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Portal Topic Default Function In Interface
, as the default […]
The post Default Function In Interface appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Uncategorized,cfml coldfusion default interface function
Tracker Issue Modernize documentation user interface design
and look at the somewhat cluttered help interface and think "ah, ok, where's the link for functions? Under Configuring and Administering, no, Adobe ColdFusion 10 CFML Reference, probably, Developing Adobe ColdFusion 10 Applications ummm, Installing ... no, ok click Adobe ColdFusion 10 CFML Reference
Tracker Issue make queries implement an array interface
2608693 CF-4022420 Language Adam Cameron make queries implement an array interface Full detail: http://blog.adamcameron.me/2015/07/cfml-suggestion-make-queries-implement.html
Implement these:
Query.append(): adds a row to the end of a query, or concatenates two queries together.
Tracker Issue Covariance in CFML data types with interface contracts
in the ReturnsString ColdFusion component and the I ColdFusion interface.
Data type mismatch. The takesAny function does not specify the same data type for the x argument in the PassesString ColdFusion component and the I ColdFusion interface.
So CF is very literal here when it comes to what "any" is. As I
Tracker Issue CacheSetProperties/CacheRegionNew function descriptions
uses # where it is not needed
Overall it just looks like a sloppy example
Tracker Comment Comment on imageRotate and default for X/Y by Saurav G.
2613375 CF-3328445 Saurav G. Added the required information and more details to the interpolation methods. The new description is at:
Tracker Comment Comment on imageRotate and default for X/Y by Saurav G.
2613375 CF-3328445 Saurav G. Made the change in:
Tracker Issue ColdFusion messes up default property values
2609594 CF-3825537 Language : CF Component Adam Cameron ColdFusion messes up default property values Duplicate ID: CF-3352745
See: http://blog.adamcameron.me/2014/09/cfml-weirdness-with-properties.html
When defaulted by not yet actively *set*, a given property is not exposed in the variables
var x = " with closure";
return function(a="returnFunction default argument") {return a & x;};
writeOutput( returnFunction()() );
Actual Result:
Throws a syntax error:
Invalid CFML construct found on line 34 at column 38.
ColdFusion was looking at the following text
Tracker Issue Bug 82786:(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot use metadata on arguments without specifying a default value
Invalid CFML construct found on line 162 at column 33.ColdFusion was looking at the following text:attrThe CFML compiler was processing:A script statement beginning with function on line 162, column 9.A cfscript tag beginning on line 1, column 2. The error occurred in /Library/WebServer/Documents/testing9
5902578 CFB-4198448 Aaron N. I see another issue. To repro, please do above steps, then do the following:
9) In Preferences > ColdFusion > Profiles, change to another profile.
10) Click 'Apply'
11) In Preferences > ColdFusion > Profiles > Editor > Syntax Coloring, under "CF", click "Built
on line 4 at column 5.ColdFusion was looking at the following text:functionThe CFML compiler was processing: * A cfscript tag beginning on line 3, column 18.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3040424
External Customer Info:
RequestInvalid CFML construct found on line 2 at column 70.ColdFusion was looking at the following text:{The CFML compiler was processing:A script statement beginning with function on line 2, column 1.A cfscript tag beginning on line 1, column 2. The error occurred in /Applications/ColdFusion9/wwwroot/cf9
2609049 CF-3941525 Language Adam Cameron Interface restrictions too rigid regarding optional arguments See: http://blog.adamcameron.me/2013/07/question-for-yall-re-coldfusion.html
Given this interface:
// IAdditionalOptional.cfc
interface {
public numeric function f(required numeric x
7032183 CF-4207855 Aaron N. Related URL: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-m-r/querynew.html
See "Object: Java Object. This is the default column type." This was implemented in CF10 - please advise if a copy of the relevant discussions is needed
Tracker Issue API docs for interfaces broken in CF11
and browse straight to it. On CF9 & CF10 it gives the auto-generated API docs. On CF11 it gives me an error.
Cannot create interface.
Cannot create the /scribble/shared/scratch/blogExamples/cfml/script/test ColdFusion interface.
