displaying top 100 results
Tracker Issue Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components
Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components by External U.
Comment on Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components by External U.
Comment on Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components by External U.
Comment on Bug 76937:(Watson Migration Closure)Add Generic Initialisation Params Argument to all AJAX UI Components by External U.
Tracker Issue Bug 75579:(Watson Migration Closure)Ajax UI component should have "onReady" event or something like that
Bug 75579:(Watson Migration Closure)Ajax UI component should have "onReady" event or something like that
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 75579:(Watson Migration Closure)Ajax UI component should have "onReady" event or something like that by External U.
Comment on Bug 75579:(Watson Migration Closure)Ajax UI component should have "onReady" event or something like that by External U.
Tracker Issue Bug 80087:[CFFILEUPLOAD] The window is not big enough to properly contain the tof the UI component
Bug 80087:[CFFILEUPLOAD] The window is not big enough to properly contain the tof the UI component
2614138 CF-3130306 AJAX : UI Components Andrew Scott J2EE archive created from administrator doesn't get deployed properly
2609363 CF-3853569 Piyush K. The test code attached with this test case works with Update 5, but the issue can still be observed with certain other scenarios and Ajax UI components.
Thanks Chad, for reporting this.
2598769 CF-3040965 AJAX : UI Components Ryan Stille Bug 82156:When using any of the UI tags that causes ext-all Problem:
When using any of the UI tags that causes ext-all.css to be included, the tag no longer has a bold affect.
Create a page with this code:This should be bold but its not
Tracker Issue CFGRID hidden form fields
2609542 CF-3835073 AJAX : UI Components Robin Boudwin CFGRID hidden form fields There is no way to submit hidden fields with CFForm and CFGrid.
Also, there should be a way to have one default value in the cfgridcolumn.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue cf grid: on change event handler not working
3181125 CF-4198850 AJAX : UI Components cf grid: on change event handler not working Problem:
cf grid: on change event handler not working
On change event parameters {cfgridaction},{cfgridrow},{cfgridchanged} are being passed to a function.
When i print the values fetched inside
Tracker Issue test, ignore
2673591 CF-4125914 AJAX : UI Components Vamseekrishna Nanneboina test, ignore Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4125914
Tracker Issue CFGRID can not copy or paste in to column
2609488 CF-3843352 AJAX : UI Components Tanin Kitiapa CFGRID can not copy or paste in to column Problem Description: CFGRID can not copy or paste in to column
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Bug 72758:<cflayout type="border"> is throwing an error
2603201 CF-3035886 AJAX : UI Components Ron Lebfrom Bug 72758: is throwing an error Duplicate ID: CF-3035782
is throwing an error.
Here is the code:
Syntax error
2617011 CF-2894449 AJAX : UI Components ext-user CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .repeat attribute . repeat=true doesnt work for HTML5 in firefox Problem: CFMEDIAPLAYER tag . repeat attribute . repeat=true doesnt work for HTML5 in firefox
Tracker Issue cftextarea form variable missing
3854931 CF-4200533 AJAX : UI Components David Jacobson cftextarea form variable missing Problem Description:
When submitting a cfform with richtext via ColdFusion.Ajax.submit, the cftextarea value is always [empty string].
Steps to Reproduce:
Fill out form add text to cftextarea and submit
Tracker Issue cftextarea
6502540 CF-4206044 AJAX : UI Components cftextarea Problem Description: Richtext editor does not display
Steps to Reproduce: Copy richtextEdit.cfm to web root
Actual Result: In chrome nothing shows up, in IE the toolbar is missing in the textarea
Expected Result: Rich text bar should show
2611669 CF-3602420 External U. There is too much overhead built in to default CF to continue to make it competitive (Flex engine, UI components) against other popular application engines. Without some compelling improvement selling CF in the enterprise will get more difficult.
