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2879837 CF-4198362 Language e-domizil License Team "Unable to reset the page encoding" with long comments in CFCs Problem Description: If a CFC has a very long comment in the beginning (somewhere between 5000 and 8000 chars) the CFC invoke will crash the CFM script. Example attached. Steps
3512827 CF-4199746 Scheduler e-domizil License Team cfschedule complains about endtime is earlier than starttime Problem Description: cfschedule has a bug. Steps to Reproduce:Run attached example after 9:00 am German time. Actual Result: "Start time 17:31:0 should not come after endTime 8
3620789 CF-4200057 CFIMAGE e-domizil License Team java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Numbers of source Raster bands and source color space components do not match Problem Description: CFimage errors Steps to Reproduce: Run example code Actual Result: Crash with "java
2892623 CF-4198379 REST Services e-domizil License Team Non-existent REST url with ".json" extension does not return JSON content Problem Description: If you access a missing REST service url e.g. "/bugs/0000000_rest_form/doesnotexists" you get a 404 error and the file not found content is XML
2902722 CF-4198388 Document Management : PDF generation e-domizil License Team Font disappears after some uptime Problem Description: We are running lots of CFDOCUMENT to generate PDF. After some time CFDOCUMENT creates PDFs that are no longer using "Verdana" font. They fall back to "Verdana Bold
2878888 CF-4198363 REST Services e-domizil License Team REST returns "Unsupported Media Type" Problem Description: We followed your documentation from and https
2672870 CF-4160482 REST Services e-domizil License Team CFHEADER does not work inside a webservice Problem Description: We need to set a proper status code for a request to a webservice on application level. If a user is not authorized he need to get a HTTP status code "401 Unauthorized". Steps
2673168 CF-4147965 Language : Tags e-domizil License Team Variable INDEX is undefined in CFLOOP if surrounded by CFOUTPUT Problem Description: Variable INDEX is undefined. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: index.cfm, line: 3 Steps to Reproduce: Run attached repro case
3479371 CF-4199631 Installation/Config : Connector e-domizil License Team All CFM requests logged as /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll in IIS 10.0 Problem Description: If ColdFusion ist installed on Windows 2016 every request is logged as "/jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll" and not with the real URL like
2672103 CF-4197664 REST Services e-domizil License Team REST Service response is broken, if a response struct contains STATUS key Problem Description: A rest service is called and the responds contain "status" as key with an integer as value. Steps to Reproduce: 1. Extract Attachment to some
2902716 CF-4198387 Performance e-domizil License Team java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace Problem Description: Since we upgraded from CF10 to CF2016 we are running permanently into java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace errors. Several tries to increase heap and other stuff has not worked
2672803 CF-4166924 Debugging e-domizil License Team CFDUMP is missing CSS / JS code and makes cfdump output difficult or impossible to read Problem Description: We send a mail with the result of a CFDUMP as mail message body. After sending the mail we use another CFDUMP in the same file (see
2672816 CF-4165524 Language : DateTime Functions e-domizil License Team Datetime functions return incorrect / inconsistent results Problem Description: Several date functions return incorrect results and are inconsistent. It is also not working as written in documentation. Is
2672871 CF-4160466 Language e-domizil License Team CFLOOP with scoped variable name in 'index' attribut crashes with "Incompatible object argument error" Related Bugs: CF-4166492 - Blocking Problem Description: In CFLOOP we cannot use scoped variable names for 'index' attribut. The specific
2673061 CF-4154053 Database e-domizil License Team MySQL DD corrupts UTF-8 data / MySQL 5 does not Problem Description: We have an UTF8 database on mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.1.46sp1, for Win32 (ia32) Steps to Reproduce: 1. Configure MySQL DD (data direct) with this mysql server 2. Run selects
2673102 CF-4150733 Database e-domizil License Team Leading and trailing spaces in QueryOfQuery WHERE conditions not removed Duplicate ID: CF-4043047 Problem Description: It looks like CF2016 compared to CF10 does no longer remove trailing and leading spaces in QueryOfQueries WHERE conditions. A
2673113 CF-4150357 Language : String Functions e-domizil License Team ReplaceNoCase fails to replace properly with special char "ß" Problem Description: If you replace a string with "ß" (german special char) this replace fails and ends with some brackets and the number Steps to Reproduce
2673159 CF-4148583 Language : Functions e-domizil License Team cfoutput with attributecollection causes "cannot find encodefor key in structure" error Problem Description: May 4, 2016 15:36:30 PM Error [http-nio-8500-exec-4] - Cannot find encodefor key in structure.The specified key, encodefor
2608807 CF-3989753 General Server e-domizil License Team sends a cookie Problem Description: This seems to be a regression from CF8. We expect that cfparam prevents from undefined variables inside our coldfusion code, but not that cfparam trying and failing of doing the job of “cfcookie
3475133 CF-4199617 Core Runtime e-domizil License Team ColdFusion service does not start with large cfclasses folder Problem Description: We expierence startup issues of ColdFusion. This happens when the folders "C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cfclasses" has 50K or 75K class files cached
2929349 CF-4198407 Core Runtime : Parser/Compiler e-domizil License Team Compiler sometimes fails to compile the java classes for function expressions (or closures) Problem Description: When large numbers of classes are compiled at once, the compiler sometimes fails to compile the java classes
2671777 CF-4198082 Language e-domizil License Team CFMAIL fails with IDN domains and German Umlauts and maybe other special chars Problem Description: If we use IsValid() to validate email addresses it returns YES for email addresses with German Umlauts. This are valid, so IsValid is working
Gordon Luk Hi Immanuel, Thanks for info. about your team are exploring the workflow of container pick up license key. Wait for your good news. Thanks.
Kishore317 Hi, If you do not have access to the licensing website, you could always reach out to the support team with your Order number and we would help you reclaim the serial number. Also we could reach out to your old company to let them know that they should stop using the server with your
Charlie Arehart Yep, really wonderful news to hear--and folks should read the comments here, which make some things more clear: that we will not need to purchase from Oracle either support for updates to Oracle Java 8 (which will no longer be free publicly after this month), nor to license Oracle
Charlie Arehart

Priyank, I’m not sure if you’re proposing the solution I am suggesting. If you mean that you’d ask the dev team to “mention in the CF Admin” when *some feature* was Enterprise-only, that is not what we were talking about (and it's not enough).

For instance

does, as Adobe continues to sell enough (whether in new sales or re-licensing) or they wouldn’t continue with the product, staffing the large team that supports it, developing new editions every two years, etc.

But I realize your focus (like David’s) is on reaching new folks. We can’t push a rope

and other software. After consulting with me via Team Viewer, Nimit Sharma was able to reproduce this problem as well. Problem was discussed in this forum thread:{B099ABD7-4284-4489-B8E2-839E0567F308}&topid