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Comment on ColdFusion Google Drive by ashudeeps55469743
ashudeeps55469743 Writing CFMs without Semicolons Semi-colons have been statement separators for most programming languages. Earlier when processing was slow and memory was expensive, language designers needed to split programs into multiple statements. A few languages required each statement to
ashudeeps55469743 Closures in ColdFusion Tags A Closure is an inner function that has access to outer function’s variables. Closures were earlier supported only in cfscript , now we have extended the functionality to support Closures in ColdFusion Tags as well. So now one can easily invoke Closures
ashudeeps55469743 Member Functions introduced in ColdFusion (2018 release) In the 2018 release of ColdFusion, we have introduced new Built-In Functions(BIF) to manipulate different objects using a single line invocation. Query Functions QueryDeleteRow( Object query, int rowNum ) Query