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The Rules Guys How to get serialized JSON results from a CFC, AJAX and a SQL Stored Procedure Using a CFC in AJAX is easy. Just make sure to pass your arguments in and use  the arguments scope within the cfc and then use them in a cfproc param within your code. This way you can pass multiple
2609501 CF-3842284 External U. Also, posting files on ftp and dropbox sites DOES NOTHING when the CF admin doesn't have a login to the sites. Sometimes I hate you guys so much. We spend good money for your software and you make it so hard to actually use it. :-)
as a PHP guy, so why would anyone expect a PHP guy to want to swich to CF? Most developers will seek a company that does what they already like to do, instead of finding a company they want to work at and learn whatever that company uses. People tend to think along the lines of “I know how to do X, I
legacy project an Excel guy or whatever ran on a "server" under his desk, until the enterprise ended balkanization and now they want to migrate it to a server platform for which they have experienced developers - and nobody wants that platform to be CF because, well, for the very few people who do have
to update all of them, if you have more than one such folder under wsconfig. If after doing that, and restarting IIS perhaps, if you are still having the problem, then do report back here confirming that. Perhaps there may be something else to explain it, but we'd want to rule this issue out first.