displaying top 100 results
Tracker Comment Comment on cflogin exception in CF 2018 by Sam M.
4635839 CF-4203170 Sam M. I am facing this issue as well in CF2018. The only workaround I can think of is to store the cflogin information in the session instead of the cookie (which is not a good long-term solution).
Tracker Issue Nested cfloops with less records than outer loop cause “array index out of range” error
Customer Name: Sam I Am
External Customer Email:
External Test Config: My Hardware and Environment details: Coldfusion 10 on Mac 10.9.4
Portal Topic Hey, why am I finding CF installed node.js?
Hey, why am I finding CF installed node.js?
Tracker Issue Bug 82977:(Watson Migration Closure)Everytime I run the Server Monitor, I get a Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)
2598304 CF-3041486 Server Manager Aaron Greenlee Bug 82977:(Watson Migration Closure)Everytime I run the Server Monitor, I get a Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD) Problem:
Everytime I run the Server Monitor, I get a Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD). In my case, I am trying to manage the tv.adobe.com Web
Tracker Issue Bug 78418:Hi,
2600373 CF-3039097 ORM Support Sam Farmer Bug 78418:Hi, Problem:
I am getting a DDL generation error with the code below. Connecting to a MySQL 5.1 community database on Mac OS 10.5.7.
Component Application {
this.name = "trackrApp";
Comment on Hey, why am I finding CF installed node.js? by James Mohler
2614006 CF-3138032 External U. And I am also guessing you haven't tried it either...
Tracker Issue Bug 78466:(Watson Migration Closure)Within cfimap, add a default value to maxrows or make it required
2600363 CF-3039106 Installation/Config : Connector Sam Farmer Bug 78466:(Watson Migration Closure)Within cfimap, add a default value to maxrows or make it required Problem:
Within cfimap, add a default value to maxrows or make it required.
I kept thinking something was wrong
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayContainsNoCase and ArrayDeleteNoCase are missing by External U.
2613281 CF-3335956 External U. Hi Awdhesh,
I'm searching for a 'string', not an 'array'. Can you please try this?
data = ["aaaa", ["sam", "john"]];
elementToFind = "AAAA";//string
inn = ArrayFindNoCase(data, elementToFind);
writeoutput("Index found at #inn#");
Result: Index found at 1
Comment on Hey, why am I finding CF installed node.js? by Charlie Arehart
2614006 CF-3138032 External U. And as I also won't this on a global level, the event handler is the best place to do it. So I am not sure how you can claim that it can be done and provide no real example of it either.
Tracker Issue I reported this once before and it was marked user error
2614006 CF-3138032 ORM Support Andrew Scott I reported this once before and it was marked user error Problem Description:
I wanted to try this again and get you to understand how important this error is.
Currently I am trying to find a way to write audit logs for my entities, and have been trying
johng58900177 Can I use Cold Fusion Builder to auto generate forms and queries? Back in the earlier days of CF, I was able to generate pages out of CFStudio. I have been away from it for a long time and am wondering if I can do this in CFBuilder 2018.
The post Can I use Cold Fusion Builder to auto
Tracker Issue bug #3138032 closed incorrectly - I reported this once before and it was marked user error
this again and get you to understand how important this error is.
Currently I am trying to find a way to write audit logs for my entities, and have been trying to find a way for this using entities for now 4 years.
I will give you the basic code, but rest assured that this is also being checked to see
Bug 84111:Hi, When ever I tried to access the "Settings" menu which is available under the "Server Settings" tab in CF Administrator I am receiving a strange error stating "Variable ENABLEIMPLICITUDFREGISTRATI
2613390 CF-3325078 External U. In Sam's attached wrongNumbers.png, note "InstallKit" is the _only_ key name containing uppercase letters.
Should that be changed to "installkit" (all lowercase) for consistency w/ the other key names?
Minor, I know, haha. =P
into the virtual file system. As soon as I switch to a sftp connection I get a bad path error. Currently I am forced to use the filesystem instead of RAM when downloading a file with a secure connection.
I connect to a secure ftp server and try to download a file into ram.
An error occurred
Tracker Issue Seemingly every time that I try to write a SQL CASE statement, CF Builder locks up and is unresponsive.
2682150 CFB-4193624 Performance Eric Belair Seemingly every time that I try to write a SQL CASE statement, CF Builder locks up and is unresponsive. Problem Description:
I am writing a SQL query with sub-queries and CASE statements. When I am in the middle of writing a CASE statement, Cold
Tracker Comment Comment on bug #3138032 closed incorrectly - I reported this once before and it was marked user error by Himavanth R.
2613900 CF-3149329 Himavanth R. Closing this. I am reopening the bug CF-3138032
Bug 84888:(Watson Migration Closure)When I set a password during install that uses special case characters (TestP@$$w0rd), I am not able to login after the install completes and wants to perferm the last configuration changes
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: ArrayContainsNoCase and ArrayDeleteNoCase are missing by Awdhesh K.
to check the existence case insensitively. Sorry I was not explanatory in my earlier comment, but what I wanted to convey was that we can add the asked functionality for String type sub-element of an array but same will not work when sub-element of array is an array.
data = [aaaa, ["sam", "john
Tracker Issue Bug 85153:(Watson Migration Closure)Here's the problem:
2597716 CF-3042841 Language Sam Farmer Bug 85153:(Watson Migration Closure)Here's the problem: Problem:
Here's the problem:
Trying to load an object using objectLoad() will give an error if the object is being saved using objectSave() inside a cflock.
files here:
Tracker Issue Bug 82997:When trying to make HTTPS call, I am getting a "Could not generate secret" error in the ssl debug (adding javax
Bug 82997:When trying to make HTTPS call, I am getting a "Could not generate secret" error in the ssl debug (adding javax
Tracker Issue Bug 80519:the cfapplication tag is throwing an error in cf9 when I try to put in the datasource attribute
Bug 80519:the cfapplication tag is throwing an error in cf9 when I try to put in the datasource attribute
is configured by default to start automatically as a Windows service.
I am running Coldfusion on Windows 2000 Professional SP4 in the default mode. That is, Coldfusion is a Windows service that is configured to start automatically when Windows starts.
However whenever I stop and restart Windows
files in a directory.
I am on Windows XP.
1) I created the directory C:\Documents and Settings\BB\Desktop\cfPDFTest
2) I put 2 PDF test documents, a.pdf and b.pdf, in the directory
3) I ran the following code:
done - PDFs merged!
4) The code ran with no problems. However, seven minutes
="". The initial loads will throw an error
I have some new code that I am working with that looks like the following Inside main.cfm and contact.cfm are entityload statements. Each of the pages works perfectly individually run directly through the URL and they work perfectly inside the cflayout
Tracker Issue Bug 83673:(Watson Migration Closure)According to the ExtJS docs I should be able to do this, but it seems this is not possible
error and not an ExtJS error, so I am not sure what is happening here but as the cfwindow should be an ExtJS object I should be able to run this code with no problems.
[vmanenbo 11/25/2010] Adding repro case:
f is undefinedhttp
Bug 83854:When remotely accessing our Windows server that houses our CF 9 installation, I am greeted by a window containing an error message that reads "JRun JAR Launcher has stopped working
Bug 78925:Summary: docs for relationships for ORM integrationI’m just going through the docs for the ORM stuff, and am currently looking at relationships (I can feel Rupesh cringing as I type this [Wink] , this
2597042 CF-3174462 Language Sam Dealey Custom functions named "trace" don't raise the expected errors Problem Description: Normally when a new function is added, the server produces an error when it encounters a custom function with a matching name. This doesn't occur with the new Trace() function
Tracker Comment Comment on left and right not working as expected by Jürgen W.
2672505 CF-4194557 Jürgen W. I am sorry, but about one year later I am not able to easily find the situation where it occurred.
2608413 CF-4100344 Nimit S. I am glad to know that your issue is resolved.
I am closing this bug.
2608442 CF-4093045 Nimit S. I am able to repro the issue now. I am re-opening this bug.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfdbinfo resource leak by Nimit S.
2608449 CF-4091165 Nimit S. Thanks Russ for commenting on this bug.
I am re-opening this bug and I am also able to repro this issue.
Tracker Comment Comment on Static methods by External U.
2609860 CF-3756518 External U. Ooh, that's rude. Is that the sort of man I am now? Am I rude? Rude and not ginger.
2612201 CF-3542825 HariKrishna K. Is there something that I am missing, because of which I am not able to repro this issue?
Bug 85856:(Watson Migration Closure)As an avid user of I am constantly faced with the amount of effort and code needed to deal with passing NULL values
times. I noticed on all the stacktraces the first two array items are:
ClassName coldfusion.tagext.net.LdapTag
FileName LdapTag.java
LineNumber 765
MethodName doStartTag
NativeMethod NO
ClassName coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage
FileName CfJspPage.java
LineNumber 3698
Tracker Comment Comment on Scheduler ERROR by Nimit S.
2609447 CF-3846716 Nimit S. Thanks for confirming. I am closing this bug.
Tracker Comment Comment on Syntax Coloring Issues by extuser
2682215 CFB-4152897 extuser I am seeing the same issue.
Portal Comment Comment on 25 Years of Adobe ColdFusion by sachind989076
I am core ColdFusion developer and I started my career as ColdFusion developer only . I am thankful to Adobe in my career , I got an opportunity to work on different versions of ColdFusion.
of migration, and to my surprise a system that runs on CF8 did not behave well in the centaur, received Query Of Queries runtime error, then put an abort before I made a mistake and debug, as follows, but I think it is a bug, but I forgot to mention one detail, I am not using Query of Query.
2613619 CF-3199281 External U. I am using CF 10,0,14,291717 I see the new extensions in the uriworkermap.properties file but I and am still seeing this issue. It does not look to be fixed.
Tracker Comment Comment on Query of Query column alias ignored by Nimit S.
2611027 CF-3649985 Nimit S. @bradwood: I have tried it with basic ColdFusion build without any update or along with Update 11. I am not getting this issue. Would you mind sharing ColdFusion's settings summary at: nimsharm@adobe.com?
@Adam: I am sure bradwood is not lying but I just wanted to know
2704911 CF-4198194 Nimit S. I am able to repro this issue on all versions of CF(10/11/2016).
I am not sure whether we ignore it deliberately or its a bug.
Tracker Comment Comment on isNull() just doesn't work by External U.
2608667 CF-4028246 External U. I am pleased to explain in 25 characters or more how this bug impacts productivity and why I am adding a vote.
Tracker Comment Comment on Error with encrypt() function after applying CF 11 Update 5 by External U.
2608885 CF-3971069 External U. I am getting this error and I am running my code encrypted and also got the same error except for it was the ArrayAppend function.
Tracker Comment Comment on Could Not Find The Included Template by Nimit S.
2609499 CF-3842370 Nimit S. Hi Aaron,
I am facing this issue with ColdFusion 11 basic installer, if I am including Application.cfc inside another Application.cfc instead of index.cfm.
Tracker Comment Comment on CF10 Axis2 WSDL creation by External U.
2611036 CF-3648723 External U. I am getting actual behavior and error for reference
I am not clear on what is triggering this error. Clearly there is something specific with this wsdl request that is triggering this issue.
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion not responding after clock change from GMT to BST by External U.
2612213 CF-3540118 External U. I am voting on this as i am unable to install CF in a production environment with severe errors showing in the logs.
Tracker Comment Comment on CFHTTP with compression="none" fails to decode deflated http response by External U.
2612402 CF-3515644 External U. I am running into this exact issue? I am running the latest version of CF10. Is there a fix for this?
Tracker Comment Comment on Enterprise Manager: Element httpport is undefined in a Java object of type class java.util.HashMap. by External U.
2612741 CF-3434633 External U. I am having same kind of issue i am unable to login to our report modules as it is throwing error.
2613588 CF-3213501 Piyush K. Seanpford,
closing this since I am not able to observe the issue.
but I am still open to your inputs on the queries in my previous note.
