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2611003 CF-3653076 External U. @Sean Coyne Point taken, just seems every major OS X release causes newfound headaches with CF. Adobe has clearly stated that their mod_jk will only work with Apache up to 2.2.22, but hasn't done anything about it when 2.4 has been out for what, 2 years now?
2597433 CF-3043855 Language : Tags Sean Coyne Bug 86937:(Watson Migration Closure)PATCH is not a supported value for the method attribtue for the CFHTTP tag Problem: PATCH is not a supported value for the method attribtue for the CFHTTP tag. It is part of the standard, so it should be supported
2684208 CF-4198173 Language : WDDX Serialization Sean Coyne WDDX Serialization of date objects is broken Problem Description: If you serialize an date object to WDDX then back to CFML it does not return the correct date Steps to Reproduce: run code in attached file (tried to put the code here
2597284 CF-3044027 Document Management : PDF generation Sean Coyne Bug 87102:(Watson Migration Closure)In my testing, CF 9 on OS X Lion is still broken Problem: In my testing, CF 9 on OS X Lion is still broken. Yes, it will now start on Lion, but CFDocument still fails, clicking the “i
2611003 CF-3653076 External U. Wilgeno, Yes, I did make a backup, and yes, I did copy only the settings. Sean Coyne, I had no clue that the coldfusion launcher Adobe left installed when I upgraded from CF9 to CF10 a year ago was deprecated (Adobe's installer should have removed it when we
2613562 CF-3227975 Installation/Config : Connector Sean Coyne Pages with frames sometimes load the wrong page when updating multiple frames Problem Description: I logged this bug in the prerelease tracker (#3152064). It was closed and my post in the forums was basically ignored. That said, I am