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Portal Topic Usability Issues
Usability Issues
Portal Comment Comment on Usability Issues by Aaron Neff
Comment on Usability Issues by Aaron Neff
Portal Comment Comment on Usability Issues by Suresh Jayaraman
Comment on Usability Issues by Suresh Jayaraman
Portal Comment Comment on Usability Issues by Aaron Neff
Comment on Usability Issues by Aaron Neff
Portal Comment Comment on Usability Issues by Aaron Neff
Comment on Usability Issues by Aaron Neff
Portal Comment Comment on Usability Issues by Anit Kumar Panda
Comment on Usability Issues by Anit Kumar Panda
Tracker Comment Comment on Automatic updates improvements by External U.
2612134 CF-3554978 External U. Good idea to improve usability.
Portal Topic Usable search
Usable search
Comment on BIFs should be usable as arguments expecting functions by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on requestTimeout attribute of cfsetting tag not working in Application.cfc by External U.
2608583 CF-4058796 External U. Adobe,
Is the fix going to be to allow per-Application settings to take effect immediately and be usable in Application.cfc's initialization area?
2611035 CF-3648781 External U. Indeed Sean. An expression is an expression, and a function expression is no different from any other sort. They should be usable in any code which takes an expression.
Tracker Comment Comment on No error message is displayed with incorrect input when updating SN in the CF admin. by Piyush K.
2612474 CF-3505989 Piyush K. The issue exists with CF10, but is not observed with CF11.
Closing this, since it is a harmless usability issue.
Comment on Bug 80345:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFSETTING missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80345:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFSETTING missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80345:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFSETTING missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80344:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFHEADER missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80344:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFHEADER missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80343:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFCONTENT missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80342:Summary: CFLOCATION missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80341:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFWDDX missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80341:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFWDDX missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80340:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFCOLLECTION / CFINDEX / CFSEARCH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for / / to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80340:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFCOLLECTION / CFINDEX / CFSEARCH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for / / to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80339:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFFLUSH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable form CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80339:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFFLUSH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable form CFScript by External U.
2602370 CF-3036931 External U. Definitely a must to make this usable in real applications.
Tracker Comment Comment on Syntax Coloring Issues by Phill N.
2682215 CFB-4152897 Phill N. This is not just a "Cosmetic Issue", it's a "Usability Issue" as in any good IDE, unexpected color changes usually tells the user something is wrong with syntax or something else. When will this be taken seriously and fixed?
Tracker Comment Comment on Manage Page Breaks Using CSS When Generating PDF Documents With CFHTMLTOPDF by Michael C.
3586068 CF-4200008 Michael C. Any news on if this request being considered? This functionality would greatly improve the usability and scope of CFHTMLTOPDF.
--and the comment would become a sea of words, as one big paragraph.
The post Great news: editing comments no longer loses paragraph formatting! appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Community Portal,Usability Issues,blog,ColdFusion,usability issues
Portal Topic Adobe please change the portal, for working with posts having dozens of comments: 5 proposed enhancements
The post Adobe please change the portal, for working with posts having dozens of comments: 5 proposed enhancements appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Community Portal,Usability Issues,blog,ColdFusion,discussion,usability issues
Bug 80345:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFSETTING missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript
Bug 80344:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFHEADER missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript
Bug 80343:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFCONTENT missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript
Bug 80342:Summary: CFLOCATION missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript
Bug 80341:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFWDDX missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript
Bug 80340:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFCOLLECTION / CFINDEX / CFSEARCH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for / / to be usable from CFScript
Bug 80339:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFFLUSH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable form CFScript
Bug 80338:(Watson Migration Closure)Sumamry: CFDBINFO missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable form CFScript
portal update appeared first on ColdFusion. Blog,Community Portal,Usability Issues,blog,ColdFusion,discussion,usability issues
[cielen] Server configurations setting usability improvement
have tried to fix that.
I agree that there is some usability issue here because one has to go to each instance to configure the connector for it, it is not critical because there is an easy work around available. We will look into this usability aspect in the next release.
Comment on BIFs should be usable as arguments expecting functions by External U.
Comment on BIFs should be usable as arguments expecting functions by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfpdf text cut off by External U.
usable and readable.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 87099:-(Watson Migration Closure)This is one of the errors I recently got running a unit test on my ORM code by Himavanth R.
2597287 CF-3044024 Himavanth R. We cannot catch and wrap all Hibernate errors because that could confuse the user even more.
But we have improved the error logging a lot in CF 9.0.1 and CF 10.
That should solve most of the usability issues.
Comment on Bug 80345:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFSETTING missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80340:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFCOLLECTION / CFINDEX / CFSEARCH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for / / to be usable from CFScript by External U.
