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Tracker Issue CF10 Updater14 Web Services throws ZipException Error
to Reproduce:
Install Updater14.
Actual Result:
java.util.zip.ZipException com.ibm.ws.classloader.ClassLoaderUtils.addDependents
Expected Result:
Return values from web service
Any Workarounds:
We are currently looking at this entry on the CF team blog.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by External U.
Comment on Web Socket Frame Size Error in Google Chrome and IE by Kailash B.
Tracker Comment Comment on Web services will not be served over https, if wsdl version 2 is being used. by External U.
Comment on Web services will not be served over https, if wsdl version 2 is being used. by External U.
Tracker Comment Comment on Web services will not be served over https, if wsdl version 2 is being used. by External U.
Comment on Web services will not be served over https, if wsdl version 2 is being used. by External U.
Comment on New ColdFusion Release Adds Performance Monitoring Toolset for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing High-Performing Web Apps by James Mohler
web services in the manner I have described (which have previously required tools.jar).
I have also now logged this request with CFsup@adobe.com and Vikram Kumar on the ColdFusion Support team is investigating it further.
Comment on New ColdFusion Release Adds Performance Monitoring Toolset for Measuring, Monitoring and Managing High-Performing Web Apps by Aaron Neff
Tracker Comment Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
Comment on Please improve the web server configuration tool, to deal with common Adobe-recommended tuning tweaks by External U.
2609729 CF-3791392 Charlie A. It's kind of sad to read the original request above and think that the team responded to it, adding /api as a new "reserved URL", thus breaking any apps of people moving to CF11 or 2016 who already had an /api folder in their web site. Now THEY have to edit the web
Tracker Comment Comment on Sec-WebSocket-Protocol by Nimit S.
Comment on Sec-WebSocket-Protocol by Nimit S.
Tracker Comment Comment on SerializeJSON() does not fully serialize array of entities from Entity Load by External U.
2613720 CF-3175667 External U. This is such a fundamental requirement for a contemporary 'web-centric' language, that a legitimate question is prompted here regarding whether it's possible to even bring Adobe CF to a project planning meeting anymore ... long-time CF lover here, but finding it more
2614152 CF-3129769 External U. Would be nice is Tomcat, Glassfish, and Resin were supported. Only JBoss, webSphere, and WebLogic are currently.
Also maybe a blog post on "One can install and run CF 9 and CF 10 simultaneously on his/her machine" from the Adobe CF team would be great. I know
Portal Topic ColdFusion performance issues and optimization
RAHUL UPADHYAY ColdFusion performance issues and optimization Performance issues are one of the biggest challenges to expect when designing and implementing web applications. Performance problems can disrupt your business, which can result in short and long term loss of revenue. The Cold
Tracker Issue REST returns "Unsupported Media Type"
2878888 CF-4198363 REST Services e-domizil License Team REST returns "Unsupported Media Type" Problem Description: We followed your documentation from https://helpx.adobe.com/coldfusion/developing-applications/changes-in-coldfusion/restful-web-services-in-coldfusion.html and https
Portal Topic EWS End of life and Microsoft Graph
Billy Fan EWS End of life and Microsoft Graph Last year, Microsoft published their upcoming changes to Exchange Web Services (EWS) API for Office 365 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Exchange-Team-Blog/Upcoming-changes-to-Exchange-Web-Services-EWS-API-for-Office-365/ba-p/608055 And I believe
3475133 CF-4199617 Core Runtime e-domizil License Team ColdFusion service does not start with large cfclasses folder Problem Description: We expierence startup issues of ColdFusion. This happens when the folders "C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cfclasses" has 50K or 75K class files cached
lumps indicating two servlet exceptions and that the cfusion context failed to start. (See attachment)
Any Workarounds: In email follow-up from Krishna with the Adobe CF team, he identified a work-around of copying the cfusion context's WEB-INF folder to /WEB-INF, and restarting the server. Starting
Portal Comment Comment on 25 Years of Adobe ColdFusion by Charlie Arehart
Charlie Arehart
Perhaps because Adobe is a huge corporation, and different parts of its hundreds of web sites are built by different teams, and may have been acquired or purchased, or may be off the shelf software?
Indeed, I have no doubt that some of the people involved in such sites don
message online (Yahoo online mail) or when I download it to my desktop PC’s Outlook inbox.
Steps to Reproduce:
Create an email using and and view the email in iPad or iPhone email client. The email arrives, subject displays, but there is no body text of the message. Viewing online in Yahoo email web
Tracker Comment Comment on Local Documentation is missing by External U.
2613157 CF-3342688 External U. +99999
Whether or not you like to use them is irrelevant and sujective. The point here is a polished product SHOULD include the docs and in this instance the installer even asks if you like them installed so:
a) VERY unprofessional of Adobe CF QA team to miss
Tracker Issue Please enable some form of metrics/monitoring for the CF10/11 web server connector pooling
Please enable some form of metrics/monitoring for the CF10/11 web server connector pooling
Team for help with this on CFsup@adobe.com
I hope this post helps though.
Installing ColdFusion 2016 in Distributed Mode under Windows/IIS:
- Install IIS (and URL Rewrite) on the Distributed Web Server
- Install Visual C++ 2012 x64
Portal Comment Comment on 25 Years of Adobe ColdFusion by Charlie Arehart
reasons to use CF, documented on that site and elsewhere), then there's perhaps nothing else that can be done to influence them.
And I can't see it being a reason that someone will compel the team behind that newsroom site to change their tech.
Again, it's not a zero-sum game. Will such a person only
6346370 CF-4205448 Installation/Config : Connector Connector problems: "Tomcat is down or refused connection" Problem Description:
We are unable to launch web requests on one of our ColdFusion innstances. The error in the isapi_redirect.log reads:
[Wed Oct 16 11:14:36.380 2019] [4732:12764] [info
't stand the lack of structure or easy review of previous comments in a given thread, perhaps from days ago, as we can do here or in any web forum or mailing list).
But I know it used to be Anit Panda who watched that for the cf team. He left Adobe last month, announcing that (so not just disappearing
2608802 CF-3991100 Web Container (Tomcat) Dik Klop Cluster instances still don't start after upgrading to CF11 HotFix 5 Problem Description:
Still same issue as bug 3910257
Instances in a cluster won't start.
Steps to Reproduce:
I did a clean install of CF11 and upgraded immedialy to HF5.
Expected Result: The site's page should load without error.
Any Workarounds:
When the error occurs the only solution to get all sites working again is to reset CF and IIS.
Because the CF team mentioned that the IIS-CF connector needs to be tuned based on the server's load, we have spent a lot
Tracker Comment Comment on Issue with session rotation in CFADmin by External U.
) I'm seeing this on
* which versions of CF I'm seeing it on
* if I clear my cookies does that fix the issue, and if so, for how long
* what web server I'm using
* etc.
All the minimum baseline things that ought to occur to your people even before trying to replicate it. No. Instead you just close
Tracker Comment Comment on ColdFusion not responding after clock change from GMT to BST by External U.
The server is CF10 update 11 Standard on Windows 2008 ( stared to happen on update 4 too )
Our server clock is GMT etc etc
Adobe Team - Please Give this the serious attention it requires
could it be a problem with scheduled tasks being initialised on start up ?
The error seems
and other software.
After consulting with me via Team Viewer, Nimit Sharma was able to reproduce this problem as well.
Problem was discussed in this forum thread:
Portal Comment Comment on Public beta for Adobe ColdFusion (2018 release) and Adobe ColdFusion Builder (2018 release) by Charlie Arehart
not work for Adobe: I am not even a partner. I don't get any of my consulting from Adobe. People find me on the web, because I put out there information and lessons learned about troubleshooting, and by word of mouth from satisfied customers, I'm sure. I don't do any sort of advertisement or even SEO stuff
Filter)new MonitoringFilter(filter, "WEB SERVICE REQUEST");
filter = (FusionFilter)new PathFilter(filter, calledPagePath);
return filter;
Additionally, going back further, see bug #CF-3506757. In one of the comments, Paul Nibin writes: "The Application filter were not running when invoking