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7 Steps To Get The Best Coldfusion Web Application Performance
Portal Topic coldfusion 7mx
baziroa1236207 coldfusion 7mx coldfusion 7mx versus coldfusion 2018 The post coldfusion 7mx appeared first on ColdFusion. Application Performance,Performance,Testimonial or Case Study,application performance,configuration,performance,testimonial or case study
RAHUL UPADHYAY ColdFusion performance issues and optimization Performance issues are one of the biggest challenges to expect when designing and implementing web applications. Performance problems can disrupt your business, which can result in short and long term loss of revenue. The Cold
Troubleshooting your application using Performance Monitoring Toolset
appeared first on ColdFusion. Application Performance,Blog,Performance,application performance,blog,performance,SQL
Justin Cook Same Query Running Extremely Slower on CF 2018 vs CF 2016 Same Query running 17x slower on CF 2018 than CF 201 The post Same Query Running Extremely Slower on CF 2018 vs CF 2016 appeared first on ColdFusion. Application Performance,Performance,Question,2018,application performance,cfquery,performance,question
Charlie Arehart How to quickly solve outofmemory metaspace errors Getting metaspace errors, or blank pages that end up being related to this? Don't tweak the maxmetaspace: remove it! The post How to quickly solve outofmemory metaspace errors appeared first on ColdFusion. Application Performance,Blog,Performance,application
Kishore Balakrishnan Performance Monitoring Toolset Webinar Series Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) has the Performance Monitoring Toolset that aids in monitoring and management of performance and availability of software applications. Performance Monitoring Toolset strives to detect and diagnose
2612923 CF-3369530 External U. I just got bit by this as well. This was a blow to my production server, as I need to heavily leverage cached queries to make this particular application perform.
is Better?) appeared first on ColdFusion. Application Performance,Discussion,Performance,application performance,discussion,Hacking,performance
Tracker Issue Consuming memory
6407216 CF-4205748 Performance Consuming memory The application crash after using all the server memory
Performance,Performance,Question,application performance,ColdFusion,performance,question
with G1 vs Parallel and I have seen some perform worse. With CF11 Java 8 it is possible to use ConcMarkSweep and ParNew together which might perform better vs say either G1 or Parallel. There can be other things that have impact on performance like the CFML (application code) or speed of database
2610415 CF-3702938 External U. Also, the "Performance" key doesn't exist in the Windows registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ColdFusion 11 Application Server Instance2 (but does exist at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ColdFusion 11 Application
mechanisms for developers to use to improve application performance..
2609259 CF-3863748 Rupesh K. Changing the parent at runtime is definitely an edge case. Moreover, resolving the whole inheritance chain and validating all the methods of all the parents in the chain for every object creation would be very expensive. Not caching ths would impact your application
Comment on Poor performance using maxBytesLocalHeap & Hibernate objects by External U.
2608434 CF-4095231 CFIMAGE Chris Hopkins NullPointerException shortly after application start when using cfimage action=captcha Problem Description: After performing an app restart via application.stop() we usually get a couple of the below from pages using cfimage action=captcha. I know
scalable, high-performing web applications in CFML. Now in ColdFusion, we’ve added an all-new Performance Monitoring Toolset, a standalone server with low overhead to control and optimize applications and a new auto lockdown installer to help increase security in the Production Server. In addition, web
Kishore Balakrishnan Overview of the new Performance Monitoring Toolset Webinar :: Recording We had the webinar giving an overview of the new Performance Monitoring Toolset last week. Learn about the end-to-end performance management right from the connector, application, individual lines of code
Monitoring toolset and get you up to speed in monitoring the performance of your ColdFusion servers like a pro. We will show how this solution provides insight into potential performance bottlenecks, and availability issues with the application and server, which you might not otherwise be aware of
4607227 CF-4203135 Performance Luanching CF2018 PMT from Terminal on Mac OS X Problem Description:/Applications/ColdFusion2018PerformanceMonitoringToolset/bin/perfmontoolset start Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Option UseConcMarkSweepGC was deprecated in version 9.0 and will likely
2608600 CF-4051715 External U. We are looking to implement L2 ORM caching with an existing couchbase setup to increase the performance of our applications running on CF 11
Bug 86444:[MEsher] We have an application that queries for 1 million + rows, then loops over those rows with cfloop query="records" and performs operations
Monitor is unable to retrieve a list of counters from the system. Other applications that rely on performance counters fail to work properly as well. As an example, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 fails to install properly until the ColdFusion 9 performance counters are uninstalled from the system. After
Comment on Relative to CF8, CF9.01 consumes heap space at an alarming rate leading to performance degradation and Out of Memory errors. by External U.