Comment on Bug 80339:(Watson Migration Closure)Summary: CFFLUSH missing from CFScript supportI've had a non-theoretical need for to be usable form CFScript by External U.
2599437 CF-3040192 External U. This is also preventing us from migrating to CF9. We have mission critical Flex and AIR apps that are un-usable in CF9 due to this issue.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 79960:In ColdFusion 9, ColdFusion by External U.
2599530 CF-3039997 External U. I'm still waiting to purchase CF9 until this issue is fixed. I've used the hbox and vbox in many applications and I certainly don't want to spend hours fixing code that was usable and recommended in CF8. I have money in my budget and I will definitely purchase CF9
Tracker Comment Comment on [cielen] Server configurations setting usability improvement by CFwatson U.
Comment on [cielen] Server configurations setting usability improvement by CFwatson U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Log viewer title broken sometimes by Adobe D.
as a easy workaround? Since we are taking up only critical functional/workflow blocker/usability bugs for next CFB release, this will have to be deferred.
(Comment added from ex-user id:dsarkar)
Tracker Comment Comment on Authenticated users bypass NTFS ACL permission authorization getting access to restricted CF content without error by John D.
4386380 CF-4202619 John D. We switched our CF 2018 to use the BonCode Connector back in mid-September 2019. It installed easily, resolving this problem and finally making CF 2018 usable for us. The BonCode Connector has been working with CF 2018 as a production server without fail since that time
Tracker Issue BIFs should be usable as arguments expecting functions
BIFs should be usable as arguments expecting functions
application settings. I know you've already got those WDDX files for settings, but that's not really usable if yer a human.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4013820
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Adam
Tracker Issue Everything is an object / Everything is an expression
to second-guessing what can and can't be done with an expression.
Everything is an expression
All statement should be usable as an expression, and evaluate to a value. These last two are just givens in a bunch of modern languages.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Bug 75917:[JFERNANDES][Server Manager] selecting a new server instance is confusing with the two green arrows
instance from the list, it should automatically be retrieved. those two arrows should be removed for usability sake.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3037839
External Customer Info:
External Company:
2608396 CF-4102485 External U. @James. Yes. So this is a case for ISO-8601 strings being usable in date parsing functions. So that's an isDate() check. But this is not relevant to this ticket.
In this context it *doesn't matter* that it's an ISO-8601-formatted date/time string, or any other sort
Tracker Comment Comment on Stop Encrypting the Administrator Code by External U.
for an alternate path is... reasonably acceptable. If you were to publish the unencrypted code, say, on GitHub; and accept pull requests that improve it in meaningful ways (security, performance, usability, etc)... and then encrypt that to be included in the installer... I guess I will grudgingly accept that as a
and Notepad++ text editors, but if it's something that will take longer we'll need to make a more formal move to another platform until CFB is usable as we cannot return the whole fleet of Hi-DPI laptops purchased for the dev team!
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: UDF arguments for simple value types to coerce the value's type by Aaron N.
is "date"!
I don't know what Adobe doesn't understand here. This is basic language design. A function argument accepts a specific type. Thus, within the function, the value should be fully usable as that type.
.. Wireshark had this encrypted and only displayed "graph.facebook.com")
Unversioned currently equates to v1.0. On May 1st, 2015, v1.0 will no longer be usable. If endpoint doesn't specify a currently-usable version, then Facebook will default the call to the _oldest_ supported version.
Currently, in order
2601994 CF-3037353 Legacy Area : Usability Patrick Heppler Bug 75158:(Watson Migration Closure)When using ColdFusions built-in AJAX features, you're unable to validate your site as XHTML Strict!!! It would be nice, if the ColdFusion generated JavaScript would be either placed in a separate file
2608746 CF-4012852 External U. @Bradley
> "At end of the day, if your object is able to be usable without it's constructor args, *make them optional*! "
That's the point, the objects are NOT usable without their arguments, hence they need to be required. Imagine a simple value object
2608746 CF-4012852 External U. > That's the point, the objects are NOT usable without their arguments
"Usable" and "populated" are two separate concerns and you're confusing the two. ORM sets the data into your object after creation, so if you are going to create an entity, it must be able
Tracker Issue Unique Proxy Settings for ColdFusion Updates
unique proxy settings.
The ColdFusion auto-update feature should support this same communication the same way a scheduled task communicates outbound thru a proxy.
The global settings should not have to be used.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Auto update is not usable
Expected Result
structure required for pie charts. Using "array of arrays" as the documentation says does not produce anything usable.
Such as
will give a pie chart with no slices.
produces 3 pie charts, no of which have slices.
