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Comment on [Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration by Suchika S.
Comment on [Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration by Suchika S.
Comment on [Test Bug for Jira Migration] test bug by External U.
Comment on [Test Bug for Jira Migration] test bug by External U.
Comment on [Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration by External U.
2609731 CF-3790842 External U. Here is another test case that is still broken. function testArrayBug(){ if( true){ var foo = "test"; testArrayBugSecond(test =["one" & foo]); } } versus here it working function testArrayBug(){ var foo = "test"; if( true){ testArrayBugSecond(test
2597636 CF-3043094 Language : Datastructure Luis Majano Bug 85850:serious bug when creating entries in a structure with dot notation Problem: serious bug when creating entries in a structure with dot notation. Method: Use the following template:test = structnew();test["org.model.test"] = {name="test
Comment on Test feature from Tracker -- Please ignore by Ameya S.
Comment on Test feature from Tracker -- Please ignore by Aaron N.
6551050 CF-4206264 Toby W. Here are some timings for the testing I have done using the repro attached This is made substantially worse when using S3:// which is where we are noticing the difference CF11 Local Test 1: 0ms Test 2: 0ms Test 3: 1ms S3 Test 1: 328ms Test 2: 578ms Test 3: 391ms CF
[Test Bug For Jira Migration] Test Bug for testing JIRA Migration
Test feature from Tracker -- Please ignore
2611837 CF-3585643 External U. Something is definitely wrong. Here are additional failed comparisons that I performed using CF 10,0,10,284825 (64 bit w/Tomcat ToString, JavaCast and SerializeJSON are the only functions I tested that weren't negatively impacted. JSString This isn
{ writeOutput(""); } } {code} {code} // Test.cfc component {} {code} {code} // NotTest.cfc component {} {code} {code} // arraysOfObjectsAsReturnType.cfm include "safeRun.cfm"; Test[] function returnsArrayOfTests(size){ var baseArray = []; baseArray.set(1, size, new Test()); return base
Going to a url formed like this: c.cfm/test/test.cfm returns a coldfusion.runtime.TemplateNotFoundException
[Test Bug for Jira Migration] test bug
2608264 CF-4148767 Language Matthew Clemente ToString() Member Function Broken for Binary Data Problem Description: variable.ToString() member function does not work Steps to Reproduce: test = ''; //mimic basic auth test = test.tobase64(); //start decoding test = test
: Create and run a CFM page containing the following code f(); void function f () { // Assign testVar var testVar=1; var isTestVarNull=isNull(local.testVar); var isTestVarDefinedInLocalScope=isDefined("local.testVar"); var isTestVarKeyInLocalStruct=structKeyExists(local, "testVar"); writedump
How to do a Thorough Test of ColdFusion Web Applications
Tracker Issue Bug 81791:Test
Bug 81791:Test
Tracker Issue Test Bug 14/12/16
Test Bug 14/12/16
2609086 CF-3934737 External U. Please consider the following example: testCFHttpTimeout.cfm (this script has to execute for longer than 1 second, increase index if necessary): a testAG.cfm: #now()# Timeout
2611396 CF-3626704 External U. Code to replicate the error. PDF Test ##divTest { height: 100%; width: 100%; background: green; color: black; } This is the test div area. --->
5420626 CF-4204059 Knut B. For your testing I've added an additional file (FontTestReport.cfm) for a simple call of the 'FontTestReport.cfr' Report Builder file and to output the generated PDF on screen.
Tracker Issue param doesn't work
2608881 CF-3972082 Language Adam Cameron param doesn't work Repro: param url.test = defaulter(); writeOutput("test: #url.test#"); function defaulter(){ writeOutput("defaulter() ran"); return "default"; } Whether or not you pass a value for url.test, defaulter() is *always* run. It should
2609340 CF-3857705 External U. see I'm on CF 10 update 14. C:\ColdFusion10\labs\bin>cfcompile -deploy D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test D:\Projects\labs\intrfc_test_bin successful 4 total 4 elapsed 1.869 sec Then I copy content of \intrfc_test
Test bug from Tracker -- Please ignore
3122922 CF-4198748 Peter F. Suggested usage: getCanonicalPath("c:\temp\..\test.txt") returns c:\test.txt
2608435 CF-4094858 External U. During testing, I got it to work in certain cases. Enough reason to continue testing. Will report results.
2609026 CF-3944862 Immanuel N. Going by the comments below, will be closing this bug. test@testdomain and test@testdomain.a are valid email addresses.
2609154 CF-3919057 External U. test.cfm is attached for your own testing. Not sure the server platform is correct.
2613295 CF-3335493 HariKrishna K. Simple Repro case: ---------------------------------- Test.cfm ----------------- #randRange(1,100)# Test1.cfm --------------------- Marking it to "ToFix".
6297441 CF-4205368 mark l. Reduce the issue down to too files: #Currentrow# - And save the following in the same directory as test.cfc TestFunc Output #ID#
object are persisted, but not the relation between them. Steps to Reproduce: In the zip file I have added the code. It have an object Test with a one-to-many relation to TestItem 1) Create tables with sql 2) run index.cfm - it creates an Test object - it adds an TestItem to Test - it entitySaves Test
Tracker Issue test for wish list
test for wish list
test bug please ignore
Tracker Issue test bug - ignore
test bug - ignore
Tracker Issue Dummy test bug
Dummy test bug
Tracker Issue Elvis Operator Bug
3746249 CF-4200233 Language Fred Leefarr Elvis Operator Bug Problem Description: The elvis operator does not work when using a variable as a struct key. Steps to Reproduce: {code:java} ? function test() { var foo = { test_123456 = "result" }; var key = "test_123456"; var result = foo
3554341 CF-4199856 Aaron N. This was just a test. Please delete.
3085992 CF-4198656 Matthew H. Here is some simple code as a test example of the cfajaxproxy version of the issue. CFM FILE: function runTest() { var instance = new p(); instance.setHTTPMethod("POST"); var result = instance.testProxy('Test String'); alert(result); } CFC FILE:
2672575 CF-4186779 Anit K. Test comment on behalf of Aaron
2672575 CF-4186779 Anit K. Test comment on behalf of Aaron
2608682 CF-4024153 External U. We are using a bidirectional relations, so a parent knows its childs and a child knows it parent For example: component name="Test" property name="testItem" cfc="TestItem" fieldtype="one-to-one" cascade="delete" mappedby="test" inverse="true" and the other side
2609053 CF-3941059 External U. I created some unit tests: