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Portal Topic CONTENS Social Workplace
CONTENS Social Workplace
Comment on Other social resources for ColdFusion by David Byers
Portal Comment Comment on Other social resources for ColdFusion by akretzer
Comment on Other social resources for ColdFusion by akretzer
Portal Topic Other social resources for ColdFusion
Other social resources for ColdFusion
2611903 CF-3576112 External U. Social features in my programming platform? Yes please!
Comment on Other social resources for ColdFusion by James Mohler
Tracker Issue Returning Invalid OAuth access token
3678095 CF-4200110 Social : Oauth Login David Hobza Returning Invalid OAuth access token There seems to be an issue with the cfauth tag. Don't know if it is a new update that is causing it.
Tracker Comment Comment on CF11 services won't Start by External U.
2609786 CF-3772978 External U. Para poder alcanzar los limites proyectados en red y sitios sociales es necesario fusionar permisos y papeles de contenido tecnológico.
Bug 82999:[ANeff] Bug for: CF ext for DW missing these cfparam types in auto-suggest:anyarraybinarynumericqueryregex ("regular_expression" exists, but not "regex")ssn ("social_security_number" exists, but not "
James Moberg What's the ETA for adding a non-Facebook/Google login? I would think that it would be easier to integrate. I've used CFFiddle as an "unauthenticated" user, but am waiting for a non-social-media login before I create an account.
Portal Comment Comment on CFFiddle- Code, test, and share your ColdFusion code on the go! by James Moberg
James Moberg I'd like to be able to use CFFiddle to share code samples. (I'm currently using TryCF.com)
When will non-social media account logins be available? I would highly prefer to never use Facebook or Twitter or any other third-party when logging in. ETA?
Comment on Other social resources for ColdFusion by Carl Von Stetten
Comment on Other social resources for ColdFusion by Michaela Light
Tracker Issue Facebook Oauth response is not formated properly.
2986072 CF-4198485 Social : Oauth Login Jason Wagstaff Facebook Oauth response is not formated properly. Problem Description:
facebook oauth access_token format has changed.
Steps to Reproduce:
Try to authenticate a user with oauth and type facebook. The result format of the access
Portal Comment Comment on Adobe could support and bolster the ColdFusion Community by creating a CF focused jobs portal by David Byers
to fill their Human Resources needs.
Adobe isn't in the social networking business... but here we are discussing it on a social platform specific to our community.
2614028 CF-3135653 Adobe D. We are able to get data from Exchaneg 2010 server for
Are you using SSL/TLS for imap?
Also another related issue that I found online is with digitally signed mails and imap in Exchange.Is this the case?
Tracker Issue Invalid error reporting on cf_socialplugin "Invalid parameter type" - when type is not the invalid parameter
2673306 CF-4129731 Social Chris Hopkins Invalid error reporting on cf_socialplugin "Invalid parameter type" - when type is not the invalid parameter Problem Description:
Error reporting for cf_soclialplugin does not reference the correct parameter when a parameter has the wrong value
2609143 CF-3923044 Social Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: throws exception when endpoints specified The following throws exception "JSON parsing failure at character 1:'a' in access_token=access_token_here&expires=expires_here":
Facebook violates http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-5
Tracker Issue [ANeff] ER for: isValid() datetimeobject
Related Tickets: CF-3194042, CF-4179276 and CF-4179704.
Issue: CF2016 Update 3 introduced isValid("datetime_object", ) ..sigh
Since that was just added, it could be deprecated. And, honestly, isValid("social_security_number", ..) should be deprecated, b/c honestly who would type that instead of is
2609144 CF-3923023 Social Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: doesn't support Facebook's API versioning.
In CF11 Update 3 uses these Facebook endpoints:
authendpoint: https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth
accesstokenendpoint: https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token (I _believe_ this is what uses
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: <cfoauth type="facebook|google"> doesn't return all data it receives from OAuth provider
2609145 CF-3922953 Social Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: doesn't return all data it receives from OAuth provider When type="google" or type="facebook" all the response fields are omitted except access_token. should return _all_ fields that it receives from the OAuth provider.
This issue makes type
the tool as not dead...get it into colleges as a way to quickly spin kids up on programming, need to get talks in non cfml conferences and do a better job showing comparisons of CFML and other languages...and i think a better social media presence, weather that is twitter, fb, instagram, slack
Portal Comment Comment on The Delicate Balancing Act between the number of ColdFusion Jobs and the number of ColdFusion Developers by Charlie Arehart
: http://cfscript.me
As for Adobe being on social media, they are indeed: posting and participating in Facebook, twitter, and slack, to name a few.
As for more blog posts, Adobe created the new CF portal (coldfusion.adobe.com) last year and it's had hundreds
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cf_socialplugin fixes and enhancements
2609140 CF-3923189 Social Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cf_socialplugin fixes and enhancements Please see attached 20150119_socialplugin_fixesandenhancements for these files:
- socialplugin_original.cfm (original from CF11 Update 3)
- socialplugin_revised.cfm (contains fixes and enhancements
't think validations like "social_security_number" are appropriate in CFML, as there is no subsequent CFML usage which will break if the string is not in that particular format. I think the same applies here.
There is no CFML code that relies on a string being in ISO 8601 format, and intrinsically
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: isValid() inconsistent handling of NULL
- should return NO)
Expected result: #2 and #5 should return NO especially since isDate(javaCast("null", "")) returns NO. #3 should return NO (instead of exception) especially since isValid("numeric", javaCast("null", "")) doesn't throw an exception.
for(type in "any,array,binary,boolean,component,creditcard,date,time,email,eurodate,numeric,guid,integer,query,ssn,social
6181483 CF-4205192 Social : Widgets [ANeff] Bug for: cf_socialplugin fixes and enhancements for 2019 Issue: cf_socialplugin fixes and enhancements for 2019
Please see attached 20190908_socialplugin_revised.cfm which contains these updates/fixes:
* For the Facebook Like Box, Facebook Activity
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by Charlie Arehart
using CF, whether judged from the conferences, the various outlets for knowledge sharing (social media, forums, slack, facebook CF pages) or again from my own direct interaction with folks. You can say you don't see them. Again, that's your prerogative. It doesn't make you right and me wrong. Sorry