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Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Coming Up 10/16/19
Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Nov. 13, 2019
May 2018 Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting
6289489 CF-4205364 PMT : UI Restricted User Access In some cases, we may want to expose the monitoring of a single application, across servers to a group of users. We wouldn't want these users to see any server-level stats, but being able to see requests for one or more applications would
2709153 CF-4198198 Administrator Mike Collins Ueser Group Integration with external databases and LDAP Active Directory Allow the admin to use user \ group data from databases or Acrive Directory. Then use that data to restrict access like you can do today with internal user \ groups. Do
Comment on Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Coming Up 10/16/19 by WilzDezign
Comment on Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Coming Up 10/16/19 by WilzDezign
Comment on Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Coming Up 10/16/19 by Anonymous
Comment on Seattle ColdFusion User Group Meeting Coming Up 10/16/19 by Anonymous
5369952 CF-4204032 Annie T. I would check if the right ownership is granted as well. The group should be user group in which CF is installed and also the apache user, so that it's able to stat it. I think apache threads are not trying to write in it, probably its attempting to retrieve information
2709153 CF-4198198 Michael C. Would love to be able to define admin users/groups in AD and then select them in the administrator, it would save a lot of time when managing our eight servers. Being able to granting fine-grained security access to these would be a real bonus.
2609951 CF-3741341 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cfgrid with groupField attribute set: grouping by a Boolean type column does not displays the values for the each group. Problem: cfgrid with groupField attribute set: grouping by a Boolean type column does not displays the values for the each group
Fusion MX 6.1. Many of our ColdFusion applications in that environment use a variation of the ntsecurity.cfc, which is a CF component containing three methods to authenticate users, return AD group information for a user, or do both. You can download the entire code for this CFC at this location: http
changeUser = function (userID) { var fm = document.fmUserAdmin; var groupID = fm.listEditGroups(fm.listEditGroups.selectedIndex).value; var sStatus = fm.listStatus(fm.listStatus.selectedIndex).value; if (fm.isProjectManagerEdit.checked == 1) var isManager = "A"; else var is
:// Newsletters » User groups » Find a ColdFusion hosting partner » Jump-start your trial View Demos Thanks!, -Aaron
2612318 CF-3525473 External U. This bug initially impacts a small group of users (about 10) that experience work stoppage when unable to use emails to resolve issues with other associates. It has a greater impact on 100+ users that are knocked off the system when the ColdFusion service is restarted.
, and they can schedule virtual meetups. These are not local exclusive like user groups. - Who uses CF. Case studies on cutting edge use of CF in both major and small businesses - CF Store. online store to purchase CF add-ons from vendors. Also sells misc items like CF merchandise. - CF User Groups. move
Bug 74212:EntityLoadByExample won't handle things if you load your example object with a foreign key object (add a group to a user for example)
2608357 CF-4114019 Poonam J. I am able to repor this on linux. If in the source folder permission for group and others is 777 then after unizip persimmon changes to read read only for group and others and for user executable permission is not there. i have the repro case. Please reach to me
the HTML CFGRID to not display query results. the following will break the CFGRID: order by #arguments.cfgridsortcolumn# #arguments.cfgridsortdirection# SELECT userID, firstname,lastname, disable, group_ID, email, username FROM
5362372 CF-4204025 Hot Fix Installer CF2016u8 and CF 11 u16- Manual installation fails on Windows if not local administrator Problem Description: Manually installing CF2016u8 and CF 11 u16 in windows fails if your user is not a local admin (even if you have full admin rights through a domain user/group
2613672 CF-3192032 Adobe D. The Scheduled Tasks belonging to non-default group are not getting archived . Passing it to the dev to fix it . (Comment added from ex-user id:yrr)
into the User Manager of each server and add 10 user accounts manually (and then force those users to go into each Administrator and change their initial password), it would be great if we could simply specify a Windows domain group who should have access to the CF Administrator, and then let Active Directory
2614440 CF-3104705 Rupesh K. As per KP, the issue comes because there is no permission to read file. This issue can come only if the user installing CF10 is in a different group than the one for CF9. KP, could you please re-confirm? Moving this to GMC.
