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Tracker Issue Bug 82372:When specifying a scheduled action via cfschedule, an ampersand in the URL is stripped out
2598641 CF-3041102 Scheduler Rob Kolosky Bug 82372:When specifying a scheduled action via cfschedule, an ampersand in the URL is stripped out Problem:
When specifying a scheduled action via cfschedule, an ampersand in the URL is stripped out. However, you can put an apmersand into the URL through
2599103 CF-3040583 Document Management : Office Integration Rob Kolosky Bug 81151:When writing values to a spreadsheet, leading zeroes are removed Duplicate ID: CF-3039981
When writing values to a spreadsheet, leading zeroes are removed. They should be preserved.
2599561 CF-3039960 Documentation : Examples Rob Kolosky Bug 79862:In the documentation Developing Applications, p Problem:
In the documentation Developing Applications, p. 574, it says for preDelete() "The delete operation is vetoed if this method returns true."This doesn't appear to work.
2599948 CF-3039549 Document Management : Office Integration Rob Kolosky Bug 79265:(Watson Migration Closure)Can cfspreadsheet access page setup, in order to set Landscape or portrait mode? Or set the scale?In Apache POI, I can say:
----------------------------- Additional Watson
2599950 CF-3039547 Document Management : Office Integration Rob Kolosky Bug 79263:(Watson Migration Closure)Is there a way to specify a page break in cfspreadsheet?In Apache POI, I can do:And that creates a page break with the first page having one row.
Tracker Issue Bug 81254:Using <cffileupload>, I upload to a <cffile action="upload"> with accept set to "application/excel,application/vnd
2599045 CF-3040654 File Management : VFS-S3 Rob Kolosky Bug 81254:Using , I upload to a with accept set to "application/excel,application/vnd Duplicate ID: CF-3040567
Using , I upload to a with accept set to "application
2599612 CF-3039905 ORM Support Rob Kolosky Bug 79756:With ORM settings to dropcreate, when you create a new CFC, the first time you load the application, you always get a message that the table for the CFC doesn't exist Problem:
With ORM settings to dropcreate, when you create a new CFC, the first
2599827 CF-3039684 Documentation : Examples Rob Kolosky Bug 79463:In the Coldfusion Public Beta cfmlref PDF, spreadsheetMergeCells says:SpreadsheetMergeCells(spreadsheetObj, startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn)Cold Fusion Builder and the Cold Fusion 9 product b Problem:
In the Coldfusion
2599927 CF-3039571 Document Management : Office Integration Rob Kolosky Bug 79294:I’m attempting to make a spreadsheet with 2 merged areas, and the spreadsheetMergeCells() appears to be giving me problems Problem:
I’m attempting to make a spreadsheet with 2 merged areas, and the spreadsheet
Tracker Issue Migrated scheduled tasks show incorrect information
2613578 CF-3218423 Scheduler Rob Kolosky Migrated scheduled tasks show incorrect information Problem Description:
I have a scheduled task that was migrated from Cold Fusion 9 to Cold Fusion 10. Existing code looks for the scheduled task, and if required, re-schedules the task for the next run time
Tracker Issue Bug 83574:Attempting to login to an Exchange 2007 server and retrieve attachments from messages
2598080 CF-3041764 CFExchange Rob Kolosky Bug 83574:Attempting to login to an Exchange 2007 server and retrieve attachments from messages Problem:
Attempting to login to an Exchange 2007 server and retrieve attachments from messages. I connect to the Exchange server, but when I attempt to get
Tracker Issue CFPDF doesn't add headers/footers to PDF files
2612599 CF-3493990 Document Management Rob Kolosky CFPDF doesn't add headers/footers to PDF files Problem Description: When attempting to add a header of footer to a PDF file, ColdFusion throws an error
Steps to Reproduce: With any PDF, run the code:
The system responds with:
The system has
2597407 CF-3043888 Document Management : PDF manipulation Rob Kolosky Bug 86968:(Watson Migration Closure)When running , COld Fusion responds with an error message. THe error message says "PDFDocException Created on Sep 12, 2006" and points to the line where the cfpdf call is.