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2596897 CF-3492087 Documentation duncan cumming Use of deprecated functions in documentation example code Problem Description:
The code used to illustrate examples within the CFML documentation sometimes isn't very good. In fact it even uses deprecated functions. This increases the chances
Tracker Issue CFMap falsely requires API key
2611814 CF-3588783 Core Runtime duncan cumming CFMap falsely requires API key Problem Description:
To use you must specify an API key, via the CF Administrator, in application.cfc, or with cfajaximport . However, it's not mandatory for Google Maps API v3 to use an API key. It was mandatory
Tracker Issue isValid has incorrect documentation
2596920 CF-3400761 Documentation duncan cumming isValid has incorrect documentation Problem Description:
isValid documentation ( http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec22c24-7fb9.html#community) has 'maxlength' as one of the possible values for the 'type