2614173 CF-3127216 Installation/Config : Installer ext-user Missing Performance registry entry for Performance monitor Duplicate ID: CF-3124873 Problem: Performance regsitry entry missing for ColdFusion 10 Application server in control set Method: Perfmon failing Result: missing registry
SauravGhosh What is Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise (2018 release)? The 2018 release of Adobe ColdFusion Enterprise Edition is a battle-tested, high-performing application server that simplifies web and mobile application development in enterprise environments. Deploy, maintain, secure, and monetize
3122939 CF-4198749 Language : Application Framework : ApplicationCFC Peter Freitag Add onAfterRequestEnd to Application.cfc It would be useful to do some processing onAfterRequestEnd, that is after the response has been sent to the client. This would allow you to perform things like logging
NIKHIL DUBEY Mystery of Health Score – Performance Monitoring Toolset The mystery of calculating Health Score in Performance Monitoring Toolset Performance Monitoring Toolset can measure how your system is performing. In various pages of our brand new toolset, you can find health scores for node/application
2600185 CF-3039298 Rupesh K. As Pavan mentioned, session and application are reserved scopes. When user disables session or application, we don't create a new session/application scope but use a special object which blocks any modification to it. So there is no performance implication. Changing
2609757 CF-3783364 External U. As has been highlighted here, the importance of having these settings correct impact alot of the overall performance of the application, so it's too important not the make these settings more visible to the admins of ColdFusion, therefore I add my vote to this.
" . The application will initialize but when you perform an entity save on the object it will throw a table does not exist error. Desired behavior for this engineer would be an application initialization error similar to hibernate errors for failed foreign key mappings etc. RATHER than a failure at runtime. Method
4607227 CF-4203135 HariKrishna K. Hi Phillip, This is a message thrown by Elastic search(data store). This option is present a jvm.options file located at /Applications/ColdFusion2018PerformanceMonitoringToolset/datastore/config. ES recommends not to remove this option as these are expert level
2611802 CF-3590207 External U. I have proved Adobe with the exact cause of this and how to reproduce the bug. This affects ALL CF10 standard servers AND really messes up performance tuning on high traffic web applications/servers.
Database Monitoring using Performance Monitoring Toolset
Page.firstRecord# - #currentPage.lastRecord# of #currentPage.totalRecords# total search results. Benefits: Improves application performance by implementing paginating at the data level instead of the application level and returning only the portion of the recordset that’s needed. Simplifies and improves pagination (next n
4761395 CF-4203297 Aaron N. And Adobe also recommends scoping all variables for performance reasons ( But that recommendation is broken, b/c some variables cannot
2608349 CF-4116747 Nimit S. Nathan, There is no way to disable to the default purge scheduler as of now. But It will not purge anything or deteriorate the performance if you are not using client variables in your application. Can you please tell the problem which you are facing because this purge
Eric Cobb The Hidden Power Of CFQUERYPARAM! Everyone knows that you should be using CFQUERYPARAM.  It offers many benefits in the areas of security, data validation, and enhanced performance for your applications.  In fact, Adobe recommends that you use the CFQUERYPARAM tag within every CFQUERY
(and unnecessary) overhead to processing. For simple data types the effect is not extreme, but if you are trying to use a complex datatype, or an object instance, as the 'default', then it will slow down an application's overall performance. Steps to Reproduce:
's ability to tweak the domain model of their AIR application for performance or structure. With the Flex framework, it is common practice to utilize the logging API, so the developer can choose to see these logs if they desire. By using this method developers who don't want to deal with the SQL won't have
: Enable null support in Application.cfc. Perform a query (person) that returns a field (title) that contains null values in the records. Issue 1: Loop over the query results and display the result of isNull(person.title). All results return "NO" even if the "title" field contains a non-null value

Hi Miguel,

What it the hostname you are giving when you are accessing Performance Monitoring Toolset. Its seems you are running PMT at localhost/  You can change the host by changing couple of properties in /config/ file

