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TimeFormat backward compatibility bug
replaceList backwards compatibility problems
Backward compatibility issue with CF11
Axis-2 and Axis-1 compatibility issues in ColdFusion
Comment on replaceList backwards compatibility problems by External U.
Comment on replaceList backwards compatibility problems by External U.
Comment on replaceList backwards compatibility problems by External U.
Comment on replaceList backwards compatibility problems by External U.
Comment on TimeFormat backward compatibility bug by Dattanand M.
Comment on Backward compatibility issue with CF11 by Himavanth R.
Comment on Backward compatibility issue with CF11 by Himavanth R.
Comment on replaceList backwards compatibility problems by CFwatson U.
Comment on replaceList backwards compatibility problems by CFwatson U.
Revert Jetty libraries to version 7 on Solaris 11 due to compatibility issues with Jetty 9.
Dramatic change to CF9's implementation of CFQuery causes major backwards compatibility issues
Comment on Dramatic change to CF9's implementation of CFQuery causes major backwards compatibility issues by Sanjeev K.
Comment on Dramatic change to CF9's implementation of CFQuery causes major backwards compatibility issues by External U.
Comment on Dramatic change to CF9's implementation of CFQuery causes major backwards compatibility issues by Aaron N.
Comment on Bug 79313:Backwards compatibility is broken through the new implicit getter/setters from the use of when onMissingMethod() is used to provide similar functionality by External U.
Comment on Bug 79313:Backwards compatibility is broken through the new implicit getter/setters from the use of when onMissingMethod() is used to provide similar functionality by External U.
Bug 78715:The new, implicit "local" scope within a breaks backwards compatibility with previous versions of CF when creating a var'd variable called "local"
Comment on Bug 79313:Backwards compatibility is broken through the new implicit getter/setters from the use of when onMissingMethod() is used to provide similar functionality by External U.
Bug 79313:Backwards compatibility is broken through the new implicit getter/setters from the use of when onMissingMethod() is used to provide similar functionality
Bug 81714:(Watson Migration Closure)Please make backwards compatibility setting for JSON serialization numeric fix available as a setting in the administrator instead of requiring modification of the JVM config file
Comment on Bug 78715:The new, implicit "local" scope within a breaks backwards compatibility with previous versions of CF when creating a var'd variable called "local" by External U.
Comment on Bug 78715:The new, implicit "local" scope within a breaks backwards compatibility with previous versions of CF when creating a var'd variable called "local" by External U.
Comment on Bug 78715:The new, implicit "local" scope within a breaks backwards compatibility with previous versions of CF when creating a var'd variable called "local" by External U.
2613565 CF-3222889 External U. Please treat this as a bug. 1) this maintains backward compatibility with existing applications. 2) it will maintain CFML / JSP compatibility
5120520 CF-4203580 Aaron N. +1 - CF2018's behavior, when null support disabled, should match CF2016's. The entire reason for maintaining backward-compat was, well, to maintain backward-compat ;)
Cold Fusion 2016 Compatibility with Windows Server 2016
Comment on Cold Fusion 2016 Compatibility with Windows Server 2016 by Michael Thomas
2613912 CF-3148706 Rupesh K. The decision is not to break any backward compatibility for CF12.
Security Analyzer Does not warn about CFMX_COMPAT algorithms
2610332 CF-3710270 External U. Considering how important "backward compatibility" is when denying so many enhancement requests, to break backward compatibility like this in a way that can only be overridden by manually modifying server-wide configuration files and restarting the service is insane
Comment on Is Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) backward-compatible with previously released versions of ColdFusion? by erodrig911
Comment on Is Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) backward-compatible with previously released versions of ColdFusion? by dorothyp22194219
4084966 CF-4201529 Poonam J. As mentioned below, this is as Designed. Fixing this will break backward compatibility. Closing this track.
3375340 CF-4199452 Scott B. It's not a huge deal, but it affects backward compatibility for no beneficial reason
2608346 CF-4117243 Nimit S. Aaron, It will have backward compatibility issues. We recommend not to fix this issue. -Nimit
Comment on CFID & CFTOKEN include "hash" prefix this is not compatible with previous versions by External U.
2608625 CF-4044533 Nikhil S. Added the Floor() function which acts the same as Int() function. Int() is not removed for backward compatibility.
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. I agree but i think a switch to enable/disable the functionality would be great as there will be a lot of backward compat issues.
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. backwards compat be damned. If you want to compete against the big boys it's time to get this sorted out.
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. +1 as this is way overdue. If backwards compatibility is an issue, maybe include a way to toggle the behaviour - but make this per application not per CF server!
2608750 CF-4010516 External U. ColdFusion needs NULL support, to hell with backwards compatibility. Please implement real NULL support!
2608777 CF-4001377 External U. dbVarName can be rather important and backwards compatability should be maintained.
2609610 CF-3822362 External U. This would be a nice way to fix cfscript without having to worry about backward compatibility.
2609626 CF-3818776 Nimit S. This fix has been reverted because of a backward compatibility issue.
2609737 CF-3788414 External U. I'd be curious to see what real backward compatibility issues are at play here.
Comment on CFTEXTAREA richtext="true' and IE 10+ - NOT COMPATIBLE by External U.
2610306 CF-3712098 S P. Although this bug is fixed, there seems to be a backward-compatibility issue. As a result, this fix will be part of next release.
2610311 CF-3712010 External U. There is no question this should be fixed. (Backwards compatibility is not an acceptable reason to defer this bug.)
