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Comment on ColdFusion Blog redirection to ColdFusion Community Portal by Stephen Walker
Comment on ColdFusion Blog redirection to ColdFusion Community Portal by Stephen Walker
Comment on ColdFusion Blog redirection to ColdFusion Community Portal by Stephen Walker
Comment on On finding what’s new in CF2018 (per the current state of the beta docs) by Stephen Walker
Comment on On finding what’s new in CF2018 (per the current state of the beta docs) by Stephen Walker
Comment on On finding what’s new in CF2018 (per the current state of the beta docs) by Stephen Walker
Comment on On finding what’s new in CF2018 (per the current state of the beta docs) by Stephen Walker
2613520 CF-3298214 Documentation Stephen Walker Incorrect information regarding cfchart Documentation for cfchart states “Specify the rendering method. Applies only if format is html. The supported values are canvas, flash, svg, and vml.” Unfortunately, if you follow these instructions, you
2609199 CF-3912622 Language Stephen Walker LSTimeFormat not available as Member Function The LSTimeFormat function throws an error when used as a member function #now()# #now().dateFormat('long')# #now().timeFormat('long')# #now().lsDateFormat('long')# #now().lsTimeFormat('long')# Results
2609653 CF-3815267 Scheduler Stephen Walker Scheduled Tasks Firing but Return 404 I have multiple scheduled tasks that I migrated from CF10 to CF11 that no longer function properly. The scheduled task appears to fire on schedule, but in looking at the coldfusion-out log they are returning status
2682311 CFB-4126170 Security Code Analyzer STEPHEN WALKER Mapped Drive and Server Drive Must Match We setup a new development server and developers are required to map to their specific folder. The folders are located on the F drive, but if a user maps to a drive other than F, the security
2609557 CF-3831838 Database : ODBC STEPHEN WALKER ODBC Connections Fail after Installation of Update 1 After installing update 1 all ODBC connections fail. Steps to Reproduce: Install update 1 Actual Result: All ODBC connections fail Expected Result: All ODBC connections should work as they did
Tracker Issue Support for IIS 10
2608822 CF-3984812 Installation/Config : Connector Stephen Walker Support for IIS 10 Windows 10 with IIS 10 is currently in pre-release and will be live later this year. To prepare for IIS 10 we need to begin testing now. Please modify the installer and most importantly wsconfig so that we can
2608527 CF-4071593 Security Stephen Walker Admin Visible Regardless of IIS Config The CF Administrator is visible for the server FQDN ( and IP even though full hardening guide was followed (including URL Deny filter for /cfide
2609216 CF-3910367 Document Management Stephen Walker cfhtmtopdf does not import alt tag information Problem Description: Hotfix 3 updated cfhtmltopdf to meet accessibility requirements however, images fail during validation because the alt attribute information is not imported. Steps
2613521 CF-3298213 Charting/Graphing Stephen Walker Various Charts Will not render in IE7 Problem Description: When using cfchart format=html, certain charts with multiple series will not render in IE 7 and IE 8. So far I have identified the problem in area, bar, and line charts. The problem
3199706 CF-4198866 Charting/Graphing Stephen Walker CFChart does not allow percentage based width and height Creating a chart using cfchart with a width or height of 100% or other percentage value will not work. The underlying charting library (ZingChart) has supported this since December 2010 (v
2612769 CF-3431165 Document Management Stephen Walker CFFILE - Unable to set MS Office MIME Types if OpenOffice installed Problem Description: When OpenOffice is installed and set in the CF Administrator, you no longer have the ability to use Microsoft Office MIME type in the "accept" attribute
2608748 CF-4011401 Net Protocols : HTTP Stephen Walker Certificate Manager for CFHTTP With all government sites mandated to use https by the end of 2016 (, and more and more commercial services moving to https, there needs
2612413 CF-3515355 Dreamweaver Integration Stephen Walker Adobe ColdFusion 10 Extensions for Dreamweaver Removes HTML5 Tags When you install the Adobe ColdFusion 10 Extensions for Dreamweaver, the html tag library no longer includes html5 tags. The work around for Windows is a follows: When you