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2613005 CF-3353515 External U. Select ID, State, Short from TechMedic_State
Comment on Adobe ColdFusion Specialist Certificate Program by GoldportTechGroup
2609256 CF-3864124 Akhila K. For CF10+update 14, copying of tools.jar from {JDK_Home}/lib to {cf_install_home}/cfusion/lib/ is mentioned in tech note for update 14. This is required for Jdk 8. Tech note can be found here -
2609748 CF-3785874 External U. I have gotten to the bottom of why this issue happens. Please see Also, please note that if the tech on this issue had actually tested the code submitted by Scott Stroz, they WOULD have been able to reproduce the issue. Techs
Rakshith Naresh Gary, I recommend moving to Java 11 as it is the latest LTS release from Oracle. We will communicate the benefits in our tech note associated with the Java 11 support update.
brian.klaas Are there any details on what was changed in the add-on installers? I don't see that in the tech notes — only that the PMT components of the CF server was updated.
2609497 CF-3842604 Piyush K. Balddog4, closing this. Feel free to reopen, if your issue is still unresolved with tech supports help, and you think the cause is some defect in the product design.
2613587 CF-3214277 Nimit S. Published an tech note for this:
geeksquad943 Thanks for providing this detailed info about ColdFusion, I had no idea about this update, but this post helped me understand this topic. I will definitely share this info with my tech-support/" rel="nofollow">best buy geek
Charlie Arehart Annie, did you upgrade the apache connector for cf, as was indicated in this update's tech note? It would be easy to miss. And did you confirm that there are no errors in the update log created for you in the cfusion/hf-updates and the subdolder for this update? These things may
CFTim1965 My install Support tech had me do the same slserver54  backup and restore process and it had no effect at all. That's when he asked me to install both C++ redistributables and it worked. I'm betting we didn't need both.

I am curious what we would rename it, Phoenix doesn’t seem to fit.

IMO, the whole defense of CF is dead is a dead discussion. When it comes up my response is standard. Legacy JS is dead, legacy Windows is Dead, legacy tech is dead. Have you used modern CFML?

3133483 CF-4198786 Cameron B. Just following up on this, It seems I get attention from your support techs and then radio silence for days/weeks. This might be low on your list, but it's very important for our, I'm checking this thread every day because we are all waiting
ideally done months back with Tech Preview version
2609485 CF-3843498 External U. I don't believe it has anything to do with my settings. I have had a Vivio Tech (a coldfusion parter of adobe) look over the server up and down twice for settings issues. Also, I have been using ColdFusion for almost 10 years and don't see myself messing up settings.
2613653 CF-3194817 External U. Addenda: our tech service just had tell me that there was a complete reboot of the machine in the early morning, I suspect that was neccesary to get the update working in this issue, an not just the CF reboot. We had a virtual machine over a CentOS 64 bit.
few security bugs and some other bugs, which are mentioned in the tech notes. For more information, see the tech notes below: ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 10 ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 16 These updates fix security vulnerabilities that are mentioned in the security bulletin,  APSB20
2682574 CFB-3934105 Find and Replace Tech ColdFusion Builder 3 - Search on Open Documents produces java.lang.NullPointerException Reference: Problem Description: Search on Open Documents produces java.lang.NullPointerException Steps
Vijay Mohan Null support in ColdFusion 2018 Null is an important construct in modern programming languages, which improves language interoperability with other tech stack and programming languages. Before the 2018 release of ColdFusion, a database null or a null returned from an external service
James Mohler I think I am on the same page as you. I develop with ColdFusion, but I don't do it the same way as even five months ago. So me a better way, I will use it. Show me a tech that replaces a whole chunk of CF, and I will do that to if it is better. OTOH, if I have to type twice as much
mentioned in above tech notes, then please contact NOTE: There is no plan to support JDK8 with ColdFusion 9.
for those websites. If you want impact - imagine a large call management application built in ColdFusion, and having to send staff home while tech support figures out why ColdFusion is no longer serving up pages!
2613987 CF-3139538 Adobe D. This issue is related to JBoss and rt.jar. A Similar issue was found for web services. one need to add an entry for "con/sun/image/codec/jpeg" in module.xml located at modules/sun/jdk/mudule.xml We need to release/tech note this along with other similar issues. on 10
in a function, as well as a way to correct this code, such as setting local to _local, is strongly suggested. A tech note is DEFINITELY needed ASAP. This must be changed on any application planning to upgrade to CF9.
Grae Desmond 2018 ColdFusion State of the Union Survey Available The 2018 ColdFusion State of the Union survey is now available: This is a yearly survey done by TeraTech getting the pulse of the ColdFusion community gauging CF’s use
detailed and has explained some of the great new performance and security features to be added to Adobe ColdFusion 2018. Here at TeraTech, we just couldn’t wait for it to be released. After the public beta went live in April of this […] The post Adobe ColdFusion 2018: Step into the Aether appeared first
hard to implement into Adobe ColdFusion and CFML. These newest advancements in our platform and language make me ask:. How can we keep up with all this tech change? Have you ever looked towards the future curious to what may be in store? Of […] The post CF India Summit: Part Two- Keeping Up to Date
="" rel="nofollow"> And on my TechCF" rel="nofollow">Twitter account And LinkedIn as well You are welcome to take a look, comment and let me know how you
when I found this bug and you agreed it was incorrect at the time.
the 2016 and 2018 releases of ColdFusion to updates 12 and 5 respectively via the ColdFusion Administrator, ensure that Update 4 of ColdFusion (2018 release) and Update 11 of ColdFusion (2016 release) are installed. These are mandatory pre-requisites before updating. The following are links to the tech
for the ColdFusion Administrator UI. The vulnerability affects Windows platform only. Users on non-Windows platform need not apply this update. For more information, see the tech note. Please update your ColdFusion versions today. Let us know if you face any issues while installing the updates. […] The post
to the tech notes for each update: ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 8 ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 14 These updates fix security vulnerabilities that are mentioned in the security bulletin,  APSB20-16. The Docker images for these updates are also available. Please update your ColdFusion versions today
fixing the security vulnerabilities, we’ve also added SameSite cookie support for cfcookie. For more information, see the tech notes below: ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 9 ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 15 These updates fix security vulnerabilities that are mentioned in the security bulletin
more who just are not active in the community, just doing heads-down work supporting whatever clients they have--just as it is in about any tech field. Of course, all this is conjecture (yours and mine). We can't know the absolute numbers for any of this, as it's too big to grasp and there are simply
Charlie Arehart

