displaying top 100 results
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion 9.01 by Wil Genovese
Comment on ColdFusion 9.01 by Wil Genovese
Portal Comment Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Portal Comment Comment on How to get a feed of new posts or comments in this CF portal blog by Wil Genovese
Comment on How to get a feed of new posts or comments in this CF portal blog by Wil Genovese
Comment on ColdFusion and Java 8 and Java 11 Updates by Wil Genovese
Comment on ColdFusion and Java 8 and Java 11 Updates by Wil Genovese
Comment on ColdFusion SFTP and FTPS Secure Connection Failure by Wil Genovese
Portal Comment Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Portal Comment Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Comment on USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? by Wil Genovese
Comment on 2016 MacOS 10.14 Mojave preinstalled Apache has an issue with mod_jk, is this going to be updated soon? Does any one know if CF2018 is working with Mojave? by Wil Genovese
Tracker Comment Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by Hana H.
2608735 CF-4014234 Hana H. Just wanted to mentioned I used Wil Genovese's solution and SFTP to the site that is using SHA2 is working now. I found a copy of jsch-0.1.52m.jar, copied it over to the coldfusion /lib folder and restarted ColdFusion. Worked like a charm. Thanks Wil
Tracker Issue Outdated Eclipse and Java
2682323 CFB-4119447 General - IDE Wil Genovese Outdated Eclipse and Java Duplicate ID: 4119444 ColdFusion Builder
Problem Description:
CFBuilder 2016 is still running on Eclipse Kepler
CFBuilder 2016 is still running on Java 1.6 - THAT IS A DEAD VERSION!!!
We cannot use newer Eclipse plugins
Tracker Comment Comment on CFFTP to S-FTP server raises error "Algorithm negotiation fail" by David K.
2608735 CF-4014234 David K. Almost at the 2 year anniversary... still not fixed. The solution proposed by Wil Genovese works. I have not found any side effects of upgrading the library but if I encounter any I'll report back to this thread.
Portal Topic Cryptojacking: Hacking for Bitcoins
Wil Genovese Cryptojacking: Hacking for Bitcoins This is a brief follow up to my previous article on Hacking for Bitcoins in which I detailed how servers were being hijacked with cryptocurrency miners and using your servers CPU power to mine for Bitcoins or other blockchain cryptocurrencies
Portal Topic ColdFusion Bloggers is Alive
Wil Genovese ColdFusion Bloggers is Alive A short note to alert everyone that ColdFusionBloggers.org is back online and back to aggregating your blog posts. The great Raymond Camden created this awesome resource and technically it will always be his. I happen to be the current caretaker if you
Portal Topic ColdFusion Debugging on Production
Wil Genovese ColdFusion Debugging on Production Today’s short note is brought to you by “Don’t Do That On Production!” At CF Webtools often times we get called in to help troubleshoot servers that are failing to perform well. We often hear the same sort of symptoms that goes like this. The server
Tracker Comment Comment on Outdated Eclipse and Java by Adobe D.
2682323 CFB-4119447 Adobe D. Hi Wil Genovese,
1. CFBuilder 2016 as a plugin to Mars Packages with JDK 1.8 will work. Coming to Standalone, we are working on updating the eclipse to recent version.
2. CFBuilder 2016 is running on Java 1.8.0_72. You can verify this in configuration details (Help
Portal Topic TLS 1.2 for ColdFusion 9 and Older
Wil Genovese TLS 1.2 for ColdFusion 9 and Older The upcoming Authorize.NET switch to using TLS 1.2 only has a lot of people scrambling to get their servers updated. This has been a long planned transition at Authorize.NET and at many/most/all other payment processing companies. The inevitable facts
Portal Topic ColdFusion SFTP and FTPS Secure Connection Failure
Wil Genovese ColdFusion SFTP and FTPS Secure Connection Failure I have seen a lot more people asking questions about making SFTP or FTPS secure connections from ColdFusion using the tag. They are trying to figure out why they cannot make a connection. Often the error is “Algorithm
Portal Topic Connect ColdFusion JDBC to Sybase SQL Anywhere
Wil Genovese Connect ColdFusion JDBC to Sybase SQL Anywhere This is something that might not come up often, but every once in a while we have to connect to a Sybase database. This is a built in feature in the Enterprise version of ColdFusion. However, if you have the Standard version of Cold
Portal Topic ColdFusion MailSpoolService Manual Restart Issue
Wil Genovese ColdFusion MailSpoolService Manual Restart Issue I’ve seen a few different ColdFusion 11 Standard servers that have been sending duplicate emails. We’ve had several clients at CF Webtools reporting this issue and over time I’ve had to research this to try to determine how
Portal Topic It’s Up To Us To Stop Hackers
Wil Genovese It’s Up To Us To Stop Hackers The first month of 2019 has passed and it was full of year end wrap up articles about anything and everything from 2018. Most were fluff articles on pop culture and such. What I found most interesting were the articles that quantified the past year