2612661 CF-3476661 External U. Compatibility issues continue to plague the JSON functions and should be addressed as a priority.
2596935 CF-3342785 Rupesh K. This is a fundamental behavior of CFML where yes/no is automatically converted to boolean and changing this will cause backward compatibility issues. Deferring this.
2613565 CF-3222889 External U. This should be fixed to ensure backwards compatibility. If it worked it 9, it should in 10.
2613619 CF-3199281 External U. Really needs to be fixed to maintain backwards compatibility.
2597048 CF-3169196 Rupesh K. This has always been the behavior and changing this would result in backward compatibility issue. It will not be fixed.
2613912 CF-3148706 External U. Okay, you can break backward-compat now in CF12 and fix properly. Thanks!, -Aaron
2600303 CF-3039173 External U. Important for Mach-II compat; please consider fixing.
2611853 CF-3581691 Aaron N. Backward-compat (JRun behavior) should've been maintained.
2609737 CF-3788414 External U. Go on then... do tell... what is an example of a potential backwards compat issue you perceive here. An actual *real world* example. You can't just say "backwards compat" and then not demonstrate how this is the case.
2609741 CF-3787631 External U. I've verified this is fixed in CF11 Update 3. The default value of reuseInstance is false, which maintains backward-compatibility. Good, b/c opting into performance improvement here is probably preferred over opting into backward-compat. Thanks!, -Aaron
2613912 CF-3148706 External U. Hi Immanuel, Regarding: "Changing the attribute name would result in backward compatibility issues." Yes, b/c Adobe's replies came nearly 2 years after I filed this ER. I filed this during CF10 Public Beta. At that time, backward compatibility wasn't an issue
[ANeff] Doc Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue
specify a specific compatibility mode.If we have a 10 page source PDF, and the thumbnail call works on the source PDF...Then if we open that PDF in Acrobat X Pro and extract page 1, and save that single page as a new PDF, the new PDF will cause the ACTION="THUMBNAILS" call to fail.We have been able
Is Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) backward-compatible with previously released versions of ColdFusion?
We are planning to upgrade RHEL 7.3 Linux server and wanted to know is this compatible with Coldfusion 11. And if no, then suggest us what would be the best option to do from our end. Could you please confirm the same.
their code slightly. It's also a very SIMPLE refactor. I know that backwards-compat has some sort of grail-like status with the CF team - and this is usually good - but, face it, there are always backwards compat issues with each CF release anyhow, and this particular backwards compat issue would be one
christopheru99796564 ColdFusion 2016 Support for SQL 2019? ColdFusion 2016 Support for SQL 2019? The post ColdFusion 2016 Support for SQL 2019? appeared first on ColdFusion. Discussion,Updates,2016,compatibility,discussion,updates
Comment on Cold Fusion 2016 Compatibility with Windows Server 2016 by Charlie Arehart
Bug 82576:cfexchange tags are not compatible with Exchange Server 2010, presumably because Exchange 2010 no longer uses WEBDAV
[ANeff] Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue
2608159 CF-4177084 Nimit S. Thanks Stephen for pointing this out. This is a very old behavior. I am able to repro the same issue on CF8 as well. Fixing this issue may break backward compatibility.
Comment on Security Analyzer Does not warn about CFMX_COMPAT algorithms by CFwatson U.
2608401 CF-4101908 Nikhil S. Code Analyzer only checks the conflicts/compatibility issues of Functions and Tags. This type of errors are handled during runtime.
2608402 CF-4101905 Nikhil S. added the file compatibility.xml to the build.xml. Now it should be included in the HF build.
Comment on CFID & CFTOKEN include "hash" prefix this is not compatible with previous versions by External U.
Comment on CFID & CFTOKEN include "hash" prefix this is not compatible with previous versions by Aaron N.
2608593 CF-4054576 Rupesh K. We had fixed this in some earlier release but the fix was reverted because of the backward compatibility issues.
2608593 CF-4054576 External U. I'm keen to know what real-world backwards compatibility issues you encountered, Rupesh.
2608653 CF-4033628 External U. Hi Pavan, Thank you very much for considering. Hi Adam, I'm looking forward to Aether fixing stuff by busting backward-compat like none other :) Thanks!, -Aaron
2608707 CF-4019629 Vamseekrishna N. This has backward-compatibility implications. We'd made this change but saw several applications break because of the change, and had to eventually roll-back the fix.
2608707 CF-4019629 External U. Hi all, "The decision is not to break any backward compatibility for CF12." Please see Adobe's comment on CF-3148706. Thanks!, -Aaron
2608793 CF-3993581 External U. Voting primarily because this appears to be a regression in behavior. That said, also voting to fix null and break backwards compat.
2609116 CF-3928030 Uday O. @Suchika Handled point 1. Rest 2 can cause backward compatibility issues, so avoiding them
2609166 CF-3916950 External U. +1. Can't see any backwards compat issues with this? Just need to check if the usage already has the prefix for the given DB platform, and if not: append it.
2609313 CF-3859758 External U. +1 to fixing this in ColdFusion 12, backward-compatibility be darned. Rip the band-aid off now and get it over with.
2609722 CF-3792283 External U. In CF10, the IBMSecureRandom algorithm also has the same issue. Only the CFMX_COMPAT algorithm gives "repeatable number patterns".
2609729 CF-3791392 Rupesh K. The earlier addition of uppercased extention for .cfm and .cfc was done to keep the backward compatibility. For REST, there is no such issue. This would not be done.