Tracker Issue cfgridupdate not working with Oracle
2608139 CF-4183551 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cfgridupdate not working with Oracle Problem: cfgridupdate not working with Oracle
Method: When trying to update the grid in the browser, it gives an error. If we try to update the 2nd row for example it will give an error saying the table doesn
Tracker Issue test, ignore
2673582 CF-4126379 AJAX : UI Components Vamseekrishna Nanneboina test, ignore Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4126379
Tracker Issue test, ignore
2673585 CF-4126374 AJAX : UI Components Vamseekrishna Nanneboina test, ignore Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4126374
Tracker Issue test, ignore
2673590 CF-4125970 AJAX : UI Components Vamseekrishna Nanneboina test, ignore Problem Description:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
Expected Result:
Any Workarounds:
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 4125970
Tracker Issue cfgridcolumn values and valuesdisplay
2608382 CF-4105458 AJAX : UI Components Robin Boudwin cfgridcolumn values and valuesdisplay It would be useful to be able to use query results as the values and valuesdisplay in a cfgridcolumn - similar to the query parameter in cfgrid. My current workaround is using setting a variable to a value
Tracker Issue CFGRID
2608409 CF-4100819 AJAX : UI Components Robin Boudwin CFGRID Problem Description:
I found another problem in cfgrid. If a value is selected from a drop-down list, it correctly enters the display value, however, when another cell is clicked, that display value converts to the value id rather than
Tracker Issue CFWINDOW headerstyle does not work
2608489 CF-4078000 AJAX : UI Components Alex Balanovsky CFWINDOW headerstyle does not work Problem Description: headerstyle attribute in cfwindow does not work
Steps to Reproduce
Tracker Issue Filter NOT changing grid resultset
2608619 CF-4048126 AJAX : UI Components David Jacobson Filter NOT changing grid resultset Problem Description: When entering a value in a search field and filtering the grid data, the value of the field doesn't get passed to the cfc query for the grid as previous before 4.x upgrade.
Tracker Issue ext.js errors
2608636 CF-4040469 AJAX : UI Components David Jacobson ext.js errors Duplicate ID: CF-3699520
Problem Description: After upgrading the hosting servers to CF11 all cfgrids no longer display the custom toolbars
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result: Grid displays with no upper or lower toolbar
Tracker Issue cfgridupdate insert
2609080 CF-3935792 AJAX : UI Components Robin Boudwin cfgridupdate insert Problem Description:
A cfgridcolumn in a cfgrid will not insert using cfgridupdate if the cfgridcolumn display is set to "no" (see below). Does it have to be displayed to insert a row into the database? If so, how can a
Tracker Issue cfgridcolumn : the mask attribute is not honored.
2609949 CF-3741397 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cfgridcolumn : the mask attribute is not honored. Problem:
cfgridcolumn : the mask attribute is not honored.
simplified test case:
select * from employees
data displayed in first row, date col.:
Tracker Issue the tool-tip does not appear on the first click.
2610020 CF-3737524 AJAX : UI Components ext-user the tool-tip does not appear on the first click. Problem:
the tool-tip does not appear on the first click.
See notes
the tool-tip does not appear on the first click.
The tool-tip should appear on the first click
Tracker Issue Bug 82157:CF901 adds ColdFusion
2598768 CF-3040966 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 82157:CF901 adds ColdFusion Problem:
CF901 adds ColdFusion.FileUpload.getSelectedFiles(), however, this function doesn't tell you if the files were uploaded or not.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
Tracker Issue Bug 81155:(Watson Migration Closure)Documentation bug
2599100 CF-3040587 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 81155:(Watson Migration Closure)Documentation bug Problem:
Documentation bug. The docs for ColdFusion.Map.addMarker describe a "title" attribute for markers. It needs to be a tip value, not title.
Tracker Issue Bug 78949:When using bind with the following example attached, the grid will not render in IE
2600113 CF-3039375 AJAX : UI Components Andrew Scott Bug 78949:When using bind with the following example attached, the grid will not render in IE Problem:
When using bind with the following example attached, the grid will not render in IE.