Portal Topic ColdFusion and Java 8 and Java 11 Updates
Wil Genovese ColdFusion and Java 8 and Java 11 Updates As many of you are aware Oracle has changed their licensing for Java 1.8 and making it a pay to play for all commercial purposes. Here’s a link to the licensing announcement. I’m not a lawyer and I’m not going to pretend that I understand
2608127 CF-4185383 Hot Fix Installer Wil Genovese ColdFusion 11 Updates do NOT install when ColdFusion is running as local user account Problem Description:
When ColdFusion is running as another user besides "Local System" Updates do not complete. It fails to write one file, C:\ColdFusion11\cfusion
2600058 CF-3039432 CFIMAGE Wil Genovese Bug 79057:(Watson Migration Closure)ER: Can not convert CMYK jpg to an RGB jpg Problem:
ER: Can not convert CMYK jpg to an RGB jpg. IE 6,7,8 will not display CMYK jpg images. This is an issue because so many people have no clue about RGB vs CMYK and when
Tracker Issue Debugging breaks with 33 or more cfprocparam
2608845 CF-3978803 Debugging Wil Genovese Debugging breaks with 33 or more cfprocparam Duplicate ID: CF-3971083
Problem Description:
If I turn debugging on and I ask for debug output which includes SQL activity, the 33rd parameter to my main session logging routine is not filled. The output
Wil Genovese USPS Shipping API Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support, is your ColdFusion Server Ready? At CF Webtools we recently went through a round of server upgrades to handle the Authorize.net ending support for older TLS versions. Now USPS, United State Postal Service, is doing the same thing
Wil Genovese ColdFusion Security updates for ColdFusion 2016 and ColdFusion 11 Adobe released important security updates and big fixes today, update 6 and update 14 for ColdFusion 2016 and ColdFusion 11 respectively. These updates resolve an important insecure library loading vulnerability (CVE
Wil Genovese Authorize.NET Temporarily Ending TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.0 Support At CF Webtools we have been preparing for this inevitable day for the past few years. We’ve been upgrading our clients servers and services to handle TLS 1.2 calls to Authorize.Net and other third party processors for a while
Portal Topic ColdFusion MailSpoolService Performance
Wil Genovese ColdFusion MailSpoolService Performance Originally posted at https://www.coldfusionmuse.com/index.cfm/2017/11/27/ColdFusion-MailSpoolService-Performance In my last article about the Adobe ColdFusion MailSpoolService I mentioned that I was going to try to get specifics on expected
Tracker Issue CF11 Update 12 failing to install via the updater page
3038867 CF-4198564 Hot Fix Installer Wil Genovese CF11 Update 12 failing to install via the updater page Problem Description:
I tried updating my test systems today Update 12 won’t install. The CFAdmin Update page goes through the motions to download and install. The updater will stop all CF 11
Tracker Issue Scheduled Tasks with ":" in the name fails
2610351 CF-3707867 Scheduler Wil Genovese Scheduled Tasks with ":" in the name fails Duplicate ID: CF-3701046
Problem Description:
When a colon ":" is in the name of a scheduled task the task errors out. Additionally if you try to pause the task you get an error. When I try to edit the task
Tracker Issue CFDocument won't embed Helvetica font
2612883 CF-3374680 Document Management Wil Genovese CFDocument won't embed Helvetica font Problem Description:
When trying to use the ADOBE-BUILT-IN font Helvetica, ArialMT is used instead when creating a PDF with CFDOCUMENT.
Steps to Reproduce:
Run the attached code.
The font always comes out
Tracker Issue ColdFusion 11 - more Debug API features
2613404 CF-3322414 Debugging Wil Genovese ColdFusion 11 - more Debug API features I would like to be able to access the Debug API to do more than just adjust the Debug settings. I'd like to capture the Debug output data so we can do what ever we want with it.
A current example is with a massive
2609712 CF-3796626 Net Protocols : FTP Wil Genovese CFFTP LISTDIR Command Fails against FTP servers that do not allow the SYST command Problem Description: CFFTP LISTDIR command fails against FTP servers that do not allow the SYST command.
Steps to Reproduce:
Test against different FTP servers
Tracker Issue CFHTTP does not work with SNI enabled SSL
2611731 CF-3598342 Net Protocols Wil Genovese CFHTTP does not work with SNI enabled SSL Problem Description:
We are trying to connect via CFHTTP over SSL to a Windows 2012 IIS 8 server that has SSL installed and Server Name Indication (SNI) is enabled. http
Tracker Issue Bundled jIntegra is 32bit on 64 Bit Windows
2612863 CF-3377595 COM/DCOM Wil Genovese Bundled jIntegra is 32bit on 64 Bit Windows Problem Description:
When trying to use the 3-party PDFLib with ColdFusion 10 I discovered that the needed DLL included with ColdFusion 10 was a 32bit DLL. This is 64 bit Windows and 64 bit ColdFusion 10. I