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3-N Instances - Web Socket Ports do not increment properly
Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by Kailash B.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by External U.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by Chinoy G.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by External U.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by Kailash B.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by External U.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by External U.
WebSocket Monitor on PMT
Comment on WebSocket Channel imeplementation does not work in a ColdFusion Cluster by Awdhesh K.
Comment on Secure WebSocket Internal with Multiple Sites by External U.
WebSocket server expect us to pass "0" value as normal port if we want to run WebSocket server only on SSL port
Comment on WebSocket service fails to load after fresh install by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: WebSocket open/closeConnection() return undefined instead of boolean by Frank J.
WebSocket Flash Failover is failing
WebSocket implementation does not support ping/pong (keepalives)
WebSocket Proxy Connections Intermittently Stop Responding
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: WebSocket open/closeConnection() return undefined instead of boolean by Frank J.
WebSocket Listeners not running init
[ANeff] Bug for: WebSocket unsubscribe() invokes afterUnsubscribe() twice
WebSocket messages do not support non-ASCII characters in the case of websocket proxy
2608149 CF-4181270 External U. Hi Kailash, Yes, everything is working great with the web sockets now, than you. Thanks, Jay
2609238 CF-3865461 External U. Is this an issue across the board with all web socket usage?
Comment on Secure WebSocket Internal with Multiple Sites by External U.
2609485 CF-3843498 External U. Yes, this is a recent bug. I am using the built in web sockets. I have worked around the issue for now. It seems like WebSockets can only handle light weight data. The moment I try and use the Web Socket to grab the applications Initial Data, I get a disaster. Yes
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: WebSocket open/closeConnection() return undefined instead of boolean by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: WebSocket open/closeConnection() return undefined instead of boolean by Rupesh K.
2613354 CF-3330785 External U. +1, CGI variables are important. WebSocket handler should not break CGI.
Comment on WebSocket Proxy Connections Intermittently Stop Responding by dakota c.
2608486 CF-4079113 Web Socket : WebSocket Proxy ext-user Websocket with IIS 10 on windows 10 is taking a lot of time for loading It takes a lot of time to load the library. It is also intermittent as sometimes the libraries are loaded, and sometimes not ----------------------------- Additional
2608514 CF-4072793 Web Socket : WebSocket Proxy ext-user Websocket not working with IIS 10 in Windows 10 coldfusion 11 Websocket not working with IIS 10 in Windows 10 coldfusion 11 ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 4072793
2672697 CF-4176625 External U. BTW, I appreciate this is being fixed, however this is an issue in other areas... Web Socket Ports - they increment on the 2nd instance 8579, 8580, 8580, 8580, etc Flash Fallback Port for Web Sockets - Same thing. 1243, 1244, 1244, 1244, etc
2609485 CF-3843498 Nimit S. Please provide below mentioned details: 1. Settings summary : CF Admin > Settings > Settings Summary 2. Are you using Built-In WebSocket server or WebSocket proxy server? 3. Have you started facing this issue recently? If yes, Is there any configuration changes which
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: WebSocket open/closeConnection() return undefined instead of boolean by Frank J.
Comment on WebSocket implementation does not support ping/pong (keepalives) by Mosh T.
Giancarlo Gomez Steve, just so I understand  correctly. You are wanting to communicate to ColdFusion's WebSocket server from your third part device. Can you specify what device and how you configure the WebSocket connection? If it is trying to just use the WebSocket API directly, you will need
Publishing large objects cause problems with Chrome using WebSockets
Secure WebSocket Internal with Multiple Sites
WebSocket service fails to load after fresh install
WebSocket messages sent to client are cut off at semicolons
2609901 CF-3746561 Nimit S. Hi, We have fixed a web socket vulnerability which prevents the ability to invoke non-remote methods on the CFC using Websockets. Adobe ColdFusion 10 before Update 11 allows remote attackers to call ColdFusion Components (CFC) public methods via WebSockets
Tracker Issue onerror failing
3137506 CF-4198789 Web Socket Aaron Shurmer onerror failing Problem Description: javascript error being thrown on chrome - latest version. stops JS getting to onError provided in cfwebsocket tag. Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'readyState' of undefined at WebSocket
ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener
WebSocket Channel imeplementation does not work in a ColdFusion Cluster
Bug 82736:(Watson Migration Closure)It would be nice to have an out of the box event gateway set up to handle HTML5 WebSockets
Comment on Publishing large objects cause problems with Chrome using WebSockets by External U.
Comment on Publishing large objects cause problems with Chrome using WebSockets by External U.
Comment on Publishing large objects cause problems with Chrome using WebSockets by External U.
Comment on WebSocket service fails to load after fresh install by Nimit S.