Portal Comment Comment on Announcement – Pre-release for the next major version of ColdFusion by Aaron Neff
Aaron Neff Oh, I am moderated =)
Tracker Comment Comment on Hibernation Creation by Nimit S.
2608175 CF-4171398 Nimit S. ThanksTy Whalin.
I am closing this bug.
Tracker Comment Comment on Font Management throws an error by Nimit S.
2673272 CF-4136479 Nimit S. Thanks Joel for the confirmation.
I am closing this bug.
2673304 CF-4130691 External U. I am having the same problem
Tracker Comment Comment on Database driver memory leak by Nimit S.
2608641 CF-4038087 Nimit S. Thanks Brieanna for the confirmation. I am closing this ticket.
Tracker Comment Comment on cfstoredproc problem in cf11 update 3 by External U.
2608777 CF-4001377 External U. Ah, thanks. I am new here.
Tracker Comment Comment on Cache already exists error by External U.
2609018 CF-3946143 External U. I am experiencing the same bug with CF 11.
Tracker Comment Comment on Issue with session rotation in CFADmin by Rupesh K.
2609673 CF-3810459 Rupesh K. Thanks Adam for the details. I am opening this for investigation.
Tracker Comment Comment on Flash forms do not render on IE 11 by External U.
2610681 CF-3687541 External U. I am having the same issues
Tracker Comment Comment on Deleting defined user results in error. by Nimit S.
2613574 CF-3219582 Nimit S. Thanks Joshua for confirming.
I am closing this bug.
Tracker Comment Comment on wsdl2 does not show extended functions by External U.
2613630 CF-3197933 External U. I am seeing this behavior as well.
Tracker Comment Comment on cflogin exception in CF 2018 by rohit s.
4635839 CF-4203170 rohit s. This needs to be reopened, I am facing similar issue.
2609026 CF-3944862 External U. OMG! I am embarrassed.
I got to learn checking out all the possibilities and the possibility of I might be wrong. The reason I thought these emails are not valid because it emails are invalid because absence of TLD or presence of invalid TLD.
I have also tested
2682326 CFB-4118933 External U. Hi Mukesh,
Thank you for the follow-up.
Regarding "2. If you trying to restart the inbuilt server from coldfusion builder", no I am not using the CF server bundled w/ ColdFusion Builder.
I am using standalone CF2016. I am trying to stop and restart CF2016
3838583 CF-4200471 ITO I. Hi, I am not able to provide the repo code.
Tracker Comment Comment on CreateDateTime() has an aversion to using '11' for the day part by Jack D.
4081263 CF-4201528 Jack D. This can be deleted. I know, now, that the issue is because of DST. The date/time that I'm trying to acquire doesn't exist (2am 11 MAR 2018 is when the clocks jump ahead one hour, so 2am doesn't exist - it becomes 3am.)
4081253 CF-4201527 Jack D. This can be deleted. I know, now, that the issue is because of DST. The date/time that I'm trying to acquire doesn't exist (2am 11 MAR 2018 is when the clocks jump ahead one hour, so 2am doesn't exist - it becomes 3am.)
Portal Comment Comment on There seems to be a problem with editing replies here, since the recent portal update by RAHUL UPADHYAY
I am working on it.
I was able to replicate the issue.
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion 2018 on Ubuntu – problem download installer from Adobe by sabitak36455887
sabitak36455887 I am getting the same issue as marklgeol. I tried in different browsers but still the same issue.
Vicky Ryder I can't seem to comment anymore. What am I missing! :)
Tracker Comment Comment on isDate() not working properly by Tony P.
2745898 CF-4198253 Tony P. I am getting prompted for creds when I attempt to download the .jar
2672730 CF-4175063 External U. I am attaching the spreadsheet I built this for.
Tracker Comment Comment on Improve Java integration by External U.
2608751 CF-4010514 External U. i would love to see java easier to use in cf language, i am all for this
2609142 CF-3923052 Nimit S. I am withdrawing this bug as I will be tracking this issue as part of bug # CF-3923054
2611669 CF-3602420 External U. I shouldn't have to spin up features that I am not using.
Tracker Comment Comment on Amazon S3 Support with DirectoryList by External U.
