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Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for
[ANeff] Bug for: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack by Suchika S.
[ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables (Part 2)
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: some array searching functions are type-checking the haystack by Aaron N.
[ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables
Comment on Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for by External U.
Comment on Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for by External U.
Comment on Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for by External U.
Comment on Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for by External U.
Comment on Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for by External U.
Comment on Bug 86892:GetComponentMetaData functions array unable to be iterated using for by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables by Vijay M.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables (Part 2) by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables by Aaron N.
.cfc the value in the form scope cause an error when used with array member functions and when passed in to some array functions. Steps to Reproduce: Application.cfc -------------------- index.cfm ------------- Submit Actual Result: Calling append on the array
CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions
Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading by External U.
Comment on Array member functions broken for results of getMetaData(this) by Awdhesh K.
CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3
Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading by Frank J.
is already supported by Lucee Server) myString[ 3 ] which would return "S". Array member functions should work, all array functions should accept a string, and the higher order functions mentioned in this ticket should work.
Bug 76864:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add support for a single array argument to the max( ) and min( ) functions
in args ) or any member function on the result. Actual Result: Fails, because it's a String[], not a CFML array. Expected Result: Should be a CFML array and all array functions should work on it. Any Workarounds: Call arrayLen() to get the length and then use for ( i = 1; i lte n; ++i ) { args
symbol (?) to explicitly indicate a nullable type; otherwise the type is not nullable. Precedent: PHP 7.1. Examples (with null support enabled): any function myAny1(){}//OK any function myAny2(){return}//OK any function myAny3(){return null}//OK array function myArray1(){}//error array
Bug 86942:-(Watson Migration Closure)arrayConcat(ToArray, FromArray) function in CFML that calls ToArray
Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading by Jacob J.
2608982 CF-3950771 Document Management : Office Integration Raymond Camden spreadsheetAddRow support array spreadsheetAddRow is pretty much unsafe to use with *any* dynamic data unless you first sanitize the data to not include commas. To correct this, allow this function to take an array
2609471 CF-3844976 Suchika S. append member functions for Array and Struct to return array/struct respectively. These member-functions have changed. StructAppend() & ArrayAppend() will continue to retuen boolean values. Thanks, Suchika.
2609897 CF-3748332 Adobe D. Added support for arrayEach() / arraySort() / arrayMap() / arrayReduce() functions in CFCLIENT Supported member functions are: each, map, reduce arrayFilter and arraySort member function will not be supported as it conflicts with Javascript filter function (Comment
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by chrisg57685480
[ANeff] ER for: Allow Array NoCase functions to search for any object case-insensitively
2609671 CF-3810965 Nikhil S. Updated the callback function of ArrayFilter to 'function(item, [,index, array])' Updated the callback function of ListFIlter to 'function(item, [,index, list, delimiter, includeEmptyFields])' Updated the callback function of StructFilter to 'function(key, value
cfclient code assist for the following functions need to be updated: arrayEach, arraySort, arrayMap, arrayReduce and Member functions : each, sort, map, reduce.
2613289 CF-3335540 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: add invoke()'s argument array support to cfinvoke invoke() accepts an arguments array. cfinvoke does not. Could cfinvoke also accept an arguments array? Repro: 1) Use this code (defines an array and a function): argsArray = [1,'one',2
2609897 CF-3748332 External U. Here's the repro code I used (had to comment-out the cfclient tags in order to run the arraySort()/myArray.sort() section: myArray = listToArray("1,,2,,3"); arrayEach(myArray, function(a){writeOutput(a&'a');});//displays 1a2a3a writeOutput(''); myArray.each(function
array add() described as a member function
Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading by Poonam J.
Comment on Bug 76864:(Watson Migration Closure)Please add support for a single array argument to the max( ) and min( ) functions by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading by Aaron N.
Comment on CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3 by Adobe D.
Comment on CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3 by CFwatson U.
Comment on CFCLIENT: Data structure: structFindValue : structFindValue functions returns an array of struct, path value of this struct shows array index of 2 when it should be 3 by External U.
Add ArrayConcatenate function
Comment on Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException by Chris H.
Comment on Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions by External U.
3942495 CF-4200994 Language Bradley Wood Always include functions and properties in CFC metadata If you have a CFC with no methods or properties, the metadata for this CFC does not contain a functions or a properties array at all. This adds more work since I have to check for the arrays' existence
5347512 CF-4204017 Charlie A. That's a helpful observation, Graham. Thanks for filing it. I have a workaround you may want to consider (the arrayisdefined function in a more traditional loop over the array), as well as some more for Adobe and readers to consider. First, I'll note that support
2612254 CF-3534476 External U. Regarding my comment in my vote: That's only true if the array doesn't contain the function that's being searched for. Basically, if the second parameter is a function, ArrayFind()/ArrayFindAll() executes the function for each element in the array and ArrayFindNoCase()/Array
James Mohler Let me make sure I understand. Arrays are getting passed into the function. Array have member functions above and beyond the ones that Adobe lists. Are there other Java member functions that may be useful? How would I find them?
