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CF Objective 2017 Links and Wrap Ups
Grae Desmond ColdFusion Summit 2019 Recap (Vegas Edition) Thoughts on the 2019 ColdFusion Summit in Las Vegas The post ColdFusion Summit 2019 Recap (Vegas Edition) appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,ColdFusion Summit,blog,cfsummit,coldfusion summit,Wrap Ups
Wil Genovese It’s Up To Us To Stop Hackers The first month of 2019 has passed and it was full of year end wrap up articles about anything and everything from 2018. Most were fluff articles on pop culture and such. What I found most interesting were the articles that quantified the past year
2608695 CF-4021994 External U. This makes no sense as it produces the wrong expectation for inline exceptions that should bubble up. Please do not wrap it.
2556947 CF-3038626 External U. +1 vote. There has been discussion about dump() possibly being an already-existing UDF for some people, but all it will be doing is to wrap up anyhow, which is a debugging tag for the most part, so it's really not going to be a hassle for people to refactor
be wrapped up to use straight from the coldfusion spreadsheet interface instead of having to go to java to dissect the spreadsheet? the function I wrote returns all the hyperlinks in an array, each spot in the array represents a row and all links found in that row. It's an array of structs. array[1
2673026 CF-4156090 Wishlist James Mohler Add built in support for Mustache syntax Problem Description: Of course ColdFusion shows variables that are wrapped in #myvar#. It should also also be possible to use {{myVar}} This would allow more new users to instantly be familiar with the syntax
6727095 CF-4206924 Language CFSaveContent does not capture output up to the point where an exception is raised Problem Description: If I wrap cfsavecontent around a call to capture the output and that call outputs some text and then raises an exception. cfsavecontent fails to capture the next
" which is wrong because "/mymapping" doesn't exist outside that application context. When user restarts the server, we try to resolve all the mappings stored and because "/mymapping" is unresolvable, it throws error and Admin doesn't open up. Workaround: 1. Do not use mappings while registering REST
2682616 CFB-3834409 General - IDE David Belanger CFML Editor keyboard shortcuts for tags don't work Problem Description: For example, to insert a simple nbsp, you neet to press (CTRL+T, N). The (CTRL+T) works and brings up a popup window but pressing N does nothing except make the popup disappear
up blocks of text without being processed by the wiki engine, OpenBD introduces the NOCFML tag.The tag lets you capture complete blocks of CFML code without first being processed by the underlying CFML engine. Simply wrap your CFML code in this tag and the OpenBD engine will ignore all CFML tags
Server. Steps to Reproduce: create a database with a period in the name, ie: "" set up a datasource to point to your database create an ORM CFC load application When Coldfusion attempts to create the table for the ORM object, the "too many prefixes" error will occur. In SQL Server
Result: Request scope unabused and whole. Any Workarounds: Wrapping the WSPublish() call in a thread { }, but only immediately there from within the page. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3650142 External Customer Info: External
2614111 CF-3131308 Security Aaron Neff canonicalize throwOnError Consider this example: canonicalize("%2523", true, true) Currently canonicalize() throws an ESAPI exception for bad input. So some may not realize canonicalize() will always need to be wrapped w/in a try/catch. The exception
that joins at least 2 tables, one of which is from a database link. Actual Result: Query runs fine but the error: removeOnExceptions is true for . Closed the physical connection. shows up in the coldfusion-out.log and database connections are closed. Expected Result: No error. Database connections
... ... I’ve even tried manually throwing the same exception: But again, Flex always receives that builtin exception type rather than my custom exception. Is this a bug? Or do just not know how to get this working with onCFCRequest? Method: Thanks for bringing it up. We did
this updater and start again..  when I ran it from the CFADMIN I ended up with this mess. I will retry with a manual install.. avax.servlet.ServletException: ROOT CAUSE: coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory$ServiceNotAvailableException: The Monitoring service is not available. at coldfusion
6312897 CF-4205377 Net Protocols : LDAP Caught CFLDAP exception shows up in exception.log Problem Description: On CF2016 Update 7 (and below), when attempting to authenticate a user against Active Directory using CFLDAP wrapped in CFTRY, the exception thrown when the authentication fails
rather than a developer's response (and I get it, you may work for Adobe, so that's all I can expect). The reason these issues come up again and again (1) if CF is dead and (2) it's pricing has a direct correlation precisely with the way Adobe has decided to price the product. Furthermore, CF
.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ at java.base/ Expected Result: /CFIDE comes up Any Workarounds: None at this time
4456191 CF-4202859 Caching : General,Performance ColdFusion uses unsynchronized WeakHashMap in Remote Method Invocation during cache replication. This occasionally leads to infinite looping, hence 100% CPU usage. Problem Description: Our system is made up of 3 Windows servers. Each server runs