2612138 CF-3554224 External U. I should note that I am using Ubuntu on Amazon EC2 servers.
6112036 CF-4205040 Mukesh K. I am closing this bug as I have not heard back from customer.
Tracker Comment Comment on Allow cascading return from assignments by Luis M.
6995297 CF-4207716 Luis M. I just want to say KUDOS!!! For responding on this so fast! I am impressed, keep up the good work.
Tracker Comment Comment on Generate PhoneGap Build creates multiple applications for one project by Adobe D.
2682991 CFB-3712682 Adobe D. Suppose i have a mobile project called "mobproject"
If i am changing name from name:mobproject (by navigating project->Properties, then change name) to name:mobproject1
Then i am able to repro this issue along with the warning message like "Private app limit reached
Tracker Comment Comment on Undo Buffer Issue by External U.
2682913 CFB-3720735 External U. i am new to coldfusion and builder but i am a long-time user of eclipse. builder has promise but, this issue and the drama with files crashing builder when the interpreter fails makes it difficult to recommend the product. now i am also having issues with redo
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion as an essential tool in my development toolbox. by James Mohler
James Mohler I think I am on the same page as you. I develop with ColdFusion, but I don't do it the same way as even five months ago. So me a better way, I will use it. Show me a tech that replaces a whole chunk of CF, and I will do that to if it is better.
OTOH, if I have to type twice as much
James Mohler I am looking forward to being there next year. I greatly enjoyed the event.
The two highlights for me were 1. Seeing CommandBox in action. 2. Seeing all the different ways people are using ColdFusion. Some of them I took home and I am trying them out.
Tracker Comment Comment on Service Temporarily Unavailable after arbitrary amount of time + heavy usage by External U.
2613427 CF-3318104 External U. I, like Adam and Miguel, am not personally having this issue (yet) because I am still in the process of configuring our new CF10 server (Win2K8 R2) and don't have any users hitting it in production yet, But I'm very concerned that I may encounter the same issues.
Tracker Comment Comment on Saving file opened from file system creates duplicate editor by External U.
2682214 CFB-4152930 External U. Yes, I am still facing this issue. I do not have CFB installed as a plugin, I installed it standalone. I am using Mylyn (from the Eclipse project). That might have something to do with it.
Portal Comment Comment on Recordings for CF Developer Week by DougCain
DougCain did you mean the new link on the community page for the 2018 developer week recordings to goto the 2017 page or am I missing something?
Tyler Clendenin This is good to hear, I am sure many people were worried in limbo and were awaiting this announcement before making decisions.
Portal Comment Comment on No more GUI based installers for ColdFusion next? – Need your feedback by Giancarlo Gomez
Giancarlo Gomez I am good with a non GUI installer from this point on.
Portal Comment Comment on CFLOCATION issue by Karuna516
Karuna516 Thank you. It seems I am also facing similar issue. Can you please advise where to configure session variable in CF Admin?
Portal Comment Comment on ColdFusion (2018 release) Update 10 and ColdFusion (2016 release) Update 16 released by Priyank Shrivastava
Priyank Shrivastava I am working with team to get the links to work. Please stand by.
3401696 CF-4199483 Nimit S. Thanks Mingo for sharing the information.
I am able to repro this issue now.
3401696 CF-4199483 Nimit S. Mingo,
It was by mistake, I am moving it to ToFix again.
2841445 CF-4198329 Nimit S. Thanks for the confirmation Darren. I am closing this bug.
Tracker Comment Comment on ORM Fails in WebSocket Listener by Nimit S.
2821713 CF-4198301 Nimit S. Thanks John for confirming that you are not facing this issue anymore. Hence, I am closing this case.
Tracker Comment Comment on When enablecfoutputonly is on, output cascades into included templates. by Nimit S.
2608159 CF-4177084 Nimit S. Stephen,
I am closing this bug for now. If there are enough votes to this. We may revisit this bug.
2608189 CF-4167033 External U. @poonam as I am aware that this AMI will be discontinued shortly, feel free to close out the track. Thanks.
2608198 CF-4165678 External U. I am on Version 11,0,08,298512 and still see the error.