Please fix or provide an example of the required format...preferably including data
2598136 CF-3041700 Legacy Area : Usability Monte chan Bug 83426:When there is only one data point to plot in Scatter, cfchart ignores the specified scaleMin value and always uses zero Problem:
When there is only one data point to plot in Scatter, cfchart ignores the specified scaleMin value
through the spool or not.By default, spoolenable is set to false (not quite sure on the reasoning for this decision, it limits much of the practical usability of the POP CFaaS). I propose there is an extra argument that exposes the "spoolenable" attribute on cfmail.If that is not possible, then allow
2602201 CF-3037120 Legacy Area : Usability todd sharp Bug 74681:When trying to rename a file with cffile, if the source and destination are the same file name CF will throw an exception such as: Problem:
When trying to rename a file with cffile, if the source and destination are the same file name
Tracker Issue Bug 73934:(Watson Migration Closure)Please provide a complete selection of html events for use with this tag, of the format:
Suggestions are:
These will greatly enhance the usability of this tag... without this some things are simply impossible and certain usecases will require the adoption of something other than
Tracker Issue FTP file synch
/SFTP/FTPS is straightforward, but CF2 made it easy to compare then synch.
Similar functionality appears to be available in CFB3, but is poorly documented and difficult to use. Specific issue include difficulty in reviewing and changing FTP setup information, as well as general usability. Discussions in CFM forum suggest
6532174 CF-4206196 Language : Scopes Mishandling of local scope in inline higher order functions When a closure inside a higher order function references a struct outside its own local scope, that struct's keys are not defined, yet the content of it is still usable. This differs from (for example
Tracker Comment Comment on In CF11 (not 9) , structKeyExists() returns false when cfdump shows true. Which is it? by External U.
more usable.
Why is it, then, that the Adobe CF dev team seem to be the only people on the planet who think leaving poorly designed crap in the language because 'it's been like this since ever' is a valid argument.
It's not. It's lazy. Period.
Tracker Comment Comment on Support for IIS 10 by External U.
2608822 CF-3984812 External U. I am now getting partial usability from CF. I readded the handler mappings and made sure they all had execute permissions. Now I can get to the index page of my site, but when i click on any link to go to another page in my site, I am served a blank page. The view
method in lieu of a solution with AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding that is usable.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4110208
External Customer Info:
External Company:
External Customer Name: Matthew Parks
External Customer Email:
External Test
Tracker Issue CHTTP returns filecontent as java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream when mimetype is application/json
in the CFHTTP.FileContent response variable.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result: CFHTTP.FileContent is "object of java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream" instead of JSON data. (CFHTTP.Text = "no")
Expected Result: Usable JSON data... use your browser to open this URL:
Tracker Issue Bug 87092:CF's parseDateTime does not understand float values generated by interaction with timespans (e
2597294 CF-3044017 Legacy Area : Usability Michael Zock Bug 87092:CF's parseDateTime does not understand float values generated by interaction with timespans (e Problem:
CF's parseDateTime does not understand float values generated by interaction with timespans (e.g. #parse
Tracker Issue Bug 75878:(Watson Migration Closure)Bug for: ColdFusion Flash generated HTML is not valid
for usability and accessibility!
This bug is marked "1 - Critical (Totally prohibits use of product)" (where 'product' refers to CF Flash features) based on the fact that if valid source code is a requirement, then CF Flash features, as currently implemented, cannot be used.
Related thread: https
suppose building an AttributeCollection struct (for CFApplication) might work, but... yuck. I suppose I shouldn't worry about readability when usability is at stake, but...
that said... I'll play with this a bit more - this could (at least) be a way to avoid the worst of the poison cookie effects
2601892 CF-3037463 Legacy Area : Usability Brian Meloche Bug 75361:(Watson Migration Closure)CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time, but their usefulness has been limited due their lack of CSS support Problem:
CFTABLE and CFCOL have been around for a very long time
to be usable without it's constructor args, *make them optional*! Recommending that CF simply stop calling the constructor is, in my opinion, a very very wrong approach to fixing this issue for yourself.
Tracker Issue CGI server_port not correct
cgi.server_port = 443 and CGI.https = ON, which is also incorrect (another bug?). Regardless, this overwriting of CGI.server_port_secure is at least a usable workaround until Adobe resolves this issue.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug
Tracker Issue Create an express install
and running.
On the next screen we select whether we want a server install (so something that is actually operational and usable), or an archive. Assume a full install. There can be a mechanism in CFAdmin for creating an archive (if it's not already achievable in the Instance Manager? I don't have CF10
Tracker Issue Bug 84762:When developing flash forms in CF several years ago I could only make a form with a certain amount or lines of code
, the form will initialize and be usable. It does not matter what lines of code or fields I comment out, long as I shorten the size of the form. Application for Independent Contractors, Part TwoPhysical HistoryHave your actions at work ever caused an accident?If yes, was anyone injured, including yourself