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CFCLIENT : String : Wrap : Functions gives unexpected output in one scenerio
Comment on CFCLIENT : String : Wrap : Functions gives unexpected output in one scenerio by CFwatson U.
Comment on CFCLIENT : String : Wrap : Functions gives unexpected output in one scenerio by Adobe D.
Comment on CFCLIENT : String : Wrap : Functions gives unexpected output in one scenerio by External U.
String member functions don't cast
. Any Workarounds: Call "toString()" on the result of "DateConvert("local2Utc",now())" before it is passed into any other time related function. Example: #CreateODBCDateTime(date.toString())# ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID
2608653 CF-4033628 External U. These are string functions. They should work like all the other string functions do
DeleteColumn( Object query, String columnName) Arrays Functions ArrayFirst(List list) ArrayLast(List list) XML Functions XmlIsEmpty( XmlNodeList xmlNodeList ) XmlCount( XmlNodeList xml ) XmlAppend( XmlNodeList xml1, XmlNodeList xml2 ) XmlUpdate( XmlNodeList xml, String key, Object value ) XmlKeyList( XmlNodeList xml
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
2610211 CF-3719271 Language : Functions ext-user String : REFind: method throws exception The following method throws exception REFind: Code snippet: Expected: 13 Actual: Exception is thrown: "Parameter validation error for the refind function. The function accepts 2 to 3 parameters
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by Rupesh K.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
[ANeff] Doc Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue
[ANeff] Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
) { var result = e.message; } writeOutput(arrayFunction & '(): ' & serializeJSON(result, false, false) & ''); } } writeOutput("BIFs w/ complex needle"); displayBIFResult([["MyString"]], ["MyString"]); writeOutput(""); displayBIFResult([["MyString"]], ["MYSTRING"]); write
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on String member functions break existing code that relies on java.lang.String member functions by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue by Aaron N.
2608111 CF-4190744 Performance Eric Esquivel Performances issue on String Underlying Java Methods Problem Description: Using String Underlying Java Method for String impact the performance of web page processing if they are used. With the "native" method (function) it has much better performances
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue by Aaron N.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue by Immanuel N.
ToString() member function returns a location rather than string
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: lack of String member functions on NULL creates backward-compat issue by Aaron N.
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by chrisg57685480
Comment on ToString() member function returns a location rather than string by Nick P.
Comment on String compare not working correct on numeric values by External U.
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
2608716 CF-4018933 External U. This certainly doesn't pass the "least surprise" principle test: if a function produces a string as a result, you should be able to chain string member function calls onto it.
Bug 76692:A couple of gotchas in the ColdFusion Functions docs that I ran across:
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
2596691 CF-3834866 Core Runtime Tim Parker String methods process single quotes differently when CFSet is used inside a CFQuery block Duplicate ID: CF-3585643 Problem Description: If CFSet is used within a CFQuery block, string functions double any single quotes in their return values Steps
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by Rupesh K.
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by Awdhesh K.
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
3557858 CF-4199900 Aaron N. The issue is CF's trying to weakly enforce a semi-strict typing rule when using member functions. These work: 1) date member functions work on string 2) numeric member functions work on string, and vice-versa These fail: 1) string member functions fail on string 2
Aaron Neff Type-Specific vs Type-Casting member functions Hi CF Community, I’d like to get your opinions. Would you prefer CF’s member functions to be type-specific or type-casting? Currently they are type-specific. These work: myString.dateTimeMemberFunction() myString.numericMemberFunction() myNumber.stringMemberFunction
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
2610058 CF-3735413 External U. Please don't make things more confusing for new developers, or provide more ammunition for ColdFusion antagonists. Keep list functions distinct from regular string functions by maintaining a "list*" prefix on list member functions.
Comment on Add higher-order functions for strings by Bradley W.
4709544 CF-4203272 Documentation [ANeff] Doc Bug for: "Using closures" doc unrequired arguments Issue: "Using closures" doc has many code examples that use optional arguments w/o checking for their existence Suggestion: Make those arguments required Example Before: ----------- function helloTranslator(String
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
2596951 CF-3319527 Akhila K. Unable to repro the issue, please provide more information on steps to reproduce the same. Have tested with the below mentioned code snippet : wsCacheBug.cfc: component displayname="wsCacheBug" { remote String function myTest() { return "Testing"; } } ws
4586952 CF-4203096 S V. The canonicalize function checks for multiple and mixed encodings (html, url and javascript) given any string. ≠ is a valid html entity there by it replaced it with the equivalent html character. The function treats the given url as string it there by canonicalizes
4478243 CF-4202935 Aaron N. Hi James, I completely agree. CF-4198258 is fixed in Aether. Aether added all string member functions to numeric. Aether also added all numeric member functions to string. In this ticket here, I'm intentionally causing an error by omitting required parameters
5335221 CF-4204007 Language : String Functions DecodeFromURL does not decode %2B as + Problem Description: The DecodeFromURL function decodes %2B as a space character instead of +. Steps to Reproduce: Actual Result: URLDecode("%2B") outputs " " Expected Result: URLDecode("%2B") outputs
4306159 CF-4202370 Gitesh A. public numeric function create(numeric column1Value=0, string reviewDateFrom="") { should be public numeric function create(numeric column1Value=0, string column2From="") {
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by Saurav Ghosh
Comment on CFFiddle for Array, String, and Math functions by Saurav Ghosh
5391621 CF-4204045 Language : String Functions UrlEncodedFormat Can't Encode % Symbols Problem Description: UrlEncodedFormat() no longer escapes the % character properly. Steps to Reproduce: #testString# #UrlEncodedFormat(testString)# #UrlEncodedFormat(UrlEncodedFormat(testString))# Actual
2610058 CF-3735413 External U. Consistency is important. Please don't cause confusion of "list" member functions with string member functions: keep the list-prefix on all "list" member functions. Or just drop the idea of "list" member functions altogether since CFML doesn't really have a "list
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
Require a separate function to differentiate between datetime Object and datetime String.
Comment on Numeric literals should be Double, not String by External U.
Version 1 (uses BIFs) component { string function len(required string myString) { return len(myString) } numeric function floor(required numeric myNumeric) { return floor(myNumeric) } date function day(required date myDateTime) { return day(myDateTime) } } Then CF added member
2608653 CF-4033628 S V. Hi Adam, These are added as string member functions now like for example s = "My url-encoded string has special characters & other stuff"; writeoutput(s.urlEncodedFormat()); I didn't understand what you are asking about. What do you mean by static functions
2599330 CF-3040322 Aaron N. To clarify, |#myFunction('myString')#| displays | myString| instead of |myString|. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment on Many string member functions not implemented by External U.
2608732 CF-4014660 External U. The family of functions should accept the same set of strings. It seems unintuitive to remember what functions parse what date things and what ones don't. Please fix.
be used as a string, and passed into string functions, why can't it have string member methods? Are the types of CF variables not what we make them at runtime? If I treat a variable as a string, then it _is_ a string. I shouldn't be concerned with the Java class currently being used on the backend