introduced a tool called Performance Monitoring Toolset, which is more intuitive, includes more features, and provides better visibility of your application’s performance. 3. We have made significant improvements to the core language features. Here is a brief list of the changes: a. Introduced NULL support b
Kishore Balakrishnan Cut Root-Cause Analysis Time down from days to minutes using FusionReactor Sound familiar…? You’ve been assigned an application issue e.g. something is crashing in production. You’ve tried to recreate the problem(s) in your test environment – but you simply cannot reproduce it
2600497 CF-3038965 Language : CF Component Devin Holloway Bug 78067:(Watson Migration Closure)Bring back CFC-Beans Problem: Bring back CFC-Beans. These could be the single most performance enhancing features of CF9 and help to put the notion of, "CF's performance is too slow to use
effect. From my point of view that runs very fast. If you want to change that to gain an performance boost, you propably have to completely shut the inpection of the settings on every request down. I doubt that this is possible without breaking a lot of legacy applications. Just one example: People
going work and logging into your COLDFUSION application each day to perform your job. Then activities you do every day, hour after hour are suddenly blocked. Either your browser stops responding or you get a Jakarta error saving the service is Temporarily unavailable. This is a critical issue and you
, sending out messages without affecting the application server performance. The messaging queue can be used with a REST email service, or wired directly into an SMTP server. The only caveat with mail services is that some specialize in transactional email (based on customer request) ONLY. So using them
Tracker Issue Slowly Access
2597039 CF-3176760 Performance Darwan Leonardo Sitepu Slowly Access Regards, I want to ask you something, I use Coldfusion 9 standard, but why the application was slow walks. Is there a setting of the application that should be set. I say thank you for your time and cooperation. Regards
already, many of you have been asking for the actual PDF downloads to review on your own. The download link for the sessions are below: Making your applications fast and furious with the new Performance Monitoring Toolset in CF 2018! – […] The post Presentation Files of Adobe ColdFusion Summit 2018
2613863 CF-3155857 Language David McGuigan Application.cfc organizational changes It seems extremely counter-performant to me that we author application-level settings in the pseudo constructor in application.cfc instead of in onApplicationStart. For code that needs to react to the hard drive
- datasources - whereas other remote resources play an increasingly large part in application performance. There is no way for ColdFusion administrator extensions to extend the Settings engine and take advantage of CAR files etc, nor for Server Administrators to abstract resource details from Programmers (and
Tracker Issue Slowly Access
2597038 CF-3176766 Performance Darwan Leonardo Sitepu Slowly Access Duplicate ID: CF-3176760 Regards, I want to ask you something, I use Coldfusion 9 standard, but why the application was slow walks. Is there a setting of the application that should be set. I say thank you for your time
for serviceing the request. The default value is true. And it is the recommended value. It should be set to false, only if you really need that as it has performance implications. Along with the attribute in CFC, a new application setting is also added. You can specifiy that like this
mohit1984 Hi Charlie, There is performance gain in switching from CF datasource implemenation. CF datasource implementation to get connection from connection pool and return connection to connection pool is blocking i.e. if one thread is obtaining the connection or return the connection then all
Fusion application unless I set the cookie and then performed an additional web request.) I had hoped that this attribute would already be supported in CF2016, but it appears that it's not. (I'm not sure if support is even currently planned for the upcoming beta.) More information regarding "samesite" can be found
Application Server" service in the "C:\Windows\system32\cfperfmon_9.dll" library is not aligned on an 8-byte boundary. This may cause problems for applications that are trying to read the performance data buffer. Contact the manufacturer of this library or service to have this problem corrected or to get a
Comment on Bug 80232:Summary: script implementationof lacks upload functionsAll the various actions that can perform have been implemented as functions *except* for upload and uploadAll by External U.
