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Tracker Issue Bug 82933:Multiple form submissions
2598312 CF-3041474 CFForm : Standard XML dan bracuk Bug 82933:Multiple form submissions Problem:
Multiple form submissions
With this code:if I tab the focus to the submit button, then press and hold the Enter key, the page keeps submitting until I take my finger off the key. However
2597430 CF-3043859 Language : Functions dan bracuk Bug 86940:-(Watson Migration Closure)Remove attribute of cfmail is always true Problem:
Remove attribute of cfmail is always true. Documentation says default value is false. Setting it to false does not help.
If I run this code,hi dan
2598178 CF-3041655 Database : CFQuery dan bracuk Bug 83347:(Watson Migration Closure)When a query result contains a string that looks like a date, and you run a query of queries looking for records that match that string, an equal sign will not work Problem:
When a query result contains a string
Tracker Issue Formatting Gives Unexpected Results When Adding Spreadsheet Using cfspreadsheet action=update
2596887 CF-3505475 Document Management : Office Integration dan bracuk Formatting Gives Unexpected Results When Adding Spreadsheet Using cfspreadsheet action=update Duplicate ID: CF-3114288
Problem Description: This document, http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea