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2673440 CF-4126547 SharePoint Support Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: fails
Steps to reproduce:
1) In SharePoint, enable NTLM and enable Basic Auth
2) While watching traffic w/ Wireshark, run the following code
3) See request was sent as Basic Auth (good) but then POST fails w/ 401 (bug
Tracker Issue NTLM Authentication Support
2597041 CF-3175165 SharePoint Support Eric Shaffer NTLM Authentication Support Dept. of Defense clients are beginning to use Sharepoint HEAVILY. The need to use CF's Sharepoint integration abilities is becoming a matter of "we have a job...we don't have a job". The problem is that currently, CF
2608296 CF-4133914 SharePoint Support ext-user cfsharepoint throws exception when action="addview" this happens on CF11 Problem: cfsharepoint throws exception when action="addview"
Invalid object type encountered in the struct created
Tracker Issue ntlmdomain is not getting set for cfsharepoint tag
2673300 CF-4131009 SharePoint Support ext-user ntlmdomain is not getting set for cfsharepoint tag Problem: ntlm domain is the cfsharepoint tag.
while the above code is run the ntlmdomain is not getting set.
Result: code runs ignoring the ntlmdomain value
Tracker Issue CFSHAREPOINT NTLM authentication support
2608912 CF-3965398 SharePoint Support A. Mitchell CFSHAREPOINT NTLM authentication support Duplicate ID: CF-3175165
CFSHAREPOINT "still" does not support NTLM support. Almost everybody uses something beyond "basic" authentication, so cfsharepoint has been pretty much useless since 9
2673438 CF-4126549 SharePoint Support Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: ntlmdomain attribute is allowed when authtype="basic" ntlmdomain attribute is allowed when authtype="basic"
cfsharepoint(action="getlistcollection", domain="my.domain.com", username="username", password="password", authtype
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 72751:Support for NTLM (Microsoft) and Digest Authentication on all CF HTTP operations by External U.
2603208 CF-3035879 External U. This is a needed feature... all HTTP operations (especially SharePoint) are useless in the real world without properly authentication support.
Tracker Comment Comment on NTLM Authentication Support by External U.
2597041 CF-3175165 External U. This has been requested since CF9 came out. It's a major problem for anyone trying to integrate with SharePoint (not just DoD or federal clients), and should be addressed.
Tracker Comment Comment on NTLM Authentication Support by External U.
2597041 CF-3175165 External U. I agree that it is critical to be able to communicate securely with SharePoint. If there's a technical roadblock, I'm sure the community will rise to the challenge. At a minimum, though, I believe it's time to address it.
2608913 CF-3965397 SharePoint Support A. Mitchell STILL NO NTLM AUTHENTICATION Duplicate ID: CF-3175165
Problem Description: Almost everyone using sharepoint uses something beyond Basic authentication. CFSHAREPOINT not supporting NTLM authentication has been an issue since 9.0
2673437 CF-4126550 SharePoint Support Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint's ntlmdomain attribute shouldn't be required cfsharepoint's ntlmdomain attribute shouldn't be required, b/c call succeeds when value is a space or any random characters
//This succeeds:
2673474 CF-4126513 SharePoint Support Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint no longer sends NTLM authorization header cfsharepoint no longer sends the NTLM authorization header when authtype="ntlm", so calls always fail w/ "401 Error: Unauthorized" now
Tracker Issue [ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint, cfobject and createObject send Basic Auth when authtype="ntlm" and NTLM disabled
2673439 CF-4126548 SharePoint Support Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint, cfobject and createObject send Basic Auth when authtype="ntlm" and NTLM disabled cfsharepoint, cfobject and createObject send Basic Auth when authtype="ntlm" and NTLM disabled
Steps to reproduce:
1) In SharePoint
2673633 CF-4120166 SharePoint Support Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint missing the wsversion attribute Duplicate ID: CF-4126548
Per 4076462, Axis 1 silently falls back* to Basic Auth if NTLM is disabled on the remote server.
Issue: There is no workaround for cfsharepoint. cfsharepoint
2598132 CF-3041704 SharePoint Support Aaron Neff Bug 83429:-(Watson Migration Closure)[ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint doesn't scope in/inout parameter valuesI noticed that does not use its "name" attribute to scope the return value from ’out’ parameters Problem:
[ANeff] Bug for: cfsharepoint doesn
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 72751:Support for NTLM (Microsoft) and Digest Authentication on all CF HTTP operations by External U.
2603208 CF-3035879 External U. Agreed with all. We need this fixed b/c we would like to use the cfsharepoint tag with SharePoint 2010. Please fix.
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 72751:Support for NTLM (Microsoft) and Digest Authentication on all CF HTTP operations by External U.
2603208 CF-3035879 External U. As my enterprise's Information Architect and director of our SharePoint 2010 based ECM project (as well as a 4-year ColdFusion veteran), I can almost sell ColdFusion Enterprise to my superiors for RAD within our integrated invironment, save this point
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Doc Bug for: Docs should say NTLM only supported for Axis 2 (wsversion="2"). by External U.
2673632 CF-4120168 External U. Repro (using SharePoint as the example):
1) In SharePoint, enable Basic Auth and disable NTLM
2) Run each of the following examples:
myDomain = "www.domain.com";
myUsername = "myusername";
myPassword = "mypassword";
//cfsharepoint example
Tracker Comment Comment on Bug 72751:Support for NTLM (Microsoft) and Digest Authentication on all CF HTTP operations by External U.
2603208 CF-3035879 External U. Really? Honestly? We purchased CF9 because we were told that we could access SharePoint with it now. Does Bill Clinton work in your marketing department? Because that's a half-truth. It does work in a VERY insecure environment, but in the real world without NTLM