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Tracker Comment Comment on cfspreadsheet issue on java 1.7 by Piyush K.
2610873 CF-3673214 Piyush K. closing this.
please revert with a test case if the issue exists.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFThread fails when called from Custom Tags without joining back to parent process by Rupesh K.
2613577 CF-3218452 Rupesh K. @ccapodilupo This was fixed in CF 10 update 1. Could you please share your repro case so that we can investigate?
Tracker Comment Comment on cfspreadsheet issue on java 1.7 by Piyush K.
2610873 CF-3673214 Piyush K. unable to reproduce the issue with CF10 update 12 with Java 1.7.0_25 on Windows 7 x64.
column width is the same in both the tabs.
@ ccapodilupo, please suggest if you are following a different workflow, then what is in the script below:
Tracker Issue cfspreadsheet issue on java 1.7
External Customer Info:
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External Customer Name: ccapodilupo
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External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: windows 2008 R2, CF 10 Update 12 Enterprise, 3 CF instances in a cluster