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2609513 CF-3839455 Database Sonic Sales Support Connection Timeout after Update 14 Problem Description: After applying update 14 I get connection timeouts to our postgresql server V 9.1.10 Steps to Reproduce: Create DSN to postgres 9.1.10 Actual Result: timeout Expected Result: connection Any
Charlie Arehart Right, but it is important that people catch that if they DO use Java 11 for production (once cf2018 supports it), they COULD have Oracle sales thugs knocking on their door demanding a ransom–all because they didn’t notice the subtle indication in the Oracle license on the download
2608928 CF-3960610 ORM Support Dale Twineham ORMExecuteQuery not properly handling the "Unique" parameter Duplicate ID: CF-3041790 Problem Description:Specifying "true" as the Unique parameter does not complain if the query results in multiple records returned Steps to Reproduce: local
3283113 CF-4199031 Suchika S. The script variant of cfloop now supports looping over list , structures , array and  query . {code:java} cfloop(list="1,2,3,4", index="i", item="j"){ writeoutput("index:" & i) writeoutput("item:" & j & "") } {code} {code:java} myArray = ["John", "Paul", "George
6551050 CF-4206264 James M. ALTERNATIVE: If you are copying/syncing static resources to S3, you may want to consider using CFExecute with S3Express (portable CLI/command line). I've found it to be a better alternative, supports multiple threads (faster), gets updated
2673443 CF-4126544 Language Abram Adams Object Literal Syntax for Ordered/Sorted Structs Now that we have ordered/sorted structs structNew("sorted/ordered") we need to also have literal syntax support. This was discussed in the PR forums, but no consensus was made on what the best syntax would be
be embedded in a PDF file and SWF movies can be played in Acrobat Reader. All tags related with PDF (CFPDFxxx, CFPRINT and so on) should support PDF forms which made by the latest LiveCycle Designer ES 8.2. I don’t think it influences sales of Acrobat/LiveCycle even if CENTAUR has those features. Also AMF
_prodinfo (so that each can redirect to the version-specific release notes) - "Product Updates" URL returns 404 - "ColdFusion Support Center" URL doesn't open a CF-specific page, so URL should probably be
that this "upgrade" discount price is offered ONLY for the immediately preceding version, though. So since you refer to being on 2016, that would be your next step. Those on 11 or earlier would NOT be able to get that discount for 2018. Indeed, since 2018 has come out, cf2016 is no longer available for sale. Folks
Charlie Arehart

It’s not quite that you CANNOT use Java 8 with CF9, Gabrieleb, but rather that it was never supported by Adobe. Some folks HAVE updated CF9 (or earlier) to use Java 8, and it worked for them (solved this problem), while other have indeed had problems.

Also, there could

, and it DOES support "multiple applications". On the former, it's that it has a limit of 10 concurrent threads, while Enterprise has no such limit. That's not really a show-stopper for many. On the latter, are you maybe referring instead to multiple instances? Yep, that and some other things (like
folks via their support channels, and maybe they will issue either a new connector or a new update. (In Feb 2019 they pulled the update entirely and created a new one a week later, as its problems were so severe.)

Let me add that if you are on Apache, I don’t know if you will face the problem. You

does, as Adobe continues to sell enough (whether in new sales or re-licensing) or they wouldn’t continue with the product, staffing the large team that supports it, developing new editions every two years, etc.

But I realize your focus (like David’s) is on reaching new folks. We can’t push a rope