2600124 CF-3039364 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 78930:cfprogressbar does say width will default to 300 Problem:
cfprogressbar does say width will default to 300. When I leave it blank, it defaults to 100%.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2600884 CF-3038553 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 77221:(Watson Migration Closure)cfmessagebox should not require an end tag Problem:
cfmessagebox should not require an end tag. I know I can just do , but still, it shouldn't be required.
2602361 CF-3036942 AJAX : UI Components Shigeru Nakagaki Bug 73945:-(Watson Migration Closure)There is no reference of ColdFusion Problem:
There is no reference of ColdFusion.Window.destroy in documents. It's added at CF 8.0.1. Also LiveDocs neither.
Tracker Issue Bug 73853:Re: cfmediaplayer
2602411 CF-3036881 AJAX : UI Components Don Quist Bug 73853:Re: cfmediaplayer Problem:
Re: cfmediaplayer
The full-screen button does not get reset on Esc keypress. If you click full screen, press Esc, you have to click full screen twice
----------------------------- Additional
Tracker Issue Bug 73837:I get a NPE with a simple cfslider test
2602427 CF-3036865 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 73837:I get a NPE with a simple cfslider test Problem:
I get a NPE with a simple cfslider test.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details -----------------------------
Watson Bug ID: 3036865
Tracker Issue Bug 73834:The type for cfmap has a typo
2602429 CF-3036863 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 73834:The type for cfmap has a typo Problem:
The type for cfmap has a typo. You must use satallite but the right spelling is satellite.
----------------------------- Additional Watson Details
2602430 CF-3036862 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 73833:cfmap requires an ending tag - but there is no reason for this Problem:
cfmap requires an ending tag - but there is no reason for this. Sure it is easy enough to add / to the end, but if there is no real need for an end tag
2603196 CF-3035891 AJAX : UI Components Ron Lebfrom Bug 72772:The cfwindow bodystyle attribute is not working in CF9 Problem:
The cfwindow bodystyle attribute is not working in CF9
Defaults to the Blue background
2616818 CF-2913438 AJAX : UI Components ext-user CFMEDIAPLAYER tag. Multiple source with source attribute specified. If none of the source values are playable, Safari shows no output Problem:
Multiple source with source attribute specified. If none of the source values are playable, Safari shows
2616900 CF-2906946 AJAX : UI Components ext-user CFMEDIAPLAYER tag . Multiple sources in html . in firefox , when source is not specified and none of the source tags are supported, nothing is displayed Problem:
Multiple sources in html . in firefox , when source is not specified and none
2617008 CF-2894559 AJAX : UI Components ext-user CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .fullscreencontrol attribute is not supported in CF 10. Problem:
CFMEDIAPLAYER tag .fullscreencontrol attribute does not work when :
1) fullscreencontrol=false and video is flash (i.e. control should not be visible but it is )
Tracker Issue submitting form in cfdiv breaks in Internet Explorer
5362359 CF-4204023 AJAX : UI Components submitting form in cfdiv breaks in Internet Explorer Problem Description:
Submitting a cfform inside a cfdiv does not load in the div container using Internet Explorer as the browser.
Steps to Reproduce:
Click the Go button next
Tracker Issue The same data is repeated for MAXROWS of CFGrid.
5298433 CF-4203992 AJAX : UI Components The same data is repeated for MAXROWS of CFGrid. Problem]
The same data is repeated for MAXLOWS of CFGird.
