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Tracker Issue Bug 83912:Indexing a large number of files, calling cfindex in a cfloop, generates the error over and over agian
2597934 CF-3041930 Text Search : Solr anthony desalvatore Bug 83912:Indexing a large number of files, calling cfindex in a cfloop, generates the error over and over agian Problem:
Indexing a large number of files, calling cfindex in a cfloop, generates the error over and over agian. according
Tracker Issue Bug 83892:<cfcatch type="any"> does not catch solr <cfindex> error when document type is not acceped by solr
2597944 CF-3041916 Text Search : Solr anthony desalvatore Bug 83892: does not catch solr error when document type is not acceped by solr Duplicate ID: CF-3041821
does not catch solr error when document type is not acceped by solr
use cfindex inside a cftry/cfcatch tag