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Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: final immutability by Aaron N.
4250957 CF-4202132 Aaron N. Copying Ryan Guill's msg from Slack:
I agree that final making things immutable would be nicer, but I doubt very seriously that they would ever make immutable data structures[….]. This use of final is more like `const` in js, which I think has its uses, but agreed
Tracker Comment Comment on [ANeff] ER for: final immutability by Aaron N.
4250957 CF-4202132 Aaron N. Also noting that Ryan Guill, Brad Wood and Matt Brown agree with Jamie Purchase.
So, there's mixed feelings.
I agree the current behavior has its uses. BUT, I also agree that the current behavior is less useful than immutability.
So this feature needs discussed a bit
Tracker Issue Inconsistency between isDate() and isValid("date",)
2610655 CF-3688661 Documentation Ryan Guill Inconsistency between isDate() and isValid("date",) Problem Description:
I am seeing an inconsistency between isDate() and isValid("date",). Below is a link to a gist that describes the scenario.
Steps to Reproduce:
2600660 CF-3038792 Language Ryan Guill Bug 77700:(Watson Migration Closure)I would really like to see a built-in way to parse (and convert back to) markdown syntax: http://daringfireball Problem:
I would really like to see a built-in way to parse (and convert back to) markdown syntax: http