Query data
Grid display
6135520 CF-4205063 AJAX : UI Components ColdFusion.Window.create with initshow=false causes javascript error If you create a CFWindow using Coldfusion.Window.create with configuration parameter intishow=false, a javascript error 'Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'show' of null' is thrown
2599446 CF-3040183 File Management : VFS-S3 Steve Onnis Bug 80085:(Watson Migration Closure)Not really an error but more of a UI complaint Problem:
Not really an error but more of a UI complaint. The if background color first off should only effect the color of the panel component
2600120 CF-3039368 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 78935:cfprogressbar, with bindings, requires that your CFC method return json Problem:
cfprogressbar, with bindings, requires that your CFC method return json. This is not like the other UI elements. FOr example, related selects - I can
Tracker Issue Bug 79708:cfmediaplayer progress bar plays behind and past the 'enlarge screen' , 'speaker' and 'timer' displays
2599642 CF-3039873 AJAX : UI Components John Mason Bug 79708:cfmediaplayer progress bar plays behind and past the 'enlarge screen' , 'speaker' and 'timer' displays Duplicate ID: CF-3039872
cfmediaplayer progress bar plays behind and past the 'enlarge screen' , 'speaker' and 'timer
2599643 CF-3039872 AJAX : UI Components John Mason Bug 79707:(Watson Migration Closure)cfmediaplayer progress bar plays behind and past the 'enlarge screen' , 'speaker' and 'timer' displays Problem:
cfmediaplayer progress bar plays behind and past the 'enlarge screen' , 'speaker' and 'timer
Tracker Issue cftextarea Chrome Version 37.0.2062.124 m
2609543 CF-3835071 AJAX : UI Components Robin Boudwin cftextarea Chrome Version 37.0.2062.124 m Problem Description: The cftextarea richttext text area is not accessible using Chrome Version 37.0.2062.124 m
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result: It returns the text area form field, but the text
3250418 CF-4198947 AJAX : UI Components Bill Clark ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject not returning object in cf11 update 12 Problem Description:CFGrid scripting options that worked under CF11 update 11 do not
work with CF11 Update 12. Specifically, ColdFusion.Grid.getGridObject does not now
Tracker Issue Editing in CFGrid throws `The GRIDACTION parameter to the xyz function is required but was not passed in.`
3085992 CF-4198656 AJAX : UI Components John Whish Editing in CFGrid throws `The GRIDACTION parameter to the xyz function is required but was not passed in.` Problem Description:
cfgrid with onchange calling a remote method in a cfc passes the data as a form post. This data is same in 2016 Update
Tracker Issue CFLAYOUTAREA include file will not display
2672742 CF-4174138 AJAX : UI Components DONALD BAERT CFLAYOUTAREA include file will not display Duplicate ID: CF-4165704
Related Bugs:
CF-4165704 - Similar to
Problem Description: When including a file in a cflayout and cflayoutarea the data initially displays then disappears.
Tracker Issue FCKeditor version is out of date
2673526 CF-4126448 AJAX : UI Components Peter Freitag FCKeditor version is out of date Problem Description: The version of FCKeditor included with Raijin is, the current version of FCKeditor is 2.6.10 which includes several security updates.
FCKeditor should be updated to 2
Tracker Issue BindOnLoad not working
2608397 CF-4102251 AJAX : UI Components ext-user BindOnLoad not working Problem: CFGRID set to not bindOnLoad, but even though that is set to "NO", it is still calling the JavaScript that is bound to that grid and calling the .cfc to get data
Method: Attach sample code when run, in the AJAX
Tracker Issue CFFILEUPLOAD not working
2608530 CF-4070878 AJAX : UI Components Dan Murry CFFILEUPLOAD not working Problem Description: CFFILEUPLOAD generates a null pointer error
Steps to Reproduce: Use CFFILEUPLOAD tag
Actual Result: Intermittent "The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a
2609493 CF-3842815 AJAX : UI Components Jürgen Wittsiepe CFGRID with BIND - Bug reoccurred in version 11,0,02,291725 Duplicate ID: CF-3759630
Problem Description:The recently fixed bug with CFGRID including a BIND reoccurred after the newest update to version 11,0,02,291725.
I am using CF since
Tracker Issue CFGRID Bind Problem when binding more than 5 variables
2609719 CF-3793644 AJAX : UI Components Mark DeLaney CFGRID Bind Problem when binding more than 5 variables Duplicate ID: CF-3759630
Problem Description: Cannot bind more than 5 {parameters}
Steps to Reproduce:Bind CFGRID to cfc and bind 6 or more {paramagers}. Note that if you pass single quoted
Tracker Issue CFGrid and Binding
2609790 CF-3771583 AJAX : UI Components Hank Miller CFGrid and Binding Duplicate ID: CF-3759630
Problem Description:I migrated to Coldfusion 11 and there is a problem with the cfgrid and bind.
