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2601943 CF-3037409 Language : CFSCRIPT bill shelton Bug 75253:(Watson Migration Closure)'function' keyword in cfscript could be optional Problem: 'function' keyword in cfscript could be optional. It's unclear if the 'function' keyword provides any significant value in cfscript. We know it's a
2602300 CF-3037007 Language : Functions bill shelton Bug 74147:(Watson Migration Closure)It would be nice to have a simple 'assert( boolean [, string message] )' method that throws an assertion failed exception with an optional message Problem: It would be nice to have a simple 'assert( boolean
2601997 CF-3037350 Language bill shelton Bug 75140:(Watson Migration Closure)It would be useful to have a CFTIMEOUT tag, such that the contents contained in the tag would not exceed the required 'timeout' attribute Problem: It would be useful to have a CFTIMEOUT tag, such that the contents
2598149 CF-3041686 Language : Datastructure bill shelton Bug 83396:(Watson Migration Closure)Creating implicit N-D arrays without explicit initialization creates structures for unintiallized array elements Problem: Creating implicit N-D arrays without explicit initialization creates structures
2598705 CF-3041033 Language : CF Component bill shelton Bug 82247:getMetaData( cfc ) displays "name" and "fullname" properties inconsistently Problem: getMetaData( cfc ) displays "name" and "fullname" properties inconsistently. Sometimes the fully qualified name is displayed ("com
2602391 CF-3036902 Language : CFSCRIPT bill shelton Bug 73874:When running functions in scripted cfcs that are missing semicolons, a ScriptParseExceptions$MissingKeywordException is thrown with the message "function keyword is missing in function declaration Problem: When running functions