displaying top 100 results
2599649 CF-3039866 Security : General Dirk Eismann Bug 79691:While I found that CFCOOKIE now supports a httpOnly attribute to send HttpOnly cookies to the browser, the default cookies CF sends (e Problem:
While I found that CFCOOKIE now supports a httpOnly attribute to send HttpOnly cookies
2599852 CF-3039653 ORM Support Dirk Eismann Bug 79404:(Watson Migration Closure)We'd like to implement the mapped superclass approach but it seems that this is currently not supported (see https://www Problem:
We'd like to implement the mapped superclass approach but it seems
2598374 CF-3041406 Database : General Dirk Eismann Bug 82800:Hi,it seems as if CFs QueryTableMetaData class does not correctly use the underlying JDBC specification when it comes to read meta data from the used JDBC driver Problem:
Hi,it seems as if CFs QueryTableMetaData class does not correctly