This works on Coldfusion 10 but no longer works on Coldfusion 11. The loading spinner just spins
Tracker Issue CFGRID with additional parameter binding
2609836 CF-3760121 AJAX : UI Components Detlef Folke CFGRID with additional parameter binding Duplicate ID: CF-3759630
Problem Description:
CF11 cfgrid with binding not work like with CF10. Example
Tracker Issue cfgrid: clicking on the delete button deletes the selected row, but results in an error.
2609942 CF-3741675 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cfgrid: clicking on the delete button deletes the selected row, but results in an error. Problem:
cfgrid: clicking on the delete button results in an error.
click on the delete buttom. The selected row is deleted, but the following error
Tracker Issue cfgrid with groupField attribute set: grouping by a Boolean type column does not displays the values for the each group.
2609951 CF-3741341 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cfgrid with groupField attribute set: grouping by a Boolean type column does not displays the values for the each group. Problem:
cfgrid with groupField attribute set: grouping by a Boolean type column does not displays the values for the each group
2609961 CF-3740562 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cfmediaplayer: The border and controlbar are not rendered properly in Chrome and FF. Problem:
cfmediaplayer: The border and controlbar are not properly rendered properly in Chrome and FF.
noticeable in the hideborder=false accordion
2610292 CF-3712885 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cfgridcolumn : name parameter is not honored with JS binding in grids. Problem: cfgridcolumn : name parameter is not honored with JS binding in grids.
GetData = function(page,pagesize,sort,sortdir)
var gridProxy = new
Tracker Issue cftextarea: The rich text controls for textarea are not rendered properly in a tabbed layout in IE.
2610342 CF-3709472 AJAX : UI Components ext-user cftextarea: The rich text controls for textarea are not rendered properly in a tabbed layout in IE. Problem:
cftextarea: The rich text controls for textarea are not rendered properly in a tabbed layout in IE.
This is text
Tracker Issue Java Script Security Exception CFGrid
2596805 CF-3705406 AJAX : UI Components Warren Dennis Java Script Security Exception CFGrid Problem Description: Error when trying to bring up CFGrid: Missing required Permissions manifest attribute in main jar: http:// /CFIDE/classes/cfapplets.jar
Steps to Reproduce: Anytime you try to bring up
Tracker Issue cfmenuitem fails after 10 items in a row
2612096 CF-3558670 AJAX : UI Components Robert Dew cfmenuitem fails after 10 items in a row Problem Description:
Put a loop in a database with more than 10 locations. Loop through it.
Steps to Reproduce:
Loop through it ...
Actual Result:
Pop up alerts for all items after 10.
Expected Result
Tracker Issue Issues with CFLayout: Getting cftextarea (CKEditor) to work within the cflayout/cflayoutarea code
2597064 CF-3133068 AJAX : UI Components David Moore Issues with CFLayout: Getting cftextarea (CKEditor) to work within the cflayout/cflayoutarea code Problem Description: I have corresponded several times with Adobe representatives (Swathi Chitteddi and Kirsti Aho) regarding the issues
Tracker Issue CFMEDIAPLAYER Enhancements.In case of J2EE deployments,ogv/webm videos are not getting served.
2614385 CF-3108028 AJAX : UI Components ext-user CFMEDIAPLAYER Enhancements.In case of J2EE deployments,ogv/webm videos are not getting served. Problem:
In case of J2EE deployments,ogv/webm videos are not getting served.
Tried to view given test code on SunOne server and WAS with IHS.
2614735 CF-3080158 AJAX : UI Components ext-user Bizzare behavior in cflayout due to change in default setting for action in cfform Problem:
CFLAYOUT is broken due to change in default behavior for action attribute in CFFORM.
The change in behavior from CF9: If user doesn't specify action
Tracker Issue Bug 86593:-(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot rename the 'save' and 'cancel' button in cfgrid when mode="edit"
2597564 CF-3043516 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 86593:-(Watson Migration Closure)Cannot rename the 'save' and 'cancel' button in cfgrid when mode="edit" Problem:
Cannot rename the 'save' and 'cancel' button in cfgrid when mode="edit". My CF app is not even in English. If we can customize
Tracker Issue Bug 85991:Since upgrading to 9
2597618 CF-3043187 AJAX : UI Components Steve Hammonds Bug 85991:Since upgrading to 9 Duplicate ID: CF-3042485
Since upgrading to 9.0.1 editable grids (html type) submit erroneous form data indicating incorrect original values and updates for incorrect columns or rows
2597739 CF-3042763 AJAX : UI Components Aaron Neff Bug 85048:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for: and and
Tracker Issue Bug 83961:(Watson Migration Closure)If you use multiselect for cfgrid, when you submit none of your selected data is available
2597920 CF-3041950 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 83961:(Watson Migration Closure)If you use multiselect for cfgrid, when you submit none of your selected data is available Duplicate ID: CF-3038291
If you use multiselect for cfgrid, when you submit none of your selected data
2597921 CF-3041949 AJAX : UI Components Wim Dewijngaert Bug 83960:-(Watson Migration Closure)Rich text area not shown in TAB layout Problem:
Rich text area not shown in TAB layout.
CF8 Rich Text Editor 1 CF8 Rich Text Editor 2 CF8 Rich Text Editor 3
Tracker Issue Bug 83806:1
2597978 CF-3041876 AJAX : UI Components ramesh bobbu Bug 83806:1 Problem:
1. creat a grid cusing CFGRID2. populated it from a query ( no cfc binding)3. make sure that one of the columns are date4. Once grid rendred, try to sort by clicking on the date column header .
2598349 CF-3041434 AJAX : UI Components Richard Moutien Bug 82844: by default sets a width when in cf8 it did not Duplicate ID: CF-3041350
by default sets a width when in cf8 it did not. I had to set the width to 0 to prevent this.
2598523 CF-3041240 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 82549:It is kinda of silly that we can't use range with HTML sliders Problem:
It is kinda of silly that we can't use range with HTML sliders. Yes we can use min/max, but range should be supported. Ditto for label as well. As it stands
Tracker Issue Bug 82281:[ANeff] Bug for: cflayoutarea's lower boundary can hide datefield's date picker
2598696 CF-3041044 AJAX : UI Components Aaron Neff Bug 82281:[ANeff] Bug for: cflayoutarea's lower boundary can hide datefield's date picker Problem:
[ANeff] Bug for: cflayoutarea's lower boundary can hide datefield's date picker.Related thread: https://prerelease.adobe.com/r/?f72b92c68c2c4af1a
2598711 CF-3041027 AJAX : UI Components Aaron Neff Bug 82236:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for: Adding JavaScript protocol support to cfgridcolumn's href attribute, for specifying name of JavaScript function to execute Problem:
[ANeff] ER for: Adding JavaScript protocol support
Tracker Issue Bug 82230:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for: <cfwindow collapsible="true|false"
2598717 CF-3041020 AJAX : UI Components Aaron Neff Bug 82230:(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] ER for:
2598774 CF-3040960 AJAX : UI Components Adam Cameron Bug 82145:Summary: Add abillity to set initial state of to be "collapsed"One can set a to be collapsible, but cannot set whether the map is initially collapsed or not Problem:
Summary: Add abillity to set initial state of to be "collapsed
Tracker Issue Bug 80974:According to http://code
2599172 CF-3040505 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 80974:According to http://code Problem:
According to http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/staticmaps/ ,"longitude values can take any value between -180 and 180."CFMap is only accepting -90 to 90 for centerlongitude.
2599438 CF-3040191 AJAX : UI Components Dale Severin Bug 80119:Autosuggest dropdown displays entries in background of following input box Problem:
Autosuggest dropdown displays entries in background of following input box. This is in I.E.. Firefox works correctly in displaying the entries
Tracker Issue Bug 80062:(Watson Migration Closure)Please allow <cfmenu> items to expand outside of a <cflayoutarea> tag / zone
2599462 CF-3040166 AJAX : UI Components Ben Riordan Bug 80062:(Watson Migration Closure)Please allow items to expand outside of a tag / zone Problem:
Please allow items to expand outside of a tag / zone
----------------------------- Additional
2599699 CF-3039814 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 79632:CFGRid format=html, row not selectable when query only has 1 row Problem:
CFGRid format=html, row not selectable when query only has 1 row.
