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JS-style comments in CSS file
2682632 CFB-3803692 External U. There are, of course, various things to fix this specific code example (e.g. move the css to a .css file). However the root problem is that the syntax parser is not properly recognizing # escaping inside cfoutput, which it should.
CFDUMP is missing CSS / JS code in CF2016
Comment on cfdump and writeDump produce duplicate JS and CSS code by Vamseekrishna N.
4393429 CF-4202622 Aaron N. Hi Kailash and Sanyar, Repro: Sentence without letter spacing. Sentence with letter spacing. Actual and Expected Result: CSS letter-spacing works in cfhtmltopdf Sentence without letter spacing. Sentence with letter spacing. Actual Result: CSS letter
CSS syntax highlighter broken
CFHTMLTOPDF Add support for CSS position:flex and related properties
Manage Page Breaks Using CSS When Generating PDF Documents With CFHTMLTOPDF
Eclipse: "CSS" shown twice in Preferences
Minified CSS in editor file can crash CFB
Comment on CFDUMP is missing CSS / JS code and makes cfdump output difficult or impossible to read by S P.
Comment on CFDUMP is missing CSS / JS code and makes cfdump output difficult or impossible to read by External U.
Comment on CFHTMLTOPDF pagebreak not working with CSS position:relative by Rupesh K.
Comment on cfdump and writeDump produce duplicate JS and CSS code by External U.
Comment on Bug 79245:(Watson Migration Closure)Most developers are comfortable using HTML/CSS to create tables by External U.
2602177 CF-3037145 External U. +1 For cfimport enhancement - I especially like the the "CSS-like" approach of it.
Comment on CFDump is missing CSS and JavaScript when output is set to false by Pat W.
Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files
2608776 CF-4003807 External U. That worked great. Thanks a million for the support! I actually put this in the following file and it fixed the issue. E:\ColdFusion11\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\scripts\ajax\resources\ext\css\ext-all.css
Comment on Minified CSS in editor file can crash CFB by External U.
2682638 CFB-3797276 External U. Ok. So this is what I found. If my handler outputs this url, it fails: Note that the url works fine in my browser. If I change it to http://localhost/cflint/handlers/bootstrap.min.css it works in CFB. So
James Mohler Taffy for REST: Part 10 VueJS + Bootstrap Hurray. Last video in this series! After working with Buefy and Bulma and experiencing some of what they have to offer, I decided to make a bit of a U-turn. I was drawn to Bulma because of its CSS only approach, but Javascript got added right
Included CSS file using link tag are not included in packaged mobile code
cfdump and writeDump produce duplicate JS and CSS code
Bug 81819:If you cfdump and output to a file, the CSS from cfdump is returned to the page
2612744 CF-3434473 External U. Hi David, I like the idea you and Adam were discussing. Suggestion: Example: would be the default and the same as: .myClass {color:#myColor#;} #myHTML# would be the same as: .myClass {color:#encodeForCSS(myColor)#;} #encode
2608365 CF-4110955 Chad H. Bug still exists. Found out you can reproduce if you have css that is trying to do an @import call with a relative protocol. This works: @import url(',300i,400,400i,600,600i,700,700i,800,800i'); This spins: @import
Bug 72027:(Watson Migration Closure)When doing an preinstall help file, I noticed that the Admin CSS seems to mess with the html in my document
2771229 CF-4198265 Aaron N. Looks like cfhtmltopdf is applying a solid white background, instead of leaving the page's background transparent (which is CSS's default value for background-color).
2771229 CF-4198265 Aaron N. For example: If a page's background color is not defined via CSS, then you can change it via the browser's settings. cfhtmltopdf should not be forcing a white background color.
2608075 CF-4196700 Kailash B. We are using a third party library for the htmltopdf service and it has a limitation for a few css attributes. We will pass this information to the third party team, but cannot guarantee an immediate fix.