And that’s pretty much how all certs and cert prep courses work, right? At least those focused on the fundamentals of a given tech.

And to be clear, hopefully anyone considering the program (or assessing its value, as an employer) would see the list of topics and realize

to send as this sender". This is even after whitelisting IP addresses and creating connectors in the O365 admin panel. Multiple Microsoft support techs have confirmed what I have; one was even quite familiar with ColdFusion administration. Your best information to fix the problem is here: https
Tracker Issue license/access issue
3365188 CFB-4198231 Performance Deb Sorensen license/access issue Problem Description: THIS IS FOR CFB 2, but it didn't give me that as an option. I was directed here by tech support - he didn't feel like dealing with my issue. I've had a licensed version of CFB2 since 2013. All worked great
Query. [Macromedia][Oracle JDBC Driver][Oracle]ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error ORA-06512: at line X. (Line no as the Now, After hearing from Tech team, When we change "Only" NUMERIC Parameter with var name as prefix with ":", Its working. CF
day. Our clients have billing over $1billion that is managed on our COLDFUSION application. I had window engineers, security professionals, COLDFUSION consultants and a cast of executives and tech support spending countless hours trying to diagnose the "cause" of this unstable environment. Imagine
reasons to use CF, documented on that site and elsewhere), then there's perhaps nothing else that can be done to influence them. And I can't see it being a reason that someone will compel the team behind that newsroom site to change their tech. Again, it's not a zero-sum game. Will such a person only
Fusion 11 Update 18 The following are links to the tech notes for each update: ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 3 ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 10 ColdFusion 11 Update 18 The releases address security vulnerabilities, which are documented in the bulletin APSB19-14. In these updates, we have also
Fusion 11 Update 19 The following are links to the tech notes for each update: ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 4 ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 11 ColdFusion 11 Update 19 The releases address security vulnerabilities, which are documented in the bulletin APSB19-27. We have made the following updates
Charlie Arehart I realize you will want to hear from Adobe, but until then let me offer these thoughts if they may be helpful to anyone. First, as for your question about Java and that APSB, I suspect your referring to this: "The security updates referenced in the above Tech Notes require JDK 8u
installation. When running the script in the {cf-instance-home}/bin directory it says "Sorry, only Red Hat and SuSE Linux are supported" Which is contrary to the CF11 System requirements: Linux) INSTALL
----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3715031 External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Carboncubes.Tech External Customer Email: External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
used a lot, especially if you believe have 10% of their customer base. You're point-of-view is from a tunnel, whereas mine is from 10,000 feet up. I work with all kinds of tech, servers, languages, devs and engineers. I have the unique experience of being in it all, you might say. So, when I tell
.home={application.home} -Duser.language=es -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home} -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/lib -Dorg.apache.coyote.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER=true -Dcoldfusion.jsafe.defaultalgo=FIPS186Random -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.util.log.class=org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.JavaUtilLog Tech
Phase: Release Candidate External Customer Info: External Company: External Customer Name: Carboncubes.Tech External Customer Email: External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details:
have either never heard of CFML or think of it as not relevant in today's tech stacks. NOTE: The idea of this feature would be to simply produce/consume oData and to provide the server side functionality to do so via Hibernate/Entity CFCs, not to do anything on the client side. This should bridge
2597594 CF-3043339 Text Search : Solr Barry C Bug 86295:(Watson Migration Closure)With the release of Coldfusion 9 Problem: With the release of Coldfusion 9.0.1 updater, it secures the Solr search service by locking down 'Jetty' to localhost only. (also mentioned in tech note http://kb2.adobe
.My suggestion here is that the docs be updated to explain this behavior and make any necessary recommendations for avoiding in prodiuction. Or do as a tech note. Method: Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3040849 External Customer
) this is not documented (in the tech notes or release notes for each update), and more important b) there is no way to ALLOW for such null file extensions, if desired. Background: As some readers will know, the April 2019 updates to CF2018, 2016, and 11 added a new security protection mechanism whereby CF would now
to fix it a different way!). One thing I should note, which others have also pointed out and complained about elsewhere is that cgi.query_string by default returns /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll in quite a few cases. All the cgi variables are then of little help, but the helicon tech software also gives
not being met if you want. (I acknowledged that I do myself have several bugs I’ve reported that were never fixed. It is what it is.) Or move on to the greener pastures of other tech if you’re so disappointed with Adobe. (Why do those who think that CF is dying feel the need to repeat their point so often , and I have been happily hosted on both Databank [formerly Edgeweb] and  Hostek. And I have customers who have been happily hosted on VivioTech, Ayera, and others,

So often, when matters