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2612624 CF-3489921 Language Shigeo Kubota The value of isDSTOn returned by GetTimeZoneInfo always seems to be no Problem Description: I have noticed this a while ago that the value of "isDSTOn" retuned by the function "GetTimeZoneInfo" always seems to be "no." Steps to Reproduce: Create a cfm
2613570 CF-3221654 Language Shigeo Kubota Escape Sequence "\x" is not functioning Problem Description: Escape Sequence "\x" is not functioning. Steps to Reproduce: #reFind("\x", " a")# Actual Result: 0 Expected Result: 2 Any Workarounds: Use character class ":xdigit:" or [A-Za-z0
2609458 CF-3845994 Language Shigeo Kubota No "Element xxx is undefined in FORM" error message Problem Description: If a form element is undefined and try to output it, cfdebug style sheet code will be shown instead of an error message, Steps to Reproduce: Just run this code. Product: #form
2609459 CF-3845979 Language Shigeo Kubota form scope can't be emptied by calling structClear Related Bugs: CF-3924797 - Similar to CF-3924797 - Similar to Problem Description: form scope can't be emptied by calling structClear. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Run the code below and make sure the form
2613530 CF-3292315 Debugging Shigeo Kubota cftrace "fatal information" image is not displayed properly Problem Description: cftrace type="fatal information" is supposed to use the image "fatal information_16x16.gif." The image name shouldn't contain any space. So cftrace creates the image tag (A
2613558 CF-3229224 Administrator Shigeo Kubota ColdFusion Administrator Login Issue Problem Description: Currently if JavaScript is disabled or cookie is blocked, and try to login to the ColdFusion Administrator, you will get the error "Invalid Password. Please try again." even if you have entered
2613516 CF-3300531 Server Monitoring Shigeo Kubota Session values may not be persistent with the Server Monitor opened Problem Description: When the "Enable Monitoring Server" in ColdFusion Administrator is checked and J2EE Servlet session management is used, the session values may