2602065 CF-3037270 External U. cfexchangecalendar is all but useless (in an educational environment) if multiple public calendars. cannot be CRUD'd Only pulling the users calendar may work for individual, but not group environments
Administrator: Change the test directory Anonymous Authentication to disabled. Change the test directory Windows Authentication to enabled. File system test directory NTFS security settings: Break inheritance Remove MACHINE/Users group (or similar) access
that is indicating it: 2018-08-06 17:03:19 INFO - Successfully added the user to the said group! 2018-08-06 17:03:19 INFO - Attempting to restart Apache 2018-08-06 17:03:19 INFO - Stopping apache 2018-08-06 17:03:19 INFO - Bin path true 2018-08-06 17:03:19 INFO - Failed to stop apache 2018-08-06 17:03:19 INFO
2610021 CF-3737517 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: datastructure: functions: ReFind : Using ReFind for regex having groups gives unexpected output Code snippet: #returnedstruct1.pos[3]# Expected: 5 Actual: 1 ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2610022 CF-3737516 Mobile Support : Data Structure ext-user CFCLIENT: datastructures : REFind gives error when regex containg certain group combination is passed as a pattern Code snippet: #reFind("(?m)\A[[:alpha:]]","The quick brown fox#chr(10)#jumped over the lazy dog.")# Expected: 1 Actual
Leith Tussing Not my CF service user, that's actually a local user account that has no User or Admin permissions.  The issue is my personal account I'm logged into the server with to do administration.  I'm logging in with for example my "lt_admin" account and running the CMD prompt as admin to do
multiline text like python.mySQL = """select * from users u join user_groups ug ON .... """;Or add support for something like.query ( name = "myQuery" ) {select * from users;};I love the ability to have readable SQL. ORM is not going to cut it for a
]//RUN:SELECT U.UserID FROM [test] U LEFT JOIN Request_test R ON (R.UserID = U.UserID) WHERE U.ID = 1 GROUP BY U.UserID HAVING COUNT(R.RequestID) > 0 GROUP BY U.UserID HAVING COUNT(R.RequestID) > 0 Result: Variable TESTQRY is undefined. The error occurred on line 19. ----------------------------- Additional
.Please share the jvm.onfig of your CF installation in /cfusion/bin 3.Is the account you use to login to the system a memeber of Administrator group? (Comment added from ex-user id:evelinv)
that the people that need it most won't go to it...I think we need to keep having webinars, cfmeetups, entry level sessions, and we need to continue to blog about basic CFML features and try to reach out to more of the community, either through user groups, or via adobe and their onsite visits. we need to get
yep, I do see now that for those talks from 2003-2006,  I did not offer PDFs. I was working with a company who didn't have me put the files on their servers, but instead had me point to the presos as offered at the user groups where I presented these. Bummer. I am not readily finding the ppt's on my
and folders under destFolder are saved as mode 755 (read only for group). ColdFusion is running under user apache and group devel and saves the extracted folders as 755 and the .cfm files as 444 (read only for all). ls -al: drwxr-xr-x 2 apache devel 4096 Feb 4 09:37 Exercise -r--r--r-- 1
among the same group of similarly named fields. Some of the user's selections are lost in this case.
Charlie Arehart Leith, that's awesome. Thanks. (Your pointing out the need for the cf user, running the CF service, to be in the "administrator" group.) You mention not being able to test it. I did, since I saw this finally while working with a client. We also found that it was not enough to just
2608575 CF-4060764 Adobe D. [added a bug group note CF-4060764 : ColdFusion : 11.0] : Gibson throws page error font error annotation error and some more even if conversion was successful. Logged a bug: 4068740 (Comment added from ex-user id:vadiraja)
, especially those configured with virtual hosts, appears to alter the meta data properties of name and fullname.Below are reports of tests that MXUnit users have performed that verify the defect. in various environments. bug
Comment on CFCLIENT: datastructure: functions: ReFind : Using ReFind for regex having groups gives unexpected output by Adobe D.
2611977 CF-3568594 Adobe D. Page numbers are part of Header/Footer content, hence when merge action is performed we can't make changes to header and footer. This could however be easily achieved by doing a group of actions. Eg : first merge the documents, then remove header/footer and finally add
below" (my fault for not including "the" originally) #2 - It would be visually better if the Admin and RDS settings were grouped/sorted as: ----------- Admin Authentication Enabled Admin separate UserID Required RDS Authentication Enabled RDS separate UserID Required ----------- #3
for your logged in Windows user account to be in the local administrators group.  If your account is in another local group or domain group the installer doesn't think you're an administrator. Workaround - Add your logged in account to the local administrators group.   Issue 2
2612284 CF-3530539 Language : Java Integration Andrew Scott ColdFusion 10 for Windows 8 / Server 2012 Problem Description: The following code works when it is on ColdFusion 8, 9 and ColdFusion 10 if it is running on anything but Windows 8 and Windows 2012. Error message is No group with name
amit shukla Topology: Bird’s eye view of ColdFusion Deployment PMT Topology: Bird’s eye view of CF Deployment Performance Monitoring Toolset monitors provides end to end monitoring for standalone CF Server or Group of CF Servers. It captures metrics at each step of CF Server processing and displays
this setting.!topic/contentbox/0URMbI-3lpU The user's site was so slow and he even was receiving "GC overhead limit" errors. Normal performance was returned after he disabled the setting. This has been a regular issue for years with all recent versions of Cold
2673461 CF-4126524 CFwatson U. Added By:prk Note Added: Apologize... its my bad, I have not enabled prerelease flag, its enabled now. Date Added :2015-11-26 17:15:31.0 Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Dave Ferguson Note Added: This bug has been updated to "need more information" . Any chance
Comment on Bug 76791:(Watson Migration Closure)Include support for grouping of properties under one reference by Adobe D.
