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Portal Topic Introducing CFConfig : A new way to manage your CF server’s configuration from the command line
Introducing CFConfig : A new way to manage your CF server’s configuration from the command line
Jim Priest I extended the base ACF image and installed Commandbox and am going to leverage CFConfig to restore my settings.
Portal Comment Comment on Docker images for ColdFusion by Bradley Wood
Bradley Wood Doug, if you want to use a containerized version of the 2018 beta, you can do so right now using the Ortus Docker images. They are powered by CommandBox, and therefore can start any CF engine/version and also come with CFConfig to manage all your config settings without needing
Tracker Issue MonitoringService port check is incorrect
new port will be chosen even though Jetty would have had no issues binding to the port on a separate inetAddress
Steps to Reproduce:
Start up two CommandBox 2016 servers with CFConfig installed using the following .cfconfig.json files in the respective web roots:
Server 1's .cfconfig.json file
:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 […]
The post Java.null.pointer error while migrating to Coldfusion18. appeared first on ColdFusion. 32-bit Support,ColdFusion 2018,Question,2018,32-bit support,cfconfig,coldfusion 11,coldfusion 2018,migration,performance,question,windows 10
Can someone tell the root cause.
The post ColdFusion2016 services are not getting started. They are stopped suddenly. appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,CF2016 Updates,ColdFusion 2016,Question,2016,administrator,cf2016 updates,cfconfig,ColdFusion,coldfusion 2016,coldfusion_update,question
installed it).
In that case, you can also get to it from the file system, at coldfusion2018/cfusion/runtime/bin/wsconfig.exe. (You could also have found that by doing a search for wsconfig against the CF folder. You would have found it, and a cfconfig.jar in the runtime/lib folder, among perhaps others