The error occurred in C:/Apps/Adobe/ColdFusion/11/cfusion
Tracker Comment Comment on cacheGetProperties() Returning Incorrect Results for Default Caches by Nishita K.
2613594 CF-3208819 Nishita K. @Akhila : Please review the note added to Function syntax section here: https://helpx.stage.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-c-d/CacheGetProperties.html
Tracker Comment Comment on spreadsheetRead/write functionality damages spreadsheet formatting by David R.
6800407 CF-4207164 David R. this is a result of autosize=true being the default, which is not a documented fact on https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-s/spreadsheetwrite.html. So this bug report is essentially a documentation bug report.
Tracker Issue Calling methods on JDK 8 interfaces does not work
5284704 CF-4203968 Language : Java Integration Calling methods on JDK 8 interfaces does not work Problem Description:
Java 8 allowed the ability to have default methods and static constructs on interfaces. Allowing you to execute methods on them. This does not work on ACF since 11 up to 2018
Tracker Issue Bug 82787:(Watson Migration Closure)Default cannot be used as an argument name in cfscript
Invalid CFML construct found on line 138 at column 33.ColdFusion was looking at the following text:defaultThe CFML compiler was processing:A script statement beginning with public on line 138, column 9.A cfscript tag beginning on line 1, column 2. The error occurred in /Library
at coldfusion.compiler.cfml40.ComplexStatement(cfml40.java:1806)
at coldfusion.compiler.cfml40.cfscriptStatement(cfml40.java:1695)
at coldfusion.compiler.cfml40.functionDefinition(cfml40.java:3467)
at coldfusion.compiler.cfml40.cfscriptStatement(cfml40.java:1713)
at coldfusion.compiler.cfml40
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Doc Bug for: ormExecuteQuery() issues
description is missing the "datasource" bullet/description
Related URL: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion-functions/functions-m-r/ormexecutequery.html
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 80408:(Watson Migration Closure)I have this: <a href="/#getSetting('defaultPage')#">Home</a>Yields / index by Nikhil D.
when rendered in the browser.
Tracker Issue Improve Java integration
I know");
I should be able to specify Java class types in function argument type and return types too.
I should be able to extend Java types in CFML. I should be able to implement Java interfaces with a CFC, and have be able to use these CFCs in Java method calls expecting the given parent class
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by amar lungare
amar lungare What’s new and changed in the 2018 release of ColdFusion
1. ColdFusion (2018 release) has a new User Interface. The new interface is based on a tiled
interface. We have also enriched the search experience on the Administrator portal.
2. We have removed Server Monitor. We have
2608410 CF-4100808 Nikhil S. 1) As per the documentation of isNumericDate(), ColdFusion by default, evaluates any input parameter and attempts to convert it to a real number before it passes the parameter to the IsNumericDate function. Hence, apart from the pure numeric values, there are some
Tracker Comment Comment on CFSCRIPT: UDF - Use of "Default" in first argument results in error. by Aaron N.
that 'hint' seems to work in your example, is b/c CF supports user-defined metadata attributes: https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/extending-coldfusion-pages-with-cfml-scripting/defining-components-and-functions-in-cfscript.html (search for 'custom
Tracker Issue Add delegates to CFML
, but the key thing is it takes two required arguments, and returns a boolean. If the function does not do that, then it cannot be used as this callback (because the function using it will break). The way callbacks are implemented in ColdFusion make it impossible to specify the callback's requirements
Tracker Issue CFML image tags and functions that accept URLs should follow redirects, like cfhttp does
, they will fail with the error, "ColdFusion was unable to create an image from the specified source file".
That's not at all an obvious error, and I have created a blog post on it to help others in this situation (but since I want to point to this ticket in that post, I will come back and offer the URL
Tracker Comment Comment on Elvis Operator incorrectly treating false values as undefined by Bryan H.
3211778 CF-4198933 Bryan H. WOW! OK... This is great... you guys have really confused the issue here... The functionality of the Elvis operator, as defined for ColdFusion (and still stated in your docs) at https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/the-cfml-programming-language/elements-of-cfml
Tracker Issue Bug 81910:Currently there is no way in CFScript based components to add custom metadata to arguments
" customargumentmetadata="test") description="test" customfunctionmetadata="function metadata"
return arguments.arg1;
If we run main.cfm, we get an error.