Charlie Arehart Saurav, I see you have added an update to the top of the blog post indicating known issues. Thanks very much for that. But why don't you list there the other issues that have been brought here by several people:
  • The update may fail if the windows user running cf
Comment on Nested Grouped Query Outputs incorrectly group data resulting in Array index out of range error by CFwatson U.
opened for user cfuser by (uid=0) Aug 07 16:12:52 ip-10-0-0-133.ec2.internal runuser[2452]: pam_unix(runuser:session): session closed for user cfuser Aug 07 16:13:55 ip-10-0-0-133.ec2.internal usermod[2485]: add 'cfuser' to group 'webusers' Aug 07 16:13:55 ip-10-0-0-133.ec2.internal usermod[2485]: add
2673505 CF-4126475 CFwatson U. [added a bug group note CF-4126475 : ColdFusion : 2016] : Added By: PreRelease User User Name:Aaron Neff Note Added: Can we please continue discussion here: We don't always get notified when Adobe adds
2673461 CF-4126524 Mobile Support Dave Ferguson Javascript closure causes cfml error in cfclient The code below will cause a cfml error when inside cfclient tag. However, the code is valid. Furthermore it is javascript and shouldn't be processed by at all. a = $('li.list-group
Tracker Issue Bug 75861:com
])# i is not var-declared. procparam and procresult are not var-declared (and are both used in other loops after that). Sean Corfield Bay Area ColdFusion User
and therefore created automatically. 2. The user may have to manually specify an existing jvm.config file. To be fair, this will probably only affect a small group of folks, as most of us will just do the extra configuration manually. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson
2609642 CF-3816340 AJAX : UI Components ext-user image missing in the options in the cfgrid context menu for headers. Problem: image missing in the options in the cfgrid context menu for headers. Method: test case: /manual/ajaxui/cfgrid/boolean/cfgrid-boolean-group.cfm Result: missing images can
: Name = myTaskFromCFAdmin StartDate = 02/04/2015 Recurring = Daily at 12:00 AM URL = 2) Run this: new CFIDE.adminapi.administrator().login(myPassword, myUsername); obj = new CFIDE.adminapi.scheduler(); CFAdminKeys = structKeyList(obj.findTask(mode="server", group
2612499 CF-3503739 ColdFusion Services ext-user Cold Fusion jRun.exe is locking SourceCodePro font thus preventing Dw from installing the font thereby corrupting it Problem: I have ColdFusion on my machine and I have Dw installed. Dw is installing SourceCodePro fonts during installation. Now when
services are running under a domain user.   My first attempt to install CF 2016 Update 8 failed with what appeared to be privilege issues noted in the installation log, I restored the server to our latest backup from before the upgrade attempt and added the domain user that is running the CF service
.datasources["[datasource]"] = { class: ’[driver]’, connectionString: ’[connectString]’, username: ’[user]’, password: "[(encrypted) pass]" }; This would be especially handy for writing CLI code where datasources (currently) need to be spelled out. Second to this, it would also be handy to have an Application.cfc generated
} result_name.crontime | {description here} result_name.enddate | {description here} result_name.endtime | {description here} result_name.eventhandler | {description here} result_name.exclude | {description here} result_name.file | {description here} | {description here} result
challenge here. But it needn't be if we group them sensibly: result = queryLdap(actionParams, connectionParams, queryParams); Three arguments are OK, I think. Each of those param arguments would be structs, which include the one or more of the following attributes of : actionParams: action = "action
2608730 CF-4015158 Core Runtime : Session Management Daniel Short As a Cluster of Servers, I want to store SESSION data outside of local RAM Duplicate ID: CF-3941961 Problem Description: With a non-clustered group of CF instances, Session data is stored on each individual server. This requires
. A query driven queryloop tag is nested inside a queryloop tag that also has a query attribute. This is not allowed. Nesting these tags implies that you want to use grouped processing. However, only the top-level tag can specify the query that drives the processing. Our example code consist of two
-INF/cftags/. The way in which the content is generated in the savecontent tag may cause ColdFusion to try to resolve some of those important error keys like browser, referrer, and stack trace by looking them up in various scopes including the CGI scope. However, if the user has closed their browser, clicked away
2612189 CF-3546959 Language Brian Ghidinelli JVM 1.7 corrupts XML objects resulting in StackOverFlows when performing XmlSearch() Duplicate ID: CF-3739102 Problem Description: You can read my full process here:!topic/transfer-dev/82Nx3lbNEyE I am