Implicit array creation within a function throws null pointer exception
Implicit Array passed as named parameter to function in block ignores functions
:// Related Bug - CF-4021994 Method: {code:java} thingArray = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]; thingArray.each(function(item){ item.each(function(subItem) { writedump(f); }); }); thingArray = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]; arrayeach(thingArray,function
2601597 CF-3037792 External U. +1, and same for array functions w/ empty array elements (example: ER #75364)
2609382 CF-3851972 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: arrayFilter/array.filter() UDF arguments missing index and array Duplicate ID: CF-3810965 The index and array arguments are missing within the UDF passed to arrayFilter/array.filter() Repro (just uncomment each and run): function myFunction
="myElement") { writeOutput(++i); } writeOutput(""); i = 0; for(myElement in myArray) { writeOutput(++i); } writeOutput(""); #i# cfloop(from=1, to=myArray.len(), index="i") { writeOutput(i); } writeOutput(""); myArray.each(function(myElement, myIndex, myArray) { write
2596945 CF-3328578 Language Jork Zijlstra cfloop array and wrong iterator Problem Description: When using cfloop array the index should contain the item in the array. When you var scope the index anywhere in your function the index item will always be the first item of the array. I suspect
Comment on Compile error on passing shorthand array arguments to function in if ... else by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Allow Array NoCase functions to search for any object case-insensitively by Suchika S.
Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by Himavanth R.
2608602 CF-4051598 Rupesh K. Supporting array of array makes sense. We would add that and deprecate array of list. IMO, Supporting list in SpreasheetAddRow and many other functions was a bad idea to begin with. To keep the functions clean, instead of adding 'delimiter' and 'ignore
Comment on Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException by HariKrishna K.
5911192 CF-4204688 Language araryEach() stopped passing array reference to UDF in 2018 Problem Description: The following code dumps out 3 parameters in the arguments for Railo, Lucee, and Adobe 11, and 2016 scope (value, index, and original array) arrayeach( ['a'], function() { write
2982780 CF-4198483 Language : Closures Adam Cameron Add higher-order functions for strings Here's a usecase that came up today: ``` postcode = "E18 1ED"; nato = postcode.listToArray("").map(function(c){ var nato
'null' returned from function always returning an array
Comment on Member functions can't be chained to struct/array literals by External U.
[ANeff] Bug for: Array Case functions cannot find XML
() myXMLAttribute.structMemberFunction() myXMLNode.arrayMemberFunction() These fail: myDateTime.stringMemberFunction() myDateTime.numericMemberFunction() myNumber.dateTimeMemberFunction() If they were Type-Casting, then “stringy” member functions would work on any simple variable just as their BIF
2613437 CF-3316802 External U. Please, please, please add this! It would make it possible to use ArrayEach like an ArrayMap function, which I dearly miss.
Comment on Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException by External U.
Bug 78903:Documention Errors for Array Functions:1
Comment on Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException by Chris H.
Comment on Implicit array within function call and other requirements produces java.lang.ClassCastException by Vamseekrishna N.
Array member functions broken for results of getMetaData(this)
2613560 CF-3228672 External U. Hi Sagar, Please try this: array = ["STRING","string"]; indices = arrayFindAllNoCase(array,function(s) { if(s == "string") return true; return false;}); writeDump(indices); Actual Result: empty array Expected result: [1,2] Bug: arrayFindAllNoCase() is broken
Bug 84399:(Watson Migration Closure)List functions should allow arrays of delimitersCurrently list functions just allow strings as delimiters
Output(i); } writeOutput(""); myArray.each(function(myElement, myIndex, myArray) { writeOutput(myIndex); }); writeOutput("");, myIndex, myArray) { writeOutput(myIndex); }); writeOutput(""); myArray.filter(function(myElement, myIndex, myArray) { write
GetNodeType) .search() (equivalent of XmlSearch) .transform() (equivalent of XmlTransform) Since ColdFusion also supports using array and structure functions to manage XML document objects, I filed CF-4199973 to add the relevant string, struct and array member functions on XML variables. ColdFusion 2018 added
2613560 CF-3228672 External U. The problem here is that the "==" operator is not case sensitive, so you can't use it as a case-sensitive test. array = ["orange","banana","apple","ORANGE","orange"]; writeDump(arrayFindAll(array,function(ele) { if(ele == "ORANGE") return true; return false
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: Allow Array NoCase functions to search for any object case-insensitively by Aaron N.
2827197 CF-4198314 Jake M. @Aaron, Actually, your example code does not create an error on CF 11 Update 11. The bug only manifests when you var scope the array inside a function. I modified your example code to this: writeDump(foo()); private array function foo() { var myArray[2
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by Saurav Ghosh
Compile error on passing shorthand array arguments to function in if ... else
Comment on New function request: valueArray() to complement valueList() by Himavanth R.
","b","c","d"]; arrayEach(letters, function(element,index) { writeOutput("#index#:#element#;"); }, true, 3 ); Basically you receive two extra arguments: - parallel:boolean to run the loop in parallel threads - maxthreads:numeric max number of threads to execute the loop in parallel
[ANeff] Doc Bug for: Many array function docs have typos and are unclear and misleading
6471617 CF-4205911 Language : Functions 'null' passes typed array validation even with null support disabled Problem Description: ColdFusion typed array validation doesn't throw when a function doesn't return a value. Note that the non-array variant of the same below example (returntype
. The issue here is that the implementation of the baseline struct and array functions have always been a bit limp: they should *always* have returned the struct/array in question. These functions should be altered accordingly, and also accordingly the member function versions should also be modified
(query['col'])# xmlChildren ")> javaClass: #children.getClass().getName()# isArray: #isArray(children)# Java ArrayList javaClass: #javaArrayList.getClass().getName()# isArray: #isArray(javaArrayList)# Java Vector javaClass: #javaVector.getClass().getName()# isArray: #isArray(javaVector)# Function arguments
3908552 CF-4200881 Language : Functions Matthieu Labarre ArrayResize doesn't support unsynchronized arrays Problem Description: The function ArrayResize (and its counterpart .resize() ) can't be applied to an unsynchronised array. Steps to Reproduce: Execute the following script: {code:java} myArray
Comment on Member functions can't be chained to struct/array literals by External U.
Comment on Member functions can't be chained to struct/array literals by External U.
Comment on Member functions can't be chained to struct/array literals by External U.