displaying top 100 results
2608159 CF-4177084 Core Runtime Stephen Baker When enablecfoutputonly is on, output cascades into included templates. Problem Description:
tags cascade into an included template with respect to output for the enablecfoutputonly setting, but not for processing #s.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create two
Tracker Issue EncodeForHTML mangles strings containing %[0-F][0-F]
2612007 CF-3566150 Security : General Stephen Baker EncodeForHTML mangles strings containing %[0-F][0-F] Problem Description:
The EncodeForHTML function sometimes does not produce the desired result.
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual Result:
In code: þvice%
On Screen: Þvice
Tracker Issue org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException: Attempted read on closed stream.
2609149 CF-3920947 Web Services Stephen Baker org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxIOException: Attempted read on closed stream. Problem Description:
Under high or persistent load, when using ColdFusion as a client for a WCF webservice on localhost an exception is thrown on an Axis
2609769 CF-3778682 Web Services : General Stephen Baker 0xFFFD character returned instead of undefined when accessing soap webservice Problem Description:
When consuming a soap webservice which returns a complex structure containing a float. If the float is nil in ColdFusion 9 getTheFloat() would
Tracker Issue For ... in loop on single element list fails with coldfusion.runtime.ScopeCastException
2608823 CF-3983656 Language Stephen Baker For ... in loop on single element list fails with coldfusion.runtime.ScopeCastException Problem Description:
In as of ColdFusion 10 you should be able to run a for ... in loop over a list. However when the list contains only a single integer from a query
Tracker Issue Query of queries where in (select ...) not working
2608937 CF-3956874 Language Stephen Baker Query of queries where in (select ...) not working Problem Description:
Contrary to the documentation it doesn't appear that a SELECT statement is allowed in the IN clause of a query of queries cfquery: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/10
Tracker Issue Cache already exists error
2609018 CF-3946143 Caching Stephen Baker Cache already exists error Problem Description:
When running cfcache on a site with a lot of concurrent traffic, it occasionally fails with an exception.
See other people's experience with the error at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27412484/cache