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Portal Topic CF 2018 Spreadsheet Functions
Snazzo CF 2018 Spreadsheet Functions Help with SpreadsheetAddFreezePanes
The post CF 2018 Spreadsheet Functions appeared first on ColdFusion. CFML Tag/Function,cfspreadsheet,Question,2018,cfml tag/function,question
Portal Topic Spreadsheet Data Formatting Not Working
Snazzo Spreadsheet Data Formatting Not Working No matter what I do, I can't seem to get a data format to be applied to a cell.
The post Spreadsheet Data Formatting Not Working appeared first on ColdFusion. CFML Tag/Function,cfspreadsheet,Question,cfml tag/function,ColdFusion,question
Charlie Arehart Snazzo, since you say that you have seen examples that "should" work, can you confirm first if you run those, do THEY work? If not on one server, what about on another? Your problem (with your code or such sample code) may be a config issue on your server (perhaps failed updates