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Comment on What ColdFusion IDE Do You Use in 2017? by dabinaz
2682611 CFB-3842861 General - IDE dabinaz Red X showing for CF code in tag Problem Description: I have a inside tag and CFB says it is an error. Steps to Reproduce: see image Actual Result: Error displayed Expected Result: No error displayed Any Workarounds
2682591 CFB-3859341 Experience and Design dabinaz Numeric sort order not respected Problem Description: In the navigator, items starting with numbers are not sorted correctly. Steps to Reproduce: add files named 1.cfm, 2.cfm,3.cfm,10.cfm, 11.cfm etc. Actual Result: 1.cfm, 10.cfm, 11.cfm, 2.cfm,3
2612070 CF-3560964 Piyush K. @dabinaz, This looks like, it is fixed. Using the test code below, on CF10 update 14, I get an array with 4 elements, of which the third is an empty string. component { = "TestSameFormFieldsAsArray"; this.sameFormFieldsAsArray = "true"; }
: External Customer Name: dabinaz External Customer Email: External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Win 2k8 64bit