTag
beginning with for on line 27, column 17. A cfscript tag beginning on line 21, column 10. A cfscript tag beginning on line 21, column 10. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3037388 External Customer Info: External Company: External
2673439 CF-4126548 CFwatson U. Added By:sjayaram Note Added: Aaron new finding which can help on closure Hi Mayur, Aha! I had wsversion=2 in CF Admin, and was testing w/ cfsharepoint. Okay, I just compared wsversion="1" vs wsversion="2" w/ all the tags/functions that support NTLM. I found: 1
.document.DocumentFrame.exportContent( at coldfusion.document.DocumentProcessor.processContent( at coldfusion.document.DocumentProcessor.processContent( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.processContent( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag._processContent(DocumentTag
.bootstrap.BootstrapClassLoader.loadClass( at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass( at at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance( at sun
cfldap tag will not connect to Windows Server 2019 domain controllers
2612189 CF-3546959 External U. cfindex2ecfm1319673318.runPage(/var/www/pukka/main-prod/admin/index.cfm:29) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion
.runtime.CFPage.CreateObject( cfindex2ecfm1820544515.runPage(F:\inetpub\wwwroot\sandboxTest\index.cfm:1)at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke( coldfusion
to the CFCOMPONENT tag as well there by restricting and preventing the creation of instances of invoking of methods on the cfcomponent by unauthorised users. This will encourage many old and newer systems to encapsulate their business logic into CFCOMPONENTS and also secure it. Thus, as a developer i will be able
to the CFCOMPONENT tag as well there by restricting and preventing the creation of instances of invoking of methods on the cfcomponent by unauthorised users. This will encourage many old and newer systems to encapsulate their business logic into CFCOMPONENTS and also secure it. Thus, as a developer i will be able
2673588 CF-4126370 Security Sathish Kumar Enabling Roles attribute for CFCOMPONENT Hi Guys, The roles attribute for coldfusion functions is good at security application functionalities from unauthorised users. It would be great if we can possibly extend this feature to the CFCOMPONENT tag as well
2608230 CF-4159968 AJAX : UI Components ext-user Tracking bug for cfgrid issues reported by Japanese team From Email:- According to explanation for mask pattern: "A mask pattern that controls
2616147 CF-3041386 Language : Tags Raymond Camden Bug 82771:When CF handles a form post that contains N form fields of the same name, it combines them into a list Problem: When CF handles a form post that contains N form fields of the same name, it combines them into a list. So for example, if you
). minimize (optional, default true): Turn on or off the CSS minimizer. media (optional, default all): Control the media type of the resulting LINK tag path (optional): Stylesheets need to come from a given location to ensure all internal links operate correctly This is targeted for OpenBD 1.0.2 and I want
2601100 CF-3038323 AJAX : UI Components Brian Meloche Bug 76826:(Watson Migration Closure)I thought this was already in the bugbase, but no Problem: I thought this was already in the bugbase, but no... couldn't find it. Open BlueDragon recently announced the CFJAVASCRIPT tag, which allows you
able to clear the query cache should be admin-limited, but the cfobjectcache tag right now is not so limited. But this could be added, like it, to the list of things that can be sandboxed in Enterprise, or controlled by Resource Security in Standard.) Method: Result
name for undefined values." stack trace: 0: ........coldfusion.scheduling.CronServiceImpl.updateTask[] 1: ........coldfusion.tagext.lang.ScheduleTag.doActionUpdate[] 2: ........coldfusion.tagext.lang.ScheduleTag.doStartTag[
3047610 CF-4198570 Andrea D. @Mukesh Kumar The JAR for version 11 doesn't work, maybe you have compiled it with the wrong java version... ----Exception----- mag 23, 2017 13:38:09 PM Error [http-bio-8500-exec-1] - coldfusion/tagext/html/form/InputTag : Unsupported major.minor version 52
Bug 75855:Tag validation error in servermanager
in ColdFusion 16. Any Workarounds: Avoid using cfapplets.jar based tags/functions/features
Page(/mnt/data-drive/jboss-eap-7.1/standalone/deployments/cfusion.ear/cfusion.war/index.cfm:1) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.handlePageInvoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag( at coldfusion
.scheduling.CronServiceImpl.updateTask[] 12: ........coldfusion.tagext.lang.ScheduleTag.doActionUpdate[] 13: ........coldfusion.tagext.lang.ScheduleTag.doStartTag[] 14: ........coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._emptyTcfTag[] 15: ... (our code - ) Expected Result: the task gets
) at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.printSection( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.DocumentTag.doAfterBody( at cfehPDF2ecfc1151364043$funcPDF132.runFunction(D:\HTTP\site\handlers\ehPDF.cfc:160) And here is the other thread (not an HTTP request
tried to use a query variable in a cfif tag.The error occurred in C:\wamp\www\ClevelandCFUG\controller\home.cfc: line 16Called from C:\wamp\www\ClevelandCFUG\lightfront.cfc: line 101Called from C:\wamp\www\ClevelandCFUG\lightfront.cfc: line 86Called from C:\wamp\www\ClevelandCFUG\Application.cfc: line
2602218 CF-3037100 AJAX : UI Components Ben Davies Bug 74439:(Watson Migration Closure)Dynamically Load AJAX Javascript Problem: Dynamically Load AJAX Javascript Remove the requirement for using cfajaximport for tags dynamically loaded in CFDIV,CFPOD and other ajax containers by allowing AJAX UI
2673583 CF-4126378 Language : CF Component Sathish Kumar OnBeforeExecution, OnAfterExecution method decorators Hi, I would like to submit a request for ColdFusion12 to have additional attributes for CFCOMPONENT and also for CFFUNCTION tags when it is used inside CFCOMPONENT to declare methods
2673586 CF-4126373 Language : CF Component Sathish Kumar OnBeforeExecution, OnAfterExecution method decorators Duplicate ID: CF-4126378 Hi, I would like to submit a request for ColdFusion12 to have additional attributes for CFCOMPONENT and also for CFFUNCTION tags when it is used inside
) at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateProxy.invoke( at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.InvokeTag.doEndTag(InvokeTag
Comment on cfldap tag will not connect to Windows Server 2019 domain controllers by Dave I.
query times) which would report then at end of page how long the request spent in lock waits. This should be easy: the CFLOCK tag already has a timeout attribute, so CF pays attention to how long it waits to obtain the lock (and no, for readers who think that controls how long the code within the lock
to runtime exception: flex.messaging.config.ConfigurationException: Unused tags in found. Please fix them before continuing: '/use-implicit-accessors' in destination with id: 'cfcompany' from file: data- management-config.xml '/use-implicit-accessors' in destination with id: 'cfemployee' from file
.runtime.CfJspPage._invoke( at cfsyndication_detail2ecfm1015563438._factor0({path_to_cfm}:32) at cfsyndication_detail2ecfm1015563438._factor1({path_to_cfm}:11) at cfsyndication_detail2ecfm1015563438.runPage({path_to_cfm}:1) at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke( at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.handlePageInvoke(IncludeTag
in the expressions structure. * A script statement beginning with println on line 29, column 25. * A cfscript tag beginning on line 16, column 18. * A cfscript tag beginning on line 16, column 18. The error occurred in /opt/tomcat6/webapps