Comment on Performance Monitoring Toolset - Unresponsive alert thresholds incorrect by Toby W.
4170611 CF-4201840 Language Introduce the lazy keyword for variables I would like to propose the ability to mark variables as **lazy** to delay their eager evaluation by the compiler. This can be a great asset for performance and optimizations as we avoid the applicative order of the language
.[/b] *This would include the ability to add/remove scopes in the admin and would exclude any not defined in Application.cfc This would knock my socks off, not to mention provide performance gains. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
to take down applications, and the message next to it should warn developers of the risk. Steps to Reproduce: Enable Save class files and modify templates until CF throws a template or component not found error. Expected Result: I expect options for production systems to make CF more performant
James Moberg When manipulating values within a QofQ, it's important to use Javacast() to retain the original datatype.  If not, querying the QofQ may throw an error. When querying for a text string, the comparison is case-sensitive. Use lower() or upper() or query columnnames in SQL to perform
2596976 CF-3263093 Performance david ames Exception in onApplicationStart causes a leak of org.hibernate.impl.SessionFact¬ory.Impl Problem Description: If there is an exception in the onApplicationStart event in application.cfc, every time the application attempts to load, 1 instance of org
Comment on JVM 1.7 corrupts XML objects resulting in StackOverFlows when performing XmlSearch() by External U.
.sql.pool.JDBCPool.returnConnection( at coldfusion.server.j2ee.sql.pool.JDBCPool.connectionClosed( My finding is about the way CF database pool work. CF database pool is using synchronized block which will always degrade the performance of the application if multiple request comes to the server at same
3075454 CF-4198611 Performance Jonas Meller Interfaces are still slow, continuously checked if modified (implementedInterfacesChanged/getLastModifiedTime) PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: I was using the sampler in Java VisualVM to analyze the performance of our application and noticed that a lot of time
2609485 CF-3843498 External U. Yes, this is a recent bug. I am using the built in web sockets. I have worked around the issue for now. It seems like WebSockets can only handle light weight data. The moment I try and use the Web Socket to grab the applications Initial Data, I get a disaster. Yes
2608884 CF-3971083 External U. Hi, I have CF applications with heavy use of SQL Stored Procedures and it has been quite a frustrating last 4 months trying to migrate CF8 to CF11 with performance issues spiking the CPU. After rolling back to Upgrade 3 it runs very well.... Please fix asap. I thank
EncodedFormat(ShareText) ; } ... , 'twitter': t ... The times when the function works is immediately after resetting the test suite (i.e. ApplicationStop) - the first following request it works then every subsequent request it fails. Removing the singleton attribute from the component causes it to work each time (though obviously
Comment on JVM 1.7 corrupts XML objects resulting in StackOverFlows when performing XmlSearch() by External U.
Comment on Overall Performance Gains - Passing By Reference Optional? by CFwatson U.
4084966 CF-4201529 Performance Tim McCracken UNIX and Windows CFINCLUDE inconsitancy Problem Description: Windows and UNIX systems handle file inclusion differently. Windows doens't care about uppercase/lowercase but UNIX does Steps to Reproduce: Create file named includeFile.cfc. Include it using
cdec18a15-7ffb.html To disable webserver buffer, change the is_buffer_enable to false in the cfroot\config\wsconfig\1\ file. Disable webserver buffer if you want cfflush to work over an IIS connector. If your application does not use cfflush, set it to true for increase
executed. The application had not expected this file to be compiled. As we understand, there are many applications which use cfinclude to include static content. This is a good change. You are getting a control to decide what to compile. You will also get some performance improvement because your JS, HTM
2613211 CF-3339008 Security Joseph Lamoree Change in behavior CF9 to CF10 in user authentication associated with session Problem Description: An application that allows a user to login from multiple locations no longer works in ColdFusion 10. It seems that there is now a strict one
2609167 CF-3916906 External U. I just tested this on Railo and new data sources are picked up immediately without any need to reload the application or the restart the server. Removing a data source from Application.cfc also makes it unavailable right away. I'd say this is the behavior to match
CFCs can be access as a WebService. Suggested syntax CreateObject(type="remoting", endpoint="http://localhost/flex2gateway", destination="ColdFusion") Creating a ColdFusion application across distributed servers would gain performance benefits from being able to communicate through the Remoting AMF
well before CF2016. Also it could cause the performance issue of the application for it removes all the statement.