Invalid CFML construct found on line 11 at column 67.
ColdFusion was looking
.scheduler.ITaskEventHandler ColdFusion interface. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: C:\ColdFusion2018\cfusion\wwwroot\workspace\myProject\task\task.cfm, line: 11
Expected Result:
No errors
The solution:
1) begin the code with
2) add the following argument to the 'execute' event
) Currently, SERVER.coldfusion.serviceTagAttributes returns the service tag attributes
3) Currently, when an invalid tag attribute combination is specified, then CF's exception message lists the valid combinations
If there will ever be a language overhaul (ex: a CFML 2.0), I would like self
Bug 73949:(Watson Migration Closure)I believe restructuring of ColdFusion administrator settings (and the resources they describe) into a standardised model of resources, resource settings, resource security, resource monitors and resou
Tracker Issue Bug 76933:I just got nailed by this issue again
this. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes anyway??
Relevant section of remoting-config.xml is here:
"Error","jrpp-80","04/30/09","13:35:57",,"Could not find the ColdFusion Component or Interface ModelGlue.gesture.remoting.AbstractRemotingService. Ensure
shutdown( numeric timeout=10 ){
// implementation
return this;
The parameter hint and @return annotation both have a line break. In Java, all text up until the next "@" would be part of the string. Instead, ColdFusion strips off the additional lines lines concatenates them to the method hint.
Tracker Comment Comment on Elvis Operator incorrectly treating false values as undefined by Bryan H.
was the intent behind including the Elvis operator in ColdFusion... rather the in-line exception handling/undefined detection originally implemented was what was intended... So the wrong symbol was used (one that developers are used to functioning differently in OTHER languages) for this feature... the answer
Tracker Issue Add support for Hibernate custom UserTypes
UserTypes in ColdFusion?
1. OverbookingPolicy cannot be an interface, it must be a concrete class which will be used as an abstract class.
2. OverbookingPolicy will have a type string property.
3. Use a mapping:
4. Once Hibernate
Tracker Issue CFScript 2.0
function ("ColdFusion: some built-in functions aren't actually functions. It seems."), and - really - implement the scripting side of CFML the way it should always have been implemented: comprehensively, carefully, thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Another upside here is that they could implement an annotation
the compressed JavaScript, making it more difficult for someone to human read the output.
Sorry to severely borrow from their docs, but I've wanted this in ColdFusion for a few years now. I've built and used a few things, but having this functionality built in CF is something I want to see ASAP.
to see it in ColdFusion ASAP.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3038324
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Brian Meloche
External Customer Email: 04C7536843D1BE67992015D5
External Test
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: Secure Profile should enable CF's most secure session management option
session management is the most secure of those 2 options. Therefore, Secure Profile should enable J2EE session management.
Here is what the docs say:
Tracker Issue Wish list
with the Ortus guys a la Forgebox)
***Modularize ColdFusion*** - There's so much that I don't use. I'd so much prefer a lean mean install that has just the components that I use.
Continue improving member functions and add more iteration functions - I've been using them in 11 and they are fantastic, except
Portal Comment Comment on Input validation to avoid XSS by Charlie Arehart
-security-encodefor-969a8858b8ee" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/pete-freitag/coldfusion-2016-security-encodefor-969a8858b8ee
, by default, it turns that line yellow (as defined under preferences -> coldfusion -> profiles -> editor -> syntax color -> cfml -> comment. In addition, when I place this comment, it creates a block of code where I can right click an icon next to the line number that will hide/show that portion of code
Result: Only "Case 1" will show the correct date. for rest of the cases, the cell value is cleared, when clicked.
Expected: It should open the calendar with specified date.
Additional Info:- Since the default format is m/d/y for ext.js, it works. Please see the " mask" info at https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/cfml-reference/coldfusion
as important for those using later versions of CF, as some of its topics are not discussed elsewhere. The page is https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/developing-cfml-applications/securing-applications/security-enhancements-in-coldfusion-10.html.
1) In its example showing setting a