Comment on CFDUMP is missing CSS / JS code and makes cfdump output difficult or impossible to read by External U.
Comment on CFHTMLTOPDF Add support for CSS position:flex and related properties by External U.
Comment on CFHTMLTOPDF Add support for CSS position:flex and related properties by Chinoy G.
2608615 CF-4048967 External U. Hi Henry, Could you please also attach the .css and .js files? I can then try this on my end as well. Thanks!, -Aaron
2608615 CF-4048967 External U. I have attached the .js and .css files in a zipped folder. Let me know if you have any other issues with replication.
2609112 CF-3928680 External U. Not really dynamic pdf generation if can't use CFML and HTML including CSS fully within cfpdfdocument or cfhtmltopdf. What is the work-around until version 12? Really need this!
2609112 CF-3928680 External U. Not really dynamic pdf generation if can't use CFML and HTML including CSS fully within cfpdfdocument or cfhtmltopdf. What is the work-around until version 12? Really need this!
Comment on CFHTMLTOPDF pagebreak not working with CSS position:relative by External U.
2597069 CF-3127840 Adobe D. I assume you are using cfdocument tag to generate the pdf Do you have the css style included inside your cfdocument tag block? (Comment added from ex-user id:evelinv)
2597069 CF-3127840 External U. >>Do you have the css style included inside your cfdocument tag block? Yes I have. All other styles seem to work well, the only problem I could detect is with the margins.
2597102 CF-3114788 Rupesh K. The underlying third party rendering engine that we use does for CFDocument not support CSS completely and we can't do much about it. We will look at it in the next release.
2597119 CF-3114269 External U. I need to match styling for the table of contents to the rest of the document, which is heavily formatted with HTML and CSS.
2599292 CF-3040369 External U. This is causing formatting issues on our site, and to alter the css file included from ExtJS is causing issues as well.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 76827:(Watson Migration Closure)Much like 76826 allows you to manage, reduce, compress and minify JavaScript files, CFSTYLESHEET does the same for CSS files by External U.
Comment on Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support by External U.
Comment on Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support by External U.
Comment on Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support by External U.
Comment on Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support by External U.
Comment on Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support by External U.
Comment on Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support by External U.
Comment on cfdump and writeDump produce duplicate JS and CSS code by Aaron N.
Comment on Manage Page Breaks Using CSS When Generating PDF Documents With CFHTMLTOPDF by Michael C.
2612742 CF-3434560 External U. Updated Opera to current, and it's OK. I think what this kinda shows though - and we all know this already - is that the CFDUMP markup/JS/CSS is a bit rubbish (written by someone who doesn't know mark-up/JS/CSS very well) and the whole thing ought to be overhauled so
Comment on Manage Page Breaks Using CSS When Generating PDF Documents With CFHTMLTOPDF by Tony J.
Bug 79245:(Watson Migration Closure)Most developers are comfortable using HTML/CSS to create tables
CFDUMP is missing CSS / JS code and makes cfdump output difficult or impossible to read
cfform.js and masks.js injection prevents parallel CSS downloading
Bug 74238:In IE7, the first CFLAYOUTAREA tab in a CFLAYOUT won't recognize the height CSS property (it shows just one line)
Gerry Libertelli Handling Tomcat relative URLs and mixed case. Recently I had an issue with the ColdFusion internal Tomcat server that bears repeating.  If you are using mixed case directory names and relative URLs to load your JS And CSS.  It is important to note that Tomcat will report the links
2610330 CF-3710326 Rupesh K. From what we have seen, cfinclude is used in two cases - static include of files such as JS, CSS, HTM, txt etc - include of cfm content which need to be compiled. The new change which we are going to make is merely giving you a control so that you decide in which case
-up box with the suggestions in it. I have discovered I can override the CSS from /CFIDE/scripts/ajax/resources/cf/cf.css, but it’s not immediately clear what all the autosuggest styles are for, and with my distinct journeyman skills @ CSS, it’s not the easiest thing in the world to figure out..I think
4393429 CF-4202622 Document Management : PDF generation letter-spacing doesn't work in PDF-Document Problem Description: Letter-spacing of CSS does't work. Steps to Reproduce: Actual Result: doesn't change space between letters Expected Result: Any Workarounds:
CFDump is missing CSS and JavaScript when output is set to false
3427457 CF-4199532 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, I see the status changed from "Conflicts with the Docs" to "Enhancement Request". Are you saying it does -not- conflict w/ the docs? The cfgrid doc description for "width" says: "In HTML format, can be in any valid CSS measurement unit, and a numeric
2608155 CF-4179995 External U. Documentation does specify that this is not supported - - "text-align (left, right, and center)" Would be nice of cfdocument to start supporting more css though!
