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2598655 CF-3041087 Document Management : PDF generation Steven Erat Bug 82354:Font size is rendered correctly when using fonts installed on the system Problem: Font size is rendered correctly when using fonts installed on the system. However, when the font is not installed on the system
2597686 CF-3042952 Language Steven Erat Bug 85339:(Watson Migration Closure)Please make the maxqueuesize setting for CFTHREAD configurable, similar to how the maxqueuesize setting is available to be set for Event Gateway threads in the neo-events Problem: Please make the maxqueuesize setting
2598414 CF-3041360 Legacy Area : Eclipse Wizards Steven Erat Bug 82729:(Watson Migration Closure)Please provide ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse for Flash Builder 4 and ColdFusion 9 support Problem: Please provide ColdFusion Extensions for Eclipse for Flash Builder 4 and ColdFusion 9 support
2598509 CF-3041257 General Server Steven Erat Bug 82571:On any OS, the cfserver Problem: On any OS, the cfserver.log shows a strange log message in the startup sequence: "These changes should get picked up!". It does this in Developer Edition or Enterprise Edition. It appears to be something
2598153 CF-3041682 Scheduler Steven Erat Bug 83392:(Watson Migration Closure)[Scheduled Task Chaining] Request to add functionality to chain scheduled tasks together via dependencies, analogous in concept to Ant tasks Problem: [Scheduled Task Chaining] Request to add functionality to chain
2597857 CF-3042197 Server Monitoring Steven Erat Bug 84259:(Watson Migration Closure)When running long running jobs (Scheduled Tasks) that process thousands of documents, if the Server Monitor's "Monitoring" & "Profiling" features are enabled, the JVM will quickly consume all availabl Problem
2598691 CF-3041049 Text Search : Solr Steven Erat Bug 82291:The cfsolr script for Mac, Linux, and Unix is written such that you must be in the ColdFusion9/solr/ directory when running the script Problem: The cfsolr script for Mac, Linux, and Unix is written such that you must be in the ColdFusion9
2597066 CF-3132879 Core Runtime Steven Erat True application exception is masked by CF's built-in Exception Handler code, resulting in Error while reading header Problem Description: ColdFusion's default exception handler WEB-INF\exception\coldfusion\runtime\ApplicationException.cfm (and Template
2598472 CF-3041294 Document Management : PDF generation Steven Erat Bug 82644:(Watson Migration Closure)In CSS3 the "@font-face" construct is used to embed a custom font and give an alias, and then a CSS class can later refer to the custom font alias fo r use in the font-family property Problem
2597065 CF-3132889 Language : CF Component Steven Erat Implicit Setters on Entities are sometimes unresolved and CF searches CGI scope causing Error while reading header Problem Description: Discussed at length here:
2598665 CF-3041077 Administrator : Administrator Console Steven Erat Bug 82343:After a custom font has been registered in the CF Admin, if the font file is renamed, deleted, or moved, the Font Management page of the admin will report the error Variable FONTFAMILY is undefined Problem: After a