2682312 CFB-4121980 Performance Roland Collins CFBuilder 2016 Crashes when opening specific files Problem Description: There are several files in my application that cause CFBuilder 2016 to crash just by trying open them. These same files open correctly in CFBuilder 3. Steps to Reproduce: Open
kirkh95379902 Coldfusion 2018 New Install – Cannot Open Up Coldfusion Admin After Reboot Hello, 4-5 months ago I installed Coldfusion 2018 on my new Dell Precision Laptop Workstation. It is high performance and running Windows 10. At that time I was able to access Coldfusion 2018 Admin and had 2
2597035 CF-3179303 External U. Stack traces performed on the JDBC driver reveal stored prco calls to get schema information is not closing result sets when using the AS400JDBCDataBaseMetaData class getter methods. For instance when using the methods .getTables(), .getColumns(), .get
template handler setting in the CF Admin. This is used by some people to perform request routing for files that don't even exist. I also think only supporting Application.cfc is incorrect. Some app and or frameworks still use application.cfm and forcing the use of Application.cfc does not seem consisted
, I fired up Railo and confirmed the expected behavior was present. Railo does not cache the super class and the correct text is output by both sites. Mind you, this still worked even with Railo's most stringent caching settings enabled! It seems Railo has found a way to avoid any performance so I
2613624 CF-3198902 Performance Michael Sprague ExpandPath with UNC VERY slow Problem Description: We have two identical versions of our application running on the same server - one in CF9 and one in CF10. We noticed that CF10 is signficantly slower. To be more specific it is more that 10x
2682150 CFB-4193624 Performance Eric Belair Seemingly every time that I try to write a SQL CASE statement, CF Builder locks up and is unresponsive. Problem Description: I am writing a SQL query with sub-queries and CASE statements. When I am in the middle of writing a CASE statement, Cold
2608666 CF-4028272 Web Container (Tomcat) Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: CF duplicates IIS requests CF duplicates IIS requests. Steps to reproduce: Application.cfc: ---------------- component { = "ticket_CFDuplicatesIISRequests"; void function onRequest() { cfsetting
2598982 CF-3040724 Flex/Flash : AIR Integration Abram Adams Bug 81452:When an entity has a data type of Date the adl Problem: When an entity has a data type of Date the adl.exe process does not terminate when you close the air application. The only way to terminate the process is to go
3051217 CF-4198575 File Management : CFFile Chip Beck CFFILE copy of Amazon S3 files fails when source file is 6 MB or larger When a simple copy is performed on a remote AWS S3 file 6 MB or larger, the following exception occurs: Multipart upload failed To reproduce, replace
under ISAPI and CGI Restrictions. It is applicable for global sites in IIS manager. Adds the following isapi handlers: cfcHandler, cfmHandler, cfmlHandler, cfrHandler, and cfswfH andler. For debugging issues, set the log level to debug, in the file present in the {{cfroot
.io.FileNotFoundException: C:\servers\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\lib\neo-cron.xml (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open) Type: Application Detail: Caused by (class Message: C:\servers\ColdFusion2016
5983463 CF-4204874 Language,Performance Memory Leak- Persisted closures hold onto tag instances every time they execute This issue has been tested in CF 11, 2016, and 2018 (latest updates) and it affects all three in the same manner. If a closure is persisted in memory, either in an Application
.xml: /Applications/JRun4/servers/cfusion/SERVER-INF/jrun.xml. Make sure file has the proper permissions ( read/write ). java.lang.NullPointerException at at jrunx.launcher.GUIView$9.actionPerformed( at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed
2596917 CF-3419777 Performance marc esher Severe memory leak when using Java executors. No known workaround Problem Description: When using java.util.concurrent Executor classes on ColdFusion 9, the CFC instances are kept in the thread and not released. Ultimately the system runs out of memory