CFGRID format=html, row not selectable when down to one row only
Tracker Issue Bug 79608:CFGIRDROWINDEX column is shown on the grid by default when using <cfgrid query="someQueryObject">
2599716 CF-3039795 AJAX : UI Components Henry Ho Bug 79608:CFGIRDROWINDEX column is shown on the grid by default when using Problem:
CFGIRDROWINDEX column is shown on the grid by default when using
see output, it has CFGIRDROWINDEX column shown even though someQueryObject does not have
2599976 CF-3039520 AJAX : UI Components Cameron Jacobs Bug 79231:(Watson Migration Closure)It would be great if CFMAPs had the ability to do driving directions by entering a to address, a from address, or 2 points on the cfmap Problem:
It would be great if CFMAPs had the ability to do driving
Tracker Issue Bug 78936:If you return a # that is over 1
2600119 CF-3039369 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 78936:If you return a # that is over 1 Problem:
If you return a # that is over 1.0 to a cfprogressbar, then it should stop. I had some simple code that went from 0 to 1, my math got off, and cfpb went on forever. It did NOT draw wrong
2600122 CF-3039366 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 78933:The docs for cfprogressbar show an example with oncomplete="onfinish()" Problem:
The docs for cfprogressbar show an example with oncomplete="onfinish()". However, this executes onfinish immediately. I believe you just want the name
2600123 CF-3039365 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 78932:According to the docs, cfprogressbar interval is optional Problem:
According to the docs, cfprogressbar interval is optional. However, if I don't specify it, the code below doesn't move the progress bar.
function init
Tracker Issue Bug 78850:(Watson Migration Closure)cflayout with type="tab" gives wrong and crashed output in IE8
2600168 CF-3039316 AJAX : UI Components Samer Salameh Bug 78850:(Watson Migration Closure)cflayout with type="tab" gives wrong and crashed output in IE8 Problem:
cflayout with type="tab" gives wrong and crashed output in IE8. Please check.
Tracker Issue Bug 78842:Specifying tabheight for cflayout causes tab area to have a vertical scrollbar
2600173 CF-3039311 AJAX : UI Components Ari Fernelius Bug 78842:Specifying tabheight for cflayout causes tab area to have a vertical scrollbar Problem:
Specifying tabheight for cflayout causes tab area to have a vertical scrollbar. The tab content can be scrolled down by a few pixels. This bug
2600481 CF-3038982 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 78095:The cfmapitem tag does not escape the tip value Problem:
The cfmapitem tag does not escape the tip value. So if you do:
The map will not load because of the single quote. This is not a problem with cfmap.
2602012 CF-3037331 AJAX : UI Components Raymond Camden Bug 75099:(Watson Migration Closure)CF should provide a shortcut for document Problem:
CF should provide a shortcut for document.getElementById. Perhaps ColdFusion.get(). That's not a lot shorter, but it's a bit trimmer.
Tracker Issue Bug 74877:please add new arguments to CFTooltip - i
2602104 CF-3037222 AJAX : UI Components Philipp Cielen Bug 74877:please add new arguments to CFTooltip - i Problem:
please add new arguments to CFTooltip - i.e. width, border, color/bgcolor, padding
this should be easy to do by integrating the according styles in a local stylesheet overwriting
Tracker Issue Bug 74781:(Watson Migration Closure)I would like to be able to make use of more of the latest features of Ext JS
2602160 CF-3037163 AJAX : UI Components Kevin Roche Bug 74781:(Watson Migration Closure)I would like to be able to make use of more of the latest features of Ext JS Problem:
I would like to be able to make use of more of the latest features of Ext JS. Iit would be great if it were possible to use