2609238 CF-3865461 External U. Also receive this error on CF service restart. Error [localhost-startStop-1] - Unable to initialise WebSocket service: coldfusion.server.ServiceException: Seed passed for encryption in null.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: WebSocket's onClose receives connectionInfo arg so onOpen should too by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on [ANeff] ER for: WebSocket's onClose receives connectionInfo arg so onOpen should too by Rupesh K.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: WebSocket open/closeConnection() return undefined instead of boolean by Chandra S.
Comment on WebSocket Flash Failover is failing by Vamseekrishna N.
2614215 CF-3125331 External U. This is a must have! Allowing other client technologies to connect to CF-WebSockets will be a feature that can attrackt new users.
[ANeff] ER for: WebSocket's onClose receives connectionInfo arg so onOpen should too
2608263 CF-4148829 Administrator : Migration ext-user CAR Migration should take care of migration from CF11 to CF2016 Problem: CAR Migration should take care of migration from CF11 to CF2016 . Following settings should also be migrated : Server Settings > WebSocket - Start Flash Policy Server
2610708 CF-3683719 Web Socket sean Bartlett SSL certificates cause cfwebsocket to error in Firefox Problem Description: SSL certificates causes cfwebsocket to error in Firefox. Then error received when connecting reads: SecurityError: The operation is insecure. this.wsConnection=new WebSocket(_3e
into this function doesn’t have an integer at the beginning, on line 36, the Integer.valueOf() function will throw a Numberformat exception. The function gets in an infinite loop and keeps calling the Integer.valueOf() for the same string. This causes the web sockets become unresponsive. It’s happening about
2614215 CF-3125331 Web Socket Cyril Hanquez Support for other client technologies I would like to be able to connect to a "CF10 WebSocket" channel using Flex (desktop), on Mobile (Flex, PhoneGap) or any other technologies (ie. Java). My primary interest is: - a Flex/Flex mobile library (maybe
4056021 CF-4201447 Installation/Config : Installer Chad Adamson neo-websocket.xml is installed as a blank file Unable to initialise WebSocket service: coldfusion.server.ServiceException: [C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\lib\neo-websocket.xml]coldfusion.wddx.WddxDeserializationException: WDDX packet parse
2611797 CF-3590745 Rupesh K. OnCFCRequest is meant for the requests which are made directly to the CFC - as AJAX request or directly over HTTP. For Rest request or web service or web socket requests, CFC happens to be an end point to a request (where the CFC is not explicitly invoked) and therefore
Tom Woo I got it all working, Charlie -- thanks so much.  Lots of busywork to get it going, but that can't be avoided.  And now I can finally work on enabling WebSockets!  So that means I'll just be like 7 years behind the instead of 12. times 
: /CFIDE/scripts/xsl/_cfformvalidation.xsl:6: /CFIDE/scripts/cfformhistory.cfm matches /CFIDE/scripts/ajax/package/cfwebsocketCore.js:1069: WebSocket.__swfLocation=_cf_contextpath+"/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/resources/websocket/WebSocketMain.swf"; /CFIDE/scripts/ajax/package/cfwebsocketCore.js:1070: WEB_SOCKET_SWF_LOCATION=_cf_contextpath+"/CFIDE/scripts/ajax/resources/websocket/WebSocket
2612358 CF-3518906 Web Socket ext-user cfajaximport of cfwebsocket does not work doesn't work. This is required when using websocket in a bind url with cfdiv. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3518906 External Customer Info
2614258 CF-3122878 Web Socket Raymond Camden afterUnsubscribe not working Title says it all. I've got a afterUnsubscribe in my CFC (associated with my websocket channel) and it never fires. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID
2614299 CF-3118358 Web Socket Raymond Camden getSubscriberCount returns true, not a value The getSubscriberCount JS function returns true, not a count though. ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3118358 External Customer Info
4465386 CF-4202891 Web Socket Enabling websockets with coldfusion clustering We have a new Coldfusion 2016 setup and we just enabled several instances which is now being clustered. Unfortunately the cluster requires WEBSOCKETS which is not working. Can you please add in this feature since our code
2608269 CF-4147038 Kailash B. Hi, I tried to repro this issue but can't see it in my ColdFusion build. Can you please share your test case? Also, are you using WebSocket proxy, or internal websocket from ColdFusion? Also, is it showing the correct message if you refresh your browser or clear
Comment on WebSocket service fails to load after fresh install by Nimit S.
: ColdFusion Administrator > Server Settings > WebSocket > Max Data Size.
2614139 CF-3130239 Adobe D. In case you have standalone and J2EE installations running on the same machine, the web socket port will be the same and this might be the reason why you are getting the exception. Can you change the websocket port {cfroot}\lib\neo-webcoket.xml (for any one
4713682 CF-4203274 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, I see this ticket is marked "BugVerified/Won't Fix". You verified the issue (CF installer's "Configure WebSocket Proxy for selected server/websites" creates invalid neo-websocket.xml), but won't fix? Thanks!, -Aaron