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Tracker Issue Bug 82582:(Watson Migration Closure)Local Scope issues still recurring even after Updater 1
2598500 CF-3041266 Language : CF Component Sami Hoda Bug 82582:(Watson Migration Closure)Local Scope issues still recurring even after Updater 1 Problem:
Local Scope issues still recurring even after Updater 1. Have sent email to Product team, and bug is verified by many CF experts including Ray
2597891 CF-3042129 Text Search : Solr Sami Hoda Bug 84082:Allow setting of default operator (AND|OR) during creation of Solr index, instead of having folks modify the generated schema Problem:
Allow setting of default operator (AND|OR) during creation of Solr index, instead of having folks modify
Tracker Issue Bug 84081:(Watson Migration Closure)Create a query
2597892 CF-3042128 Text Search : Solr Sami Hoda Bug 84081:(Watson Migration Closure)Create a query Problem:
Create a query. In CFIndex, enter category="column1", where column1 is any column from the query. Look at data in index. Category is the value of column1 as expected. But if you enter
Tracker Issue Bug 80552:Use of "LOCAL" inside a cffunction is broken
2599289 CF-3040372 Language : CF Component Sami Hoda Bug 80552:Use of "LOCAL" inside a cffunction is broken Problem:
Use of "LOCAL" inside a cffunction is broken. Certain use cases, such as pulling values from other functions and setting that to local, as many frameworks do, is broken. See: http
Tracker Issue Bug 79585:See:http://www
2599734 CF-3039776 General Server Sami Hoda Bug 79585:See:http://www Problem:
When there is an error sending mail through a
2598107 CF-3041731 Administrator : Administrator Console Sami Hoda Bug 83483:After I installed the latest, I went to add a new instance Problem:
After I installed the latest, I went to add a new instance.First thing I noted: At the bottom of the instance manager page, instead of "Refresh", it says