2608280 CF-4139772 External U. We did migrate from Cf8 to Cf11, migration was completed and new setup has been active since 2015. I isolated the CFM by tracing down the IIS logs for the very minute the IIS crashed - I ran through every JPGs, CSS, JS, html and CFMs and finally found out
2673312 CF-4127481 External U. Our legacy code base contains countless examples of this type of function. Imagine the dynamic output is a list of classes on an HTML element. Without the space between class names css and js references no longer work. It would be impossible for us to refactor our
Comment on CFHTMLTOPDF Add support for CSS position:flex and related properties by External U.
2608443 CF-4092393 External U. I am noticing this too ever since our organization migrated to IE11, though we are still on CF10. If I emulate IE9 mode, it works as intended. When switching between modes, the CSS seems to change.
2608776 CF-4003807 External U. This is probably due to the underlying changes in the JS framework that powers it. We had this issue and used the following CSS to allow modals with content larger than the set height to scroll. .x-panel-body > div { overflow: auto; }
2612742 CF-3434560 External U. I can replicate this on CF8.0.1 and CF10.0.11 Opera details: Version 12.14 Build 1738 Platform Win32 System Windows 7 No JS errors (a coupla CSS warnings, but nothing that should be problematic).
2613619 CF-3199281 External U. Now I am facing this issue with static files like CSS/JPEG/GIF. CFM works fine though. This issue may be a major one for developers who use inbuilt developer edition.
in that environment. It would be nice if the linux default was better, but the core issue is that the css property is not implemented. "wide and ugly" is correct.
2599292 CF-3040369 External U. If we didn't comment out the offending ext-all.css tags would we have to reformat hundreds of files for our intranet.
2600661 CF-3038791 External U. The platforms I have tested are XP, MacOS X, and Windows Server 2008 R2. All behave the same. Could it be ext-all.css issue?
Comment on Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support by External U.
James Mohler I was there but I must have been in a different part of the war. I was leading a team of 4 developers (5 total). It was a job for two people, but we had to have five. Why? Netscape 4's CSS implementation was so bad, we couldn't use it. We were littering our pages with font tags
2608075 CF-4196700 Document Management Lisa Y. CFHTMLTOPDF page-break-after:always not working Problem Description: The CSS rule page-break-after:always does not work with CFHTMLTOPDF. This CSS rule is used to create page-breaks in HTML pages. We have over 4 billion static HTML documents which
2599527 CF-3040000 Language : Tags Raymond Camden Bug 79969:In previous versions of CF, when you ran cfdump a request variable was created Problem: In previous versions of CF, when you ran cfdump a request variable was created. This variable was used to prevent the re-output of CSS/JS for future
5964721 CF-4204866 Debugging : CFDump CFDump Loss of Formatting Problem Description: After updating from CF11 to CF2018, CFDump does not send JS and CSS to browser when used in a Component (CFC). This results in no formatting of the tables for structs, arrays, nor objects and makes the info very
for each icon. Before I go further, I do want to address that glyph based fonts are a great alternate to sprites, so use them when you can. For those times where fonts are not an option, I hope